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Osama bin Elvis


By Angelo M. Codevilla, "The American Spectator" from the March 2009 issue


All the evidence suggests Elvis Presley is more alive today than Osama bin Laden. But tell that to the CIA and all the other misconceptualizers of the War on Terror.


Seven years after Osama bin Laden's last verifiable appearance among the living, there is more evidence for Elvis's presence among us than for his. Hence there is reason to ask whether the paradigm of Osama bin Laden as terrorism's deus ex machina and of al Qaeda as the prototype of terrorism may be an artifact of our Best and Brightest's imagination, and whether investment in this paradigm has kept our national security establishment from thinking seriously about our troubles' sources. So let us take a fresh look at the fundamentals.


Dead or Alive?


Negative evidence alone compels the conclusion that Osama is long since dead. Since October 2001, when Al Jazeera's Tayseer Alouni interviewed him, no reputable person reports having seen him—not even after multiple-blind journeys through intermediaries. The audio and video tapes alleged to be Osama's never convinced impartial observers. The guy just does not look like Osama. Some videos show him with a Semitic aquiline nose, while others show him with a shorter, broader one. Next to that, differences between colors and styles of beard are small stuff.


Nor does the tapes' Osama sound like Osama. In 2007 Switzerland's Dalle Molle Institute for Artificial Intelligence, which does computer voice recognition for bank security, compared the voices on 15 undisputed recordings of Osama with the voices on 15 subsequent ones attributed to Osama, to which they added two by native Arab speakers who had trained to imitate him and were reading his writings. All of the purported Osama recordings (with one falling into a gray area) differed clearly from one another as well as from the genuine ones. By contrast, the CIA found all the recordings authentic. It is hard to imagine what methodology might support this conclusion.


Also in 2007, Professor Bruce Lawrence, who heads Duke University's religious studies program, argued in a book on Osama's messages that their increasingly secular language is inconsistent with Osama's Wahhabism. Lawrence noted as well that the Osama figure in the December 2001 video, which many have taken as his assumption of responsibility for 9/11, wears golden rings—decidedly un-Wahhabi. He also writes with the wrong hand. Lawrence concluded that the messages are fakes, and not very good ones. The CIA has judged them all good.


Above all, whereas Elvis impersonators at least sing the King's signature song, "You ain't nutin' but a hound dawg," the words on the Osama tapes differ substantively from what the real Osama used to say—especially about the most important matter. On September 16, 2001, on Al Jazeera, Osama said of 9/11: "I stress that I have not carried out this act, which appears to have been carried out by individuals with their own motivation." Again, in the October interview with Tayseer Alouni, he limited his connection with 9/11 to ideology: "If they mean, or if you mean, that there is a link as a result of our incitement, then it is true. We incite…" But in the so-called "confession video" that the CIA found in December, the Osama figure acts like the chief conspirator. The fact that the video had been made for no self-evident purpose except perhaps to be found by the Americans should have raised suspicion. Its substance, the celebratory affirmation of a responsibility for 9/11 that Osama had denied, should also have weighed against the video's authenticity. Why would he wait to indict himself until after U.S. forces and allies had secured Afghanistan? But the CIA acted as if it had caught Osama red-handed.


The CIA should also have taken seriously the accounts of Osama's death. On December 26, 2001, Fox News interviewed a Taliban source who claimed that he had attended Osama's funeral, along with some 30 associates. The cause of death, he said, had been pulmonary infection. The New York Times on July 11, 2002, reported the consensus of a story widespread in Pakistan that Osama had succumbed the previous year to his long-standing nephritis. Then, Benazir Bhutto—as well connected as anyone with sources of information on the Afghan-Pakistani border—mentioned casually in a BBC interview that Osama had been murdered by his associates. Murder is as likely as natural death. Osama's deputy, Ayman al-Zawahiri, is said to have murdered his own predecessor, Abdullah Azzam, Osama's original mentor. Also, because Osama's capture by the Americans would have endangered everyone with whom he had ever associated, any and all intelligence services who had ever worked with him had an interest in his death.


