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Gal-Mugdi Back To Their Old Tricks Again. Attack On Galkayo Airport

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DEG DEG: Maleeshiyaad Hubsayn oo weerartay Garoonka Diyaaradaha ee Magaalada Gaalkacyo


Gaalkacyo[RBC Radio] Maleeshiyaad hubaysan oo sida la sheegay ku sugan Koonfurta magaalada Gaalkacyo ayaa maanta weerar ku qaaday garoonka diyaaradaha ee magaalada Gaalkaco oo xiligaasi ay ka socotay hawlo dhanka duulimaadka ah.


Kooxda maleeshiyada ah oo ku hubaysnaa hubka noocyadiisa kala duwan ayaa dhowr baasuuke kusoo tuuray garoonka iyadoona uusan geysan wax khasaare ah,waxaana ka gudaha garoonka fadhiyey diyaarado isugu jiray kuwa rakaab keenay,kuwa qaadayey iyo kuwa caalami ah sida kuwa UN-ka.


Taliyaha qeybta Booliska gobolka Mudug Jaamac Maxamed Axmed ayaa RBC Radio u sheegay in hubka ay soo tuureen aysan wax khasaare ah geysan haddana ay ku guda jiraan cida falkaas ka danbeysa ayna wadaan baaritaan ku aadan hawshaas.


Sidoo kale waxa uu tilmaamay in aysan Jawaab ka bixin Ciidamada Puntland ee ku sugnaa gudaha garoonka taasina ay ugu wacantahay in aysan habooneyn in kooxo maleeshiyo ah loo jawaabo.


Inta badan ma ahan kuwa ku cusub magaalada Gaalkacyo gaar ahaan garoonka diyaaradaha oo hub lala dhaco waxaana ay noqoneysaa mid marar badan soo noqnoqtay balse kuwii horre ayaa geysan jiray khasaare walow kan maanta uusan wax khasaare ah geysan.


RBC Radio


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Dr_Osman;792126 wrote:
DEG DEG: Maleeshiyaad Hubsayn oo weerartay Garoonka Diyaaradaha ee Magaalada Gaalkacyo


Gaalkacyo[RBC Radio] Maleeshiyaad hubaysan oo sida la sheegay ku sugan Koonfurta magaalada Gaalkacyo ayaa maanta weerar ku qaaday garoonka diyaaradaha ee magaalada Gaalkaco oo xiligaasi ay ka socotay hawlo dhanka duulimaadka ah.


Kooxda maleeshiyada ah oo ku hubaysnaa hubka noocyadiisa kala duwan ayaa dhowr baasuuke kusoo tuuray garoonka iyadoona uusan geysan wax khasaare ah,waxaana ka gudaha garoonka fadhiyey diyaarado isugu jiray kuwa rakaab keenay,kuwa qaadayey iyo kuwa caalami ah sida kuwa UN-ka.


Taliyaha qeybta Booliska gobolka Mudug Jaamac Maxamed Axmed ayaa RBC Radio u sheegay in hubka ay soo tuureen aysan wax khasaare ah geysan haddana ay ku guda jiraan cida falkaas ka danbeysa ayna wadaan baaritaan ku aadan hawshaas.


Sidoo kale waxa uu tilmaamay in aysan Jawaab ka bixin Ciidamada Puntland ee ku sugnaa gudaha garoonka taasina ay ugu wacantahay in aysan habooneyn in kooxo maleeshiyo ah loo jawaabo.


Inta badan ma ahan kuwa ku cusub magaalada Gaalkacyo gaar ahaan garoonka diyaaradaha oo hub lala dhaco waxaana ay noqoneysaa mid marar badan soo noqnoqtay balse kuwii horre ayaa geysan jiray khasaare walow kan maanta uusan wax khasaare ah geysan.


RBC Radio


It seems the unionists are struggling to unite a small town...Somalia...NO CHANCE :cool:

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Xaaji Xunjuf;792131 wrote:
Well technically the airport belongs to them since its located in the southern section of the city

It doesn't belong to them. And the airport has always been part of the Northern side, it was part of the agreement to led them back into the city.


They live in 1 out of the 12 districts, not even half of Israac or even Garsoor.

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Hubka ayaa ahaa mid culus mana jirin qasaaro uu gaystay sida u sheegeen saraakiil katirsan Garoonka diyaaraha Galkacyo waxaana ay cadeeyeen in laga soo ganay dhinaca koonfurta Galkacyo.


Abaarta maleeshiyaadka ayaa ahaa in ay waxyeeleeyaan Garoonka iyo shaqada ka socota balse uma suuragalin hadafkii ay lahaayeen shaqada garoonkana waxaa ay u socotaa sidii loogu talagalay mana jirin hakadgalay”ayuu yiri masuul katirsan madaxda Garoonka.


Maha dhacdii koowaad waxaa mararbadan dhaca in maleeshiyaadka koonfurta Galkacyo ay qaadaan talaabooyin caynakan oo kalaa waxaana mararka qaar dhaca in waxyeelo soo gaarto qaybo kamida Garoonka inkastoo ay jawaabo kala kulmeen ciidamada ilaalada Garoonka.


Maleeshiyaadka Koonfurta in ay ku dhiiradaan weerarada Garoonka waxa sahasha sida la sheegay xukumada Puntland oo talaaba cad aan qaadin ama dhayalsanaysa weerarada hadii ay sii socdaana waxaa suuragala in shaqada Garoonka ay wax u dhinto.

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It's not all of Galmudug that's a problem, it's just that the administration can't control some parts and those are the people causing trouble.


Puntland should use whatever future funds it can get to help the administration because if Galkacyo isn't calm, Puntland won't be calm.


If it was 10 years ago, the city should have been cleared.

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The Faroole admin has failed to deal with Galkacyu and Mudug in general and this will haunt him soon enough. However the City is an important one and these incidents aside is doing quite well. Thanks to its hardworking and tough residents.


XX, Galkacyu airport and City is not in dispute, its part of Puntland.

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General Duke;792230 wrote:
The Faroole admin has failed to deal with Galkacyu and Mudug in general and this will haunt him soon enough.

I totally agree.


Galkacyo is one of the biggest cash cows for the state of Puntland. The President has repeatedly sidestepped efforts to re-invest the city's tax revenue back into security projects, partly because of his belief that such move puts the whole Puntland admin at a financial difficulty. The President somehow thinks he can get by with whatever measures undertaken.


Galkacyo is desperate for help and the local admin is struggling at best. The President needs to change his strategy.


Inshallah kheyr.

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General Duke;792230 wrote:
The Faroole admin has failed to deal with Galkacyu and Mudug in general and this will haunt him soon enough. However the City is an important one and these incidents aside is doing quite well. Thanks to its hardworking and tough residents.


XX, Galkacyu airport and City is not in dispute, its part of Puntland.

i disagree with you duke, i think reer mudug failed mudug. The reer mudug society and their numerous organizations need to come together and do something about the current state of mudug.

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Xaaji Xunjuf;792131 wrote:
Well technically the airport belongs to them since its located in the southern section of the city

The airport belongs to Galkacyo citizens.

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*ANWAR*;792256 wrote:
soon Galkacyu and the airport will be part of Galmudug inshallah

sure thing and while you're at it, do you also believe in tooth fairy.

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Somalina;792259 wrote:
The airport belongs to Galkacyo citizens.

THE REAL question is which mamuul do the airport belong 2? north or south

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