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Advice from snm/Somalidiidland Clan Secessionists "Never Trust Britain &Ethiopia,They Betrayed Us"


By Mohamud Tani ( Somalidiid Clan-Secessionist)


Feb. 03, 2012



Somaliland: To go or not to go to the London Conference.


Never trust the British with your fate. Never! From Palestine and Israel to Kashmir and Pakistan to Rhodesia and South Arica, all the way to Haud and reserved Area the Foreign office and its bureaucrats were all throughout history on the wrong side of issues. Britain always left a legacy of trouble. It has no history of ever solving one. Did you ever detect the true colours of Tony Blair before the Iraq war? Jomo Kenyatta once said “My British friends came to our land with a Bible in their hands. They told us to shut our eyes for a moment. When we opened our eyes, they had the land and we had the Bible.“ Such is the British treachery. They are telling us now to shut our eyes. Trust the Americans. They always mean what they say. Do not ever get caught by the hypocrisy that built an empire through sheer cunning and deceit.


Well, all this would not have happened had the Somaliland government gave to the British officials the standard answer that we had for the world since the first day of the existence of Somaliland - Somaliland will only negotiate with a one government in the South. Our present government tried to be clever. They also needed some assistance for our cash strapped little country. They went to London and to the horror of everybody in Somaliland our Government was in the same table with Puntland and Gslmudug. Silanyo and his Government did in one step to reduce the standing of Somaliland from a De Facto country to the status of a clan or subclan. They accepted to be In the same protocol with ********** (Puntland), Habar/Gidir Saad (Galmudug) Habar/ Gidir *** (Ahlu Suna Wa Jamaa). They again did the same in Nairobi. Then all disaster followed. Our clever government were not so clever after all. It was a classic case of the hyena dating the wrong guy. Maybe they got a little cash, but they threw away the demand that we be treated as what we are: a NATION and no other way. Nobody took us seriously after that. Now we are being expected to come to London again and the President t himself has to appear and sit in the same line with Puntland and Galmug presidents as a representative of a region called Somaliland that is in Somalia. Sh. Shariif will be seated among the world leaders. Siilanyo being a member of other regional delegations from Somalia will be sitting behind him. What a disgrace!! Imagine seeing that picture in the CNN and the BBC.


Apart from the external affairs fiasco it caused, the downgrading of Somaliland to level of **********, Saad and *** has also caused an internal disintegration. Every political opportunist now wants to go to the Conference of the clans in London. This would not have happened had we not participated two of the first four preparatory meeting. Had we stayed out altogether as we always used to (before we started to be clever) , no one from Somaliland would have dreamed neither Khatumo nor Awdal nor Makhir nor others that are in pipeline. By downgrading the status of Somaliland Mr. Silanyo has opened a Pandora box. I Quote here Faisal Waraabe commenting when on the first time that we participated the London preparatory Conference. He Said “Mr Silanyo Listen .You are My president only in the context of Somaliland. Outside that you are not . If you go again to a table where Somali clans are meeting. Yes Listen . You only represent your sub-clan ,and I will go representing mine” That is what Faisal said that day. Now are you surprised at Ali Khaliif ? In the name of fairness let us give the devil his due.

Now what we need is sobriety and level headedness. Qualities we lack so much now in Somaliland. Let us weigh arguments for or against going to London.


Those who say let us go are stating their case like this. Forty or more world leaders are coming. Somaliland will have a golden opportunity to state its case to the international audience and it’s a chance we cannot miss. That would have been a very strong argument if the question of Somaliland and its future was in the Agenda. World leaders who are coming where not made aware of a discussion about Somaliland. How different it is, how good it is and how it needs to be recognized? The Agenda is clear. It is about Piracy, Shabaab , Famine and the formation of a National inclusive Government. Nowhere in the Agenda is Somaliland mentioned good or bad.




On the contrary the preamble of the Agenda stated that the Territorial Integrity of Somalia will be maintained. Sh. Shariif and his Government will be speaking to the delegates representing all the Somali delegates there including us. Regional presidents will not speak. If World leaders give Regional presidents a photo op that is the best they can get out of the conference. I hope that is not what our leaders want. A picture with Dave Cameron.!! That can be arranged by one Somalilander who is a resident at the Prime Ministers riding in UK.