New Osama, Real Osama


We do not know what happened to Osama. But whatever happened, the original one, the guy who looked and sounded like a spoiled Saudi kid turned ideologue, is no more. The one who exists in the tapes is different: he is the world's terror master, endowed with inexplicable influence. In short, whoever is making the post-November 2001 Osama tapes is pretending to far greater power than Osama ever claimed, much less exercised.


The real Osama bin Laden, like the real al Qaeda over which he presided, was never as important as reports from Arab (especially Saudi) intelligence services led the CIA to believe. Osama's (late) role in Afghanistan's anti-Soviet resistance was to bring in a little money. Arab fighters in general, and particularly the few Osama brought, fought rarely and badly. In war, one Afghan is worth many Arabs. In 1990 Osama told Saudi regent Abdullah that his mujahideen could stop Saddam's invasion of the kingdom. When Abdullah waved him away in favor of a half-million U.S. troops, Osama turned dissident, enough to have to move to Sudan, where he stayed until 1996 hatching sterile anti-Saudi plots until forced to move his forlorn band to Afghanistan.


There is a good reason why neither Osama nor al Qaeda appeared on U.S. intelligence screens until 1998. They had done nothing noteworthy. Since the 1998 bombings of U.S. embassies in Africa, however, and especially after director of Central Intelligence George Tenet imputed responsibility for 9/11 to Osama "game, set, and match," the CIA described him as terrorism's prime mover. It refused to countenance the possibility that Osama's associates might have been using him and his organization as a flag of convenience. As U.S. forces were taking over Afghanistan in 2001, the CIA was telling Time and Newsweek that it expected to find the high-tech headquarters from which Osama controlled terrorist activities in 50 countries. None existed. In November 2008, without factual basis and contrary to reason, the CIA continued to describe him and his organization as "the most clear and present danger to the United States." It did not try to explain how this could be while, it said, Osama is "largely isolated from the day to day operations of the organization he nominally heads." What organization?


Axiom and Opposite


Why such a focus on an organization that was never large, most of whose known associates have long since been killed or captured, and whose assets the CIA does not even try to catalogue? The CIA's official explanation, that al Qaeda has "metastasized" by spreading its expertise, is an empty metaphor. But pursuant to it, the U.S. government accepted the self-designation as "al Qaeda" of persons fighting for Sunni-Baathist interests in Iraq, and has pinned the label gratuitously on sundry high-profile terrorists while acknowledging that their connection to Osama and Co. may be emotional at most. But why such gymnastics in the face of Osama's incontrovertible irrelevance? Because focusing on Osama and al Qaeda affirms a CIA axiom dating from the Cold War, an axiom challenged during the Reagan years but that has been U.S. policy since 1993, namely: terrorism is the work of "rogue individuals and groups" that operate despite state authority. According to this axiom, the likes of Osama run rings around the intelligence services of Arab states—just like the Cold War terrorists who came through Eastern Europe to bomb in Germany and Italy and to shoot Pope John Paul II supposedly acted despite Bulgarian intelligence, despite East Germany's Stasi, despite the KGB. This axiom is dear to many in the U.S. government because it leads logically to working with the countries whence terrorists come rather than to treating them as enemies.


But what if terrorism were (as Thomas Friedman put it) "what states want to happen or let happen"? What if, in the real world, infiltrators from intelligence services—the professionals—use the amateur terrorists rather than the other way around? What is the logical consequence of noting the fact that the terrorist groups that make a difference on planet Earth—such as Hamas and Hezbollah, the PLO, Colombia's FARC—are extensions of, respectively, Iran, Saudi Arabia and Egypt, and Venezuela? It is the negation of the U.S. government's favorite axiom. It means that when George W. Bush spoke, and when Barack Obama speaks, of America being "at war" against "extremism" or "extremists" they are either being ****** or acting ****** to avoid dealing with the nasty fact that many governments wage indirect warfare.


