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The Minority Christians in Somaliland and Somalia

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aero;767948 wrote:
^The only thing that separates a Muslim from a non-Muslim is salah. Just sayin'

True. Well in that case then, the Non.Muslim's aren't really a minority....:) :) from what i have seen.

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Nin-Yaaban;767946 wrote:
Let me ask you you consider a Somali person who doesn't pray x5 a day a Muslim? What's your definition of a Muslim/Gaal? I know so many Somalis here in Minnesota who are just Muslims by name, and do everything that Islam prohibits. Things like drink/smoke/etc.


I dunno if there are any Somali-Christians, but i sure do kno there are MANY more non.practicing Somalis who just claim to be Muslim by name. I'd respect a Somali Christian who is upfront about their DIIN (Gaalonimo) than i would someone who claims to be Muslim but never practice.

Just my 2 shillings.

See camal, xaaji. Wax aan isku mid ahayn ayaa isla barbardhigeysaa. Muslim waa Muslim, hadduu tukaneynin ama soomeynin, asaga iyo Rabigiisa ayee jirtaa laakiin inaa su'aalnimo ka keeno Muslinnimadiisa waa dambi weyn asagoo leh Muslim baan ahay.

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^What defines a Muslim to you?


ps. Can you also show us where in the Quran or Sunnah that says one cant be questioned about ones claim to Islam, whilst engaging in all that is forbidden in Islam?


Nin Yaban is right - One cant claim to be a Muslim, whist going against the rules and principles of Islam.

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^Bal ku noqo suashaa aad ii weydineysa - again I ask - what is or who is a Muslim?


Horta kala sara what Al-Shabaab is doing in Somalia and all others nuts that say they represent Islam whilst causing havoc - lets go back to the core of the teachings of Islam - what defines a Muslim?


Declairing one is a Muslim, means one has submitted to the will of Allah and to whorship him alone - by doing so is to adhere to the obligation to which creates an islamic structure - marka maa waxaad naa ledhii hiin, one can choose what to do and when to do and yet still claim to be a servant of Allah?


Naga daya dee

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