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Grenade Attack in Nairobi

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This is NOT good news for Kenya and also for the rest of the Somalis in Kenya.The shadowy shade of nightmare has started for Kenya.Though no one has taken credit for the attacks, all the fingers are pointing to AS.Security will be intensified and most of the impact will be felt by the Somali community.I'm sure the most logical place to look for Al-shabab agents will be in the mist of the bustling street of Eastleigh.This attacks will legitimize an illegitimate acts by the brutal undisciplined Kenyan police.I did Support Kenyan defense of its porous borders (and STILL does) but I will not support Kenyan bombardment of major cities like Kismayo.This is a deadly mistake that will only drag Kenya into a quagmire with even more catastrophic than the Uganda's night club attack.I wholeheartedly support Kenyan securing its borders and making sure all the refugees in their country are legal, but the deeper they involve themselves with Somali war/politics the worst it would get for them.It would be difficult for Kenya to win a war with amorphous enemy that is HARD to identify.

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Perhaps the Azania project promises deliverables that justifies Kenya's seemingly dangerous venture. That Sharif has spoken against it tells me that the stakeholders (those who finance the Somali conflict are not even in agreement on this).


But one think is clear; Alshabaab are in a better position than they were prior to Kenya's invasion.

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Nairobi(HWN) Sarkaal sare oo ka mida ah shaqalaha hay,ada Action Aid ee ka hawlgala degmada Isyalo oo mid ah degmooyinka aad ka ugu dhaw dhaw maglaada Nairobi ayaa waxa lagu dilay sarkaalkani gurigiisa oo ku yaala degmadaasi.


Dilka sarkaalkani ayaa waxa lagu xidhiidhinayaa in ay ka danbeeyeen kooxo dablay ah oo aan la garanayn.


Dhanka kale waxa maalamahanba ka socday deegaankaasi Isyelo dagaalo u dhaxeeya qabaa,ilka wada dega deegankaasi waxaana boqolaal ka mid ah dadka deegaankaasi ay ka qaxeen guryahooda iyagoo magangalyo weydistay 4- xero oo militari oo ku yaala deganka.


Dagaalkani ayaa waxa u dhaxeeyaa dad xoolo dhaqato ah oo wada dega deegaankaasi waxaana uu bilaabmay maalintii sabtidii ee todobaadkan waxaan ilaa sidaasiana waxa sheegay taliyaha ciidanka Isyalow Ausgtiisna Nthumb.

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Jacaylbaro;753443 wrote:
Nairobi(HWN) Sarkaal sare oo ka mida ah shaqalaha hay,ada Action Aid ee ka hawlgala degmada Isyalo oo mid ah degmooyinka aad ka ugu dhaw dhaw maglaada Nairobi ayaa waxa lagu dilay sarkaalkani gurigiisa oo ku yaala degmadaasi.


Dilka sarkaalkani ayaa waxa lagu xidhiidhinayaa in ay ka danbeeyeen kooxo dablay ah oo aan la garanayn.


Dhanka kale waxa maalamahanba ka socday deegaankaasi Isyelo dagaalo u dhaxeeya qabaa,ilka wada dega deegankaasi waxaana boqolaal ka mid ah dadka deegaankaasi ay ka qaxeen guryahooda iyagoo magangalyo weydistay 4- xero oo militari oo ku yaala deganka.


Dagaalkani ayaa waxa u dhaxeeyaa dad xoolo dhaqato ah oo wada dega deegaankaasi waxaana uu bilaabmay maalintii sabtidii ee todobaadkan waxaan ilaa sidaasiana waxa sheegay taliyaha ciidanka Isyalow Ausgtiisna Nthumb.

This was a clash between two tribes living in the same area.

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