Now let us look at the other side of the coin. I believe if we do not go to the conference in London, the British Prime Minister will not be happy. He will be angry at his lower officials that they let him down. That the International community will see that the conference that the PM lent his name has a great hole in it. The PM will see the lower British officials misrepresented the case of Somaliland and did not give it the weight that it was due. The World will ask themselves who is that who did not come. The answer readily comes to our advantage. The entire international friends and journalist supporter that we gathered in these twenty years will fill the void. Look who is not being accommodated here? The most peaceful, the most stable, the most democratic, the only people that defeated Shabaab, the only people those Pirates are afraid of, the best is missing. Only then will our demands be listened to. That is the way we should play the game.


Mohamud Tani

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Madaxweyne Siilaanyo oo Labada Gole qado ugu sameeyay Hutelka Maan-soor iyo labada Gole oo beri fadhi wadajir ah ku Ansixin doona tagitaanka Shirka Ingiriiska


Waaheen (Somalidiid website)


Hargeysa(Waaheen) Madaxweynaha Somaliland Axmed Maxamed Maxamud Siilaanyo ayaa manta mudanayaasha labada Gole ee Wakiiladda iyo Guurtida ugu sameeyay kulan qado ah oo uu ugu bandhigay xukuumaddu xogaha ay ka hayso shirka Ingiriisku u qabanayo Somaliya inuu yahay mid ay ka madax banaan tahay Somaliland isla markaana ay ku taageeraan.


Madaxweyne Siilaanyo waxa uu Mudanayaasha kaga codsaday kulankaasi inay isla berry kulan wadajir ah ka yeeshaan oo ay u Ansixiyaan si ay xukuumaddu shirkaasi uga qayb gasho isagoo sheegay in loo baahan yahay fursada Somaliland ugu jirta shirkaasi inay ka soo faa’iideeyaan oo Beesha Caalamka ee ka soo qayb galaysa qadiyadda Somaliland u bandhigaan.


Waxa kale oo uu Madaxweyne Siilaanyo labada Gole ugu balanqaaday wixii faahfaahin ah ee ku saabsan Ajandaha shirkaasi haddii ay su’aalo uga baahan yihiin ay xukuumadda ka weydiinayaan in uu u soo diri doono wasiirka Arrimaha Dibeda Somaliland Maxamed C/laahi Cumar.


Kulankan oo ahaa mid ay albaabadu u xidhnaayeen oo aan saxaafadda loo ogolayn ayaa ku dhamaaday jawi degan waxaanay sheegeen qaar ka mid ah Xildhibaanadii ka qayb galay oo aanu siyaabo kala duwan wax uga weydiinay in uu ku dhamaaday jawi qurux badan sharci ahaana aay labada gole beri iskaga iman doonaan sidii loom eel marin lahaa.












Salaadiinta Somaliland oo Dawlada ku taageeray in si Mug leh looga qayb Galo Shirka Ingiriisku u qabanayo Somalida, kana waramay kulan ay Madaxweyne Siilaanyo la yeesheen


Waaheen (Somalidiid website)


Hargeysa(Waaheen)-Qaar ka mid ah Salaadiinta Somaliland oo maanta shir jaraa’id ku qabtay Hoteelka Xaraf ee Magaalada Hargeysa ayaa faah-faahin kaga bixiyay Kulan ay saaka la yeesheen Madaxweynaha Somaliland iyo xubno ka mid ah Golihiisa Wasiiradda.


Kulankaasoo ka dhacay qasriga madaxtooyada Somaliland waxa ay Salaadiintu sheegeen inay madaxweynaha kala hadleen arrimo ku saabsan shirka Somalida loogu qabanayo dalka Ingiriiska ee Somaliland lagu soo casuumay iyo nabad-gelyo darada ka taagan Gobolada Sool iyo Buuhoodle.


