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Knight of Wisdom

Commemorating The Kalshaale Heroes

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Mujahidiintii Kaalshaale noolaada !


It took place I believe last Novemeber 2010 on a EID day, the SNM militia known as "Somaliland" attacked the locals, resulting in the humiliation of the SNM militia and their defeat, loosing over 130 militiamen and over 200 more wounded. Not surprisingly, the SNM militia waged a full-out war against SSC civilians of Ceerigaabo on a Eid Day (Saturday November 5, 2011). Not to mention, 20 year ago, in 1991, on a EID day, the SNM invaded Xudun town, killing over 60 civilians, men, women, and children.


You could see the pattern. They wage wars on Eid holidays, when no one is suspecting them. Cowards.


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May Allah shower his mercy and receive the Mujahidin of Kalshaale and admit them into his Gardens which rivers flow beneath. They died and sacrificed their lives for their LAND, their PEOPLE and their DEEN. They will be remembered the next thousand years to come and beyond, insha'allah.


Look at how they are competing each other to the front lines....competing each other for Paradise. Walle Geesi isma qariyo !

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53 locals were murdered in Kalshaale, one year ago for no reason other than revenge and s/l project by SNM militia led by Siiraanyo.. AUN.. Now Cerigabo may see the same bloodshed.. War kuwan s/l-ta sheegta wax miyir qaba kuma jiraan miyaa? Where NG?

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A_Khadar;756623 wrote:
53 locals were murdered in Kalshaale, one year ago for no reason other than revenge and s/l project by SNM militia led by Siiraanyo.. AUN.. Now Cerigabo may see the same bloodshed.. War kuwan s/l-ta sheegta wax miyir qaba kuma jiraan miyaa? Where NG?

I am here, saaxib. What story are trying to tell me here? Be specific dee. If it were the "revenge" that happend between the two clans that fought at the time dee maxaad la cabadaysa? They're all backwards and all are wrong, not just my lot. If it is more, I ask you now like I asked you before to give me a proper and unbaist proof of the SL army going out and attacking your lot.

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NGONGE;756626 wrote:
I am here, saaxib. What story are trying to tell me here? Be specific dee. If it were the "revenge" that happend between the two clans that fought at the time dee maxaad la cabadaysa? They're all backwards and all are wrong, not just my lot. If it is more, I ask you now like I asked you before to give me a proper and unbaist proof of the SL army going out and attacking your lot.

Waryaa Maxaad isu khaafinaysaa? You know what I am talking about.. Of course clan kill each other wrongly/rightly and revenge but why using the so called s/l army and its weapons to the public in the city of Cerigabo same as Kalshaale when two clan fight..

Are you telling me you didn't see the video posted other thread by your clanmates brugging where your militia armor vihecles shed the city destorying the houses? War ileen kaan islahaa waa ugu roonyahay baaba ugu daran..

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^^ Nope I did not watch it and my clanmen bragging makes no difference to the point (Knight Of Wisdom claims to be your clansmen and I'm not lumping you with him warya). If you want a tit-for-tat dee horaan kuu sheegay, kuwaa faanaya orodo la muran saaxib. Anigu hadal cad baan kaa doonaya. Did the SL army randomly pick on innocents and kill them? If so, I hereby fully condemn such a cowardly action. Just prove it to me, saaxib. I'm not asking for much.

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A_Khadar;756623 wrote:
53 locals were murdered in Kalshaale, one year ago for no reason other than revenge and s/l project by SNM militia led by Siiraanyo.. AUN.. Now Cerigabo may see the same bloodshed.. War kuwan s/l-ta sheegta wax miyir qaba kuma jiraan miyaa? Where NG?

They took Burco with the help of British from beesha SSC, they took Caynaba, they took Wadamago, they took Oog, they took Cel-Dab, they took Qoorilagud, they took Daruksi, they took Balidhig, and then...they tried to take Kalshaale.


If they had any common sense or caqli, they would've said....we have taken all those towns with the help of British ee let's not go any further for that will be truly beyond aggression and dulmi.


Now, the SSC defenders that died in Kalshaale are in heaven, while the invaders of the SNM militia are definitely burning in Hell (In their grav).

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For what its worth 'knight of wisdom' your using the exact same religious caricatures that was coined by the real SNM during their struggle in the late 80's.