In short, insisting on Osama's supposed mastery of al Qaeda, and on equating terrorism with al Qaeda, is official U.S. policy because it forecloses questions about the role of states, and makes it possible to indict as warmongers whoever raises such questions. Osama's de facto irrelevance for seven years, however, has undermined that policy's intellectual legitimacy. How much longer can presidents or directors of the CIA wave the spectra of Osama and al Qaeda before people laugh at them?


An Intellectual House of Cards


Questioning osama's relevance to today's terrorism leads naturally to asking how relevant he ever was, and who might be more relevant. That in turn quickly shows how flimsy are the factual foundations on which rest the U.S. government's axioms about the "war on terror." Consider: We know that Khalid Sheikh Mohammed (KSM) planned and carried out 9/11. But there is no independent support for KSM's claim that he acted at Osama's direction and under his supervision. On the contrary, we know for sure that the expertise and the financing for 9/11 came from KSM's own group (the U.S. government has accepted but to my knowledge not verified that the group's core is a biological family of Baluchs). This group carried out the 1998 bombings of U.S. embassies in Africa and every other act for which al Qaeda became known. The KSM group included the perpetrators of the 1993 World Trade Center bombings Abdul Rahman Yasin, who came from, returned to, and vanished in Iraq, as well as Ramzi Yousef, the mastermind of that bombing, who came to the U.S. from Iraq on an Iraqi passport and was known to his New York collaborators as "Rashid the Iraqi." This group had planned the bombing of U.S. airliners over the Pacific in 1995. The core members are non-Arabs. They had no history of religiosity (and the religiosity they now display is unconvincing). They were not creatures of Osama. Only in 1996 did the group come to Osama's no-account band, and make it count.


In life, as in math, you must judge the function |of a factor in any equation by factoring it out and seeing if the equation still works. Factor out Osama. Chances are, 9/11 still happens. Factor out al Qaeda too. Maybe 9/11 still happens. The other bombing plots sure happened without it. But if you factor out the KSM group, surely there is no 9/11, and without the KSM group, there is no way al Qaeda would have become a household word.


Who, precisely, are KSM and his reputed nephews? That is an interesting question to which we do not know the answer, and are not about to find out. Ramzi Yousef was sentenced to life imprisonment for the 1993 World Trade Center bombing after a trial that focused on his guilt and that abstracted from his associations. Were our military tribunal to accede to KSM's plea of guilty, he would avoid any trial at all. Moreover, the sort of trial that would take place before the tribunal would focus on proving guilt rather than on getting at the whole truth. It would not feature the cross-examination of witnesses, the substantive proving and impeachment of evidence, and the exploration of alternative explanations of events. But real trials try all sides. Do we need such things given that KSM confessed? Yes. There is no excuse for confusing confessions with truth, especially confessions in which the prisoners confirm our agencies' prejudices.


The excuse for limiting the public scrutiny of evidence is the alleged need to protect intelligence sources. But my experience, as well as that of others who have been in a position to probe such claims, is that almost invariably they protect our intelligence agencies' incompetence and bureaucratic interests. Anyhow, the public's interest in understanding what it's up against should override all others.


Understanding the Past, Dealing With the Future


Focusing on Osama bin Elvis is dangerous to America's security precisely because it continues to substitute in our collective mind the soft myth that terrorism is the work of romantic rogues for the hard reality that it can happen only because certain states want it to happen or let it happen. KSM and company may not have started their careers as agents of Iraqi intelligence, or they may have quit the Iraqis and worked for others, or maybe they just worked for themselves. But surely they were a body unto themselves. As such they fit Osama's description of those responsible for 9/11 as "individuals with their own motivation" far better than they fit the CIA's description of them as Osama's tools.