Suldaanka Guud ee Beesha Toljecle Suldaan Axmed Daahir oo ugu horeyn shirkaasi ka hadlay ayaa si weyn ugu mahad naqay madaxweynaha Somaliland iyo Golihiisa wasiirada oo uu uga mahad celiyay sida ay uga aqbaleen talooyin badan oo ay kulankaasi uga jeediyeen.


Suldaan Siciid xaaji Yuusuf Ducaale oo ka mid ahaa Saddex Suldaan oo Isimaddani u wakiisheen inay faah-faahin ka bixiyaan wixii ay madaxweynaha ka wada hadleen iyo arimo ay isla qaateen dawlada oo ku saabsan shirka London ayaa sheegay “waxaanu ka soo baxnay shir aanu la yeelanay madaxweynaha Somaliland iyo Wasiiro oo aanu ka wada hadalnay go’aanka ay gaaadheen ee in laga qayb galo shirka London lagu qabanayo oo lagu soo casuumay dawlado badan oo ay ka mid tahay Somaliland, kaasoo aanu hore anagu hadii aanu nahay Golaha Salaadiinta si gaar ah u falan qaynay, ka dibna waxaanu isla garanay inay maanta haboontahay in laga qayb galo”ayuu yidhi.


Suldaanka ayaa intaasi ku daray “Nasiib wanaag madaxweynaha iyo dawladu waxay go’aamiyeen , oo ay naga talo geliyeen in lala qaato go’aanka ay soo jeediyeen oo shirkaasi si mug leh looga qayb galo, anaguna anagoo ka wakiil ah umadda Jamhuuriyada Somaliland waxaanu ku taageernay in laga qayb galo shirkaasoo maanta waxa inoo diidayaa jirin, waayo oo dawlad isku dheeli tiran ayaynu”


“markaa madaxweynaha iyo dawlada waanu ku taageersanahay in laga qayb galo shirka, waanan ugu ducaynaynaa, shacbiga reer Somaliland meel kasta oo ay joogaana waxaan lu soo jeedinaynaa inay go’aankaa nala qaata”ayuu yidhi Suldaan Siciid.


Suldaan Siciid waxa kale oo uu sheegay inay madaxweynaha kala hadleen nabad gelyo darada ka jirta Gobolada Bariga “waxa kale oo aanu madaxweynaha kala hadalnay shaqaaqada ka taagan gobolada bariga, gaar ahaan Degmada Buuhoodle, taasoo aanu soo jeedinayno anagoo Salaadiintii ah in arintaasi nabad gelyo lagu dhameeyo colaad waynu naqaanaa oo wiilbaa ku dhinta ee wiil kuma dhasho”.


“markaa waxaanu madaxdhaqameed ahaan ugu baaqaynaa dhinacyada ay khusayso in nabad-gelyo iyo wada hadal lagu dhameeyo wixii wax tirsi ah,anagoo ka tacsiyadaynayna dadkii halkaasi ku dhintay qoysaskoodii iyo dhamaan shacbiga Somaliland inuu illaahay samir iyo iimaan ka siiyo, kuwii ku dhaawacmayna illaahayn ha u sahlo oo caaafimaad ha ugu bedelo”ayuu yidhi Suldaanku.


Suldaanka Guud ee Beelaha Somaliland Suldaan Maxamed Suldaan C/qaadir, Suldaan Aadan Faarax Cumar iyo Suldaan Xiis Bare Yuusuf oo iyaguna shirkaasi jaraa’id ka hadlay ayaa sheegay inay taageersan yihiin in dawlada Somaliland ka qayb gasho shirka Somaliya loogu qabanayo London.


Salaadiintan ayaa sidoo kale ku baaqay in shaqaaqada Gobolada Bariga Somaliland, gaar ahaan Deegaamada Buuhoodle lagu xaliyo wada hadal iyo nabad-gelyo, lana joojiyo colaada, iyagoo ugu baaqay nadaxdhaqameedyada deegaankaasina inay nabada iyo wada noolaanshaha Bulshada Somaliland ka shaqeeyaan, isla markaana ajiibaan gogosha nabada ee ay ugu baaqayaan.


