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Xaaji Xunjuf

Karkaar autonomous state declared in qardho

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Maamul Goboleedka Karkaar State Oo Lagaga Dhawaaqay Qardho-

Lasanod Online. Saturday, September 10, 2011



Qardho,(lasanod Online)- Iyadoo mudooyinkii ugu dambeyay ay soo badanayeen ku dhawaaqista maamul goboleedyada guud ahaanba dalka Soomaaliya..



ayaa maanta (10/09/2011) si rasmi ah magaalada Qardho shaaca lagaga qaaday Maamul goboleedka lagu magacaabo Karkaar State.





Madaxweynaha Karkaar State Coll. Jaadhig.






Madaxweyne ku Xigeenka Karkaar State Mudane Maxamed Aadan Jaamac(Dagaale)



War saxaafadda loogu talo galay ayaa lagu sheegay in maamulkani uu yimi ka dib markii loo arkay in uu yahay muhiim ku dhawaaqistiisa.


Qoraalka ka soo baxay Madaxda Karkaar State ayaa lagu sheegay in ay ka dambaysay ku dhawaaqistiisa ka dib mudo dhowr bilood ah oo ay kulamo yeelayeen dhammaan qeybaha kala duwan ee bulshadda ku dhaqan Karkaar, sida Siyaasiinta,Aqoonyahanadda, Odayaasha,Haweenka,Dhallinyaradda iyo waxgaradka degaanka.


Qoraalka Saxaafadda loogu talo galay oo ka soo baxay Karkaar State

ayaa u qornaa sidan:


Ku: Dowladda Federalka ah ee Soomaaliya

Ku: Dowladaha daneeya arimaha Soomaaliya

Ku: Xafiiska Siyaasadda Qaramadda Midoobay ee Soomaaliya (UNPOS)

Og: dhammaan qeybaha bulshada ee ku dhaqan Karkaar State Of Somaliya


Ujeeddo: dhisid Maamul goboleed cusub


Sida la wada ogsoon yahay markii ay burburtay dowladii dhexe ee Soomaaliya waxay soomaalidu ay u kala tagtay nidaam isirr iyo degaan ku saleysan taas oo dhashay nidaamka iyo habka kaliya ay soomaalid isugu imaan karto in uu yahay nidaamka Federalka ah.


Waana tan dhashay in la dhiso maamul goboleedyo sharci iyo kala dambeyn ku dhisan tasoo lagu baadi gobaayo dowlad dhexe oo federal ah taasoo ay taagertay beesha caalamka.


Sida darted bulshadda ku dhaqan KARKAAR STATE waxa ay maamul wadaag la noqdeen Maamulka Puntland kasoo ujeedooyinkii loo dhisay dhammaan la bal maray , dhibaatooyinkaas ay ugu horaysay wada tashi la’aan , amni xumo , dhaqaale burbur iyo in dhammaan meesha laga saaray ujeedooyinkii looyagleelay maamulka Puntland.


Haddaba markay wada tashi isugu yimaadeen bulshadda ku dhaqan degaanka karkaar taasoo ay ka soo qeyb galeen Isimadda , Aqoonyahanka , siyaasiiyinta , Culuma’udiinka, Sarkiisha Ciidama iyo bulshadda rayidka ah waxa ay go’aan ku gaareen:


In ay xiriirka u jaraan maamulkay horey uga tirsanaayeen ee Puntland.

in ay dhistaan Maamul goboleedka ka turjumikara baahiyaha asaasiga ah ee dadka ku dhaqan gobolka KARKAAR STATE.


in la helo hogaan dowladeed oo ka kooban


a) Madaxweyne

b) Madaxweyne ku xigeen

c) Golle garsoor

d) Golle Baarlamaan


oo laga soo dhex xulay ergoyinkii shirka ka soo qeyb galay shirka, iyo tiro wasiiro ah oo kooban kuwaas oo hanan kara kalsoonidda iyo hanaanka shacabka.


Intaas ka dib waxaa si Kumeel gaar ah loogu doortay Madaxweyne iyo madaxweyne ku xigeen:


Madaxweyne…. Col.Maxamed Siciid Jaamac (Jaadhig)

M/ ku xigeen…. Maxamed Aadan Jaamac (dagale)




Wabilaahi Towfiiq


Afhayeenka Baarlamaanka Karkaar State.

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What I find interesting is how your the first to recognize the fake paper states being advertise by websites known to be anti-Puntland, but when it is the anti-Somaliland websites turn your the first to demote Awdal State, Udubland, etc. as being fake paper states. I take it you like to play the role of a hypocrite with a two horned dilemma.

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Shilling;745581 wrote:
What I find interesting is how your the first to recognize the fake paper states being advertise by websites known to be anti-Puntland, but when it is the anti-Somaliland websites turn your the first to demote Awdal State, Udubland, etc. as being fake paper states. I take it you like to play the role of a hypocrite with a two horned dilemma.

Lol@Lasanod Online, so Awdal State actually has supporters that brought out their flag in the streets of Borama during the secessionists triangle rally but Xaaji deny's their existence. Yet now he is quoting Lasanood Online as a reliable and news worthy source.

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QARDHO (Mareeg) – A new administration, which seceded from Puntland, was declared in the town of Qardho in Karkar region of Puntland, officials said Sunday.


After ceremony held in Qardho town, Karkar State was formally announced to be a new administration and also new president and vice president were designated.


The new leader of Karkar State administration Mohamed Jama said in an interview with mareeg Media Network that they had formed the new administration after Puntland authorities failed to fulfill the mandated duties and limited activities at Garowe town, the capital of Puntland.


Mr. Jama mentioned that the Karkar State will dominate more territories and the people there will be under the control of it.


Asked the military of the new Karkar State, the president said that has the ability to defend itself from Puntland.


“We are not people looking for being authorities, but the society in Karkar region has discussed about that. We came to the power through election and we are self-sufficient” jama said.

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I go away for couple days from SOL and look what happens; the lunatics are running the asylum.


:D @ 'Jaadhig' & 'Dagaale' - now, all we need is Xaaji Xunduf (Borat) and Jacayl Baro (Bacaac) as the Speaker of Parliament and the Deputy respectively , whilst Ayoub ina Ayo (Hello Hello) is named as the Garsoore.


Then you will have the full house.:D

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Jacaylbaro;745654 wrote:
QARDHO (Mareeg) – A new administration, which seceded from Puntland, was declared in the town of Qardho in Karkar region of Puntland, officials said Sunday.


After ceremony held in Qardho town
, Karkar State was formally announced to be a new administration and also new president and vice president were designated.


The new leader of Karkar State administration Mohamed Jama said in an interview with mareeg Media Network that they had formed the new administration after Puntland authorities failed to fulfill the mandated duties and limited activities at Garowe town, the capital of Puntland.


Mr. Jama mentioned that the Karkar State will dominate more territories and the people there will be under the control of it.


Asked the military of the new Karkar State, the president said that has the ability to defend itself from Puntland.


“We are not people looking for being authorities, but the society in Karkar region has discussed about that. We came to the power through election and we are self-sufficient” jama said.

Actually the new state has been declared within Qardho and not abroad like most news so called States..

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