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LANDER;756675 wrote:
For what its worth 'knight of wisdom' your using the exact same religious caricatures that was coined by the real SNM during their struggle in the late 80's.

We could careless what SNM did in the 1980s. If they were truly fighting to secure their deegaans in the 1980s, meaning their death was for their land and their people, good for them. But, obviously it wasn't. They attacked clan in Sool, Sanaag, Awdal and Cayn for revenge and expansionism.

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NGONGE;756643 wrote:
^^ Nope I did not watch it and my clanmen bragging makes no difference to the point (Knight Of Wisdom claims to be your clansmen and I'm not lumping you with him warya). If you want a tit-for-tat dee horaan kuu sheegay, kuwaa faanaya orodo la muran saaxib. Anigu hadal cad baan kaa doonaya. Did the SL army randomly pick on innocents and kill them? If so, I hereby fully condemn such a cowardly action. Just prove it to me, saaxib. I'm not asking for much.

yeah and here are the names children, old man/woman killed by your militia you called s/l army..


Wararkii ugu danbeeyey ee hada uun naga soo gaadhaya magaalada Ceerigaabo ee xarunta gobolka Sanaag ayaa xaqiijinaya in dagaalkii maanta uu ahaa mid khasaare balaadhan gaystay, isla markaana dhaliyey dhimasho, Dhaawac iyo Bur bur hantiyeed. Now you come back and say that isn't from my sources like your sources will admit any wrong doing..


Dagaalkii maanta ayaa dhimashadii ka dhalatay ay u qaybsanayd labo qaybood mid ku dhacday dadkii dagaalamayey ee dirirtu u dhaxaysay, iyo maato fara badan oo ay ku Gumaadeen hubkii Culusaa ee ay adeegsanayeen Maleeshiyaadka duulaanka ahayd ee SNM, ilaa hada magacyada dadka laayey ee maatada ahaa waxaa ka mid ah Hooyo Caasho Maxamed Geelle Camaar, Nin odey ah oo waayeel ah oo da'diisa lagu sheegay 71 jir, magaciisana lagu sheegay Cali Daahir Collaaf, iyo wiilyar oo 12 jir ah oo asagana, ina Cali Habar dile, sidoo kale wiilyar oo kale oo ay dhashay islaanta ay dileen oo markaas guriga la duqeeyey ku dhex jirey ayaa ka mid ah dadka dhintay, inakastoo aanan weli helin magaciisa saxda ah, laguse soo gaabiyey ina Ahmed.


Dhamaan dadkaasi ayaa ahaa kuwii lagu xasuuqay dgaaalkii Gaadmada ahaa, ayadoo warbaahinta SNM ay arinta weji kale isku dayayaan inay u yeelaan, ayagoo sheegay in la soo weeraray Horgal Xaabsade iyo Horgal Xiirane, oo ka mid ahaa waftigii Wasiirka Arimaha gudaha ee Habaryoonis la socdey.




Waxaa sidoo kale wararku sheegayaan in 11 ka mid ah caruur iyo haween, ay dhaawacmeen ay ku jiraan cusbitaalka guud ee Ceerigaabo, waxaa sidoo kale warbaahinta loo xaqiijiyey in dadka dhaawaca ah ay ku jirto gabadh 10 bilood jirta, taasoo ayadana gurigoodii uu gubtay, ayaduna sida la sheegay in ay Caloosha ka gubatay.


Dhanka kale Isgaadhsiintii ayaa gebi ahaanba laga saaray hawada, ayadoo ay adkaatay in lala xidhiidho magaalada, marka laga reebo dhawr line oo ah kuwa Guryaha.


Inta badan shirkadaha isgaadhsiinta ee deeganada SSC laga isticmaalo, waxaa laga lee yahay deeganada SNM, ama ay xarumahooduba yihiin, waxaana dhacda marka xiisado noocaas ahi dhacaan ayaa hawada laga saaraa, si aysan dadku xog u kala qaadan.

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Jacaylbaro;756653 wrote:
They are the Ciidanka SSC when they attack dee ,,, and when they get killed they are INNOCENT ,,,, wax fahan

Let us say they were ciidanka ssc, are they not innocents when they are killed defending their homes and towns from your thugs and you all posting one news after news saying we are closing the border.. Who are you?

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