Saleban Cabdi Cali


Hargeysa Waaheen Des

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Freedom, you are truly delusional. What part of reality don't you get?? What I write is not spiteful but factual. Somaliland is not a feasible entity and has nothing to do with the future of East Africa. That part is a given...the only thing you need to get your head around is the share of the political power your province will have in the Somali parliament. Siilanyo is part of Somalia's past history along with Said Barre as well as the atrocities that is happening today in the SSC regions and does not deserve to be chosen as a president It will be quite unfortunate if it happens. Even though earlier i said it doesnt matter if he is chosen, because he isnt worse than all the warlords that are or were in the TFG. But, we shouldn't correct a mistake with a mistake..I honestly think we should get rid of all the warlords. walaal, It is time for new faces and a rejuvenation of Somali patriotism...something I believe you'll eventually, if you have any common sense, will learn to develop. As a Somaliweyn citizen, something I hope you reconcile yourself with,the feelings of somali patriotism is only right.

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Aaliyyah;785273 wrote:
Freedom, you are truly delusional. What part of reality don't you get?? What I write is not spiteful but factual. Somaliland is not a feasible entity and has nothing to do with the future of East Africa. That part is a given...the only thing you need to get your head around is the share of the political power your province will have in the Somali parliament. Siilanyo is part of Somalia's past history along with Said Barre as well as the atrocities that is happening today in the SSC regions and does not deserve to be chosen as a president It will be quite unfortunate if it happens. Even though earlier i said it doesnt matter if he is chosen, because he isnt worse than all the warlords that are or were in the TFG. But, we shouldn't correct a mistake with a mistake..I honestly think we should get rid of all the warlords. walaal, It is time for new faces and a rejuvenation of Somali patriotism...something I believe you'll eventually, if you have any common sense, will learn to develop. As a Somaliweyn citizen, something I hope you reconcile yourself with,the feelings of somali patriotism is only right.

So Siilanyo is a 'warlord' on par with Siad Barre and is comitting 'attrocities' in the bari of Somaliland?


Be thankful to Allah your regions have never witnessed genocidal warfare and pray that they may never know the meaning of real atrocities where your folk will be digging up the mass graves of their kin on every rainy season more than twenty years after an existential war. Collecting 'bullet money' in Toronto is not the way to maintain peace or achieve 'Somaliweyn' contrary to the twisted, hypocritical and illogical beliefs of some folk in this forum. To you Somaliland is not a feasible entity and that is a 'given', to others it is a given that Somaliland is not only feasible but is factually an independent functioning state with define borders and people, who reclaimed the independence they forfeited during those crucial summer days in 1960. Your region so happens to fall within those borders. Even within the concept of 'Somaliweyn' the 5 regions include one that just so happens to be Somaliland. No mention of Puntland, Khatumo or Awdal State in 5taa Somaliyeed. So given the polar opposite views you have with Somalilanders perhaps it would be helpful to try and meet them half way when discussing such matters instead of this typically somali dismissive attitude of opposite views. You think Landers are devoid of common sense and they think your out to lunch with Khatumo. Simply put, you can't expect people to be more understanding towards you if you won't make any effort to be more understanding towards them.

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The suldan is kidding himself with his demands..50% for two cities of Somalia? and 50% for everyone else and on top of that the presidency and the capital city. War ninkana qosol badana, wa niin aan siyasiga waxba ka ogayn. Does he think somaliland has something against somalia when he is demanding such a share? you have nothing suldaanow, your policies are not even on table for negiotation like south sudan who could negiotate what it wanted and what it didnt because their policy was accepted internationally and domestically.


I want 50% of somalia and if i dont get it i will go back to isolation is what the suldan is thinking will get him what he wants. War niyahow siyasiga ka dhex bax suldan ba tahay you have nothing to demand because u have nothing in anyway to threaten us to give you such a slice. If you had recognition on the table then you can demand such things but you dont and we know you never will and therefore we will not give you anything because you lost politically and losers dont have the right to demand

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