More important, focusing on Osama and al Qaeda distorts our understanding of what is happening in Afghanistan. The latter-day Taliban are fielding forces better paid and armed than any in the region except America's. Does anyone suggest seriously that Osama or al-Zawahiri are providing the equipment, the money, or the moral incentives? Such amounts of money can come only from the super wealthy of Saudi Arabia and the Gulf. The equipment can come only through dealers who work at the sufferance of states, and can reach the front only through Pakistan by leave of Pakistani authorities. Moreover, the moral incentives for large-scale fighting in Pushtunistan can come only as part of the politics of Pushtun identity. Hence sending troops to Afghanistan to fight Pushtuns financed by Saudis, supported by Pakistanis, and disposing of equipment purchased throughout the world, with the objective of "building an Afghan nation" capable of preventing Osama and al Qaeda from messing up the world from their mountain caves, is an errand built on intellectual self-indulgence.


Intellectual Authority


The CIA had as much basis for deeming Osama the world's terror master "game, set, and match" in 2001 as it had in 2003 for verifying as a "slam dunk" the presence of weapons of mass destruction in Iraq, and as it had in 2007 for determining that Iran had stopped its nuclear weapons program. Mutatis mutandis, it was on such bases that the CIA determined in 1962 that the Soviets would not put missiles in Cuba; that the CIA was certain from 1963 to 1978 that the USSR would not build the first strike missile force that it was building before its very eyes; that the CIA convinced Bush 41 that the Soviet Union was not falling apart and that he should help hold it together; that the CIA assured the U.S. government in 1990 that Iraq would not invade Kuwait, and in 1996 that neither India nor Pakistan would test nuclear weapons. In these and countless other instances, the CIA has provided the US government and the media with authoritative bases for denying realities over which America was tripping.


The force of the CIA's judgments, its authority, has always come from the congruence between its prejudices and those of America's ruling class. When you tell people what they want to hear, you don't have to be too careful about premises, facts, and conclusions. Our problem, in short, is not the CIA's mentality so much as the unwillingness of persons in government and the "attentive public" to exercise Intellectual due diligence about international affairs. Osama bin Laden's role may be as good a place as any to start.



Angelo M. Codevilla is professor emeritus of international relations at Boston University.

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Bin Laden is Dead; Long Live “Bin Laden”



Who’s keeping the terror myth




By Maidhc Ó Cathail



August 16, 2010 "ICH" --- In the trigger-happy post-9/11 world, the favoured way to instigate a war is to demand that the designated “evildoer” prove a negative.


Iraq was invaded because it couldn’t prove that it didn’t have WMDs. Iran is under constant threat of attack unless it can demonstrate that it’s not seeking nuclear weapons. And now Pakistan is being chastised for allegedly harbouring Osama bin Laden—who in all probability has been dead and buried for eight years.


Questioning Pakistan’s willingness to pursue bin Laden and other al-Qaeda leaders, U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton last year told a group of Pakistani editors, “I find it hard to believe that nobody in your government knows where they are and couldn’t get them if they really wanted to.” And in a recent interview with Fox News, Clinton charged that “elements” of the Pakistani government know where bin Laden is hiding.


But what if bin Laden is not hiding in Pakistan? What if he’s been dead since December 2001? How then does Islamabad prove that some of its government officials are not concealing his whereabouts?


While the mainstream media rarely if ever question the belief that bin Laden is still alive, some cracks have been appearing in the consensus. In a September 11, 2009 piece in Britain’s Daily Mail, Sue Reid wondered, “What if everything we have seen or heard of him on video and audio tapes since the early days after 9/11 is a fake—and that he is being kept ‘alive’ by the Western allies to stir up support for the war on terror?”


An even more prominent sceptic is UPI Editor at Large Arnaud de Borchgrave whose July 26, 2010 commentary titled “Elvis bin Laden” may herald a new consensus. Sifting much the same evidence as Reid, the “legendary journalist” stated that “some key intelligence officials are taking bin Laden’s reported demise seriously.”


Both articles cited experts who have studied the post-December 2001 audios and videos and concluded they are fakes.


In 2007, Switzerland’s Dalle Molle Institute for Artificial Intelligence, which does computer voice recognition for bank security, found that the voices on recordings after mid-December 2001 differed clearly from earlier recordings of bin Laden.


