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Terrorist leader killed in Somalia carried plans for bombing the West;

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Suspected al-Qaeda terrorist leader Fazul Abdullah Mohammed was carrying “very specific” plans for bombings in Western countries when he was killed by Somali soldiers near Mogadishu, a Somali intelligence official says.

Mr. Mohammed, the alleged mastermind of the 1998 bombings that killed 224 people at two U.S. embassies in East Africa, was shot dead when his vehicle apparently blundered into a military checkpoint by mistake.

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Somalia’s government confirmed that Somali forces shot and killed al-Qaeda's Fazul Abdullah Mohamed at ex-control point in Mogadishu last week, saying it was a major setback for the terrorist group. “The al-Qaeda murderer Fazul Abdullah Mohamed has been in Somalia since 1996,” said the president. “Sometimes he used to travel outside the country and then used to come back here.”

The president said that the terrorist was the enemy of Somalis and was the masterminded behind the killing of several of his government ministers, students and women. “Fazul had also done such evil attacks in the countries of Kenya and Tanzanian killing innocent civilians,” he said referring to the 1998 bombings of the US embassies in those countries.


“I would like to say, congratulations to all Somali troops and AU peacekeeping forces in Mogadishu for their work in the killing of a key al-Qaeda leader in Mogadishu,” the president said.

He used this opportunity to discuss training and funding for his beleaguered troops, some of whom have gone through training neighboring countries as such Kenya, Uganda and Sudan.

“Our troops must be given priority to get more training programs so that they can protect both their nation and the neighboring countries from the murders like Fazul,” suggested the somali pm .

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