Professor Bruce Lawrence, head of Duke University’s religious studies’ department and the foremost bin Laden expert, noted in a 2007 book the inconsistency between the increasingly secular language of the audios and videos and bin Laden’s earlier distinctive religious speech.


Assessing the evidence, Angelo M. Codevilla, a former U.S. intelligence officer who studied Soviet disinformation techniques during the Cold War and a professor of international relations at Boston University, wryly concluded that “Elvis Presley is more alive today than Osama bin Laden.”


So, if bin Laden is as dead as Elvis, who’s been faking all those scary threats in his name?


According to U.S. and British intelligence officials, al-Qaeda’s media wing, As-Sahab Foundation for Islamic Media Publication, has been run since 2001 by Adam Gadahn, a California-born convert to radical Islam who now goes by the name Azzam al-Amriki.


Gadahn found his way to the Islamic Society of Orange County while living with his grandfather, Carl Pearlman, a board member of the Anti-Defamation League. Ostensibly a civil rights organization set up to fight anti-Semitism, the ADL is “little more than a de facto adjunct of the Israeli government” which has even been caught spying on American critics of Israel.


Adam’s parents changed their surnames to Gadahn in the mid-1970s. The name refers to the Biblical warrior Gideon who, with the aid of trumpets and clay jars, defeated Israel’s enemies.


As editor Justin Raimondo put it, Adam Gadahn is “an awfully odd figure, whose sudden evolution from a nice Jewish boy into Osama bin Laden’s Goebbels is just a little hard to take.”


Equally hard to take is the means by which the public learns of bin Laden’s latest pronouncements.


“Almost every statement by Osama bin Laden published on the first made public by SITE and IntelCenter,” according to a Spiegel Online profile of Rita Katz, Josh Devon and Ben Venzke, who founded the two companies that supposedly track al-Qaeda online.


SITE co-founder Rita Katz is an Iraqi-born Jew, whose father was publicly hanged in Iraq after the 1967 War as an Israeli spy. Katz, who served in the Israeli Defense Forces, tries to downplay the significance of her background but is not always successful. “When you grow up in a place like Iraq,” she told Spiegel, “you understand maybe a little bit about how Arabs think, and also what they are capable of.”


When Neal Krawetz, a researcher and computer security consultant, analysed a 2006 al-Qaeda video of Ayman al-Zawahiri for alterations and enhancements, he discovered that the As-Sahab and IntelCenter logos had been added at the same time.


Attempting to make light of the understandable suspicions that the “terror trackers” are working for Israeli intelligence, the Spiegel article jokes: “And the conspiracy theories pontificating that SITE and IntelCenter shoot the bin Laden videos themselves will continue to exist in the future. And Katz, Venzke and Devon will continue to see the humor in such theories: Yep, this is Mossad Headquarters. Exactly!”


But with the hunt for the elusive bin Laden having already cost thousands of lives and trillions of dollars, perhaps Americans should demand conclusive proof that Israel hasn’t conned them into fighting a phoney “war on terror.”


Maidhc Ó Cathail is a widely published writer based in Japan. To read more of his writing, go to Maidhc Ó Cathail: Writing and Analysis.

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Comparison and contrast between Jesus ( Peace be upon him) and Sheikh Osama Bin Ladin


Jesus must die, for the Plot to be right ( Some one has to die for the western Sins)....... But we know that Jesus is alive and never was he crucified!


Osama Bin Ladin must live, for the Plot to be right ( Some evil guy must live long enough to justify the Christian / Western Sins of mass murder and robbery of Muslim wealth)......... But we know that Bin Laden is dead, since October 2001!


Net Result:


1. Christians are forgiven.


2. Jews are The Chosen people ( no need of forgiveness, what they do to gentiles is KOSHER)



unfortunately, Muslims are the receiving end for the above two religions sins of statecraft!


Ironically, it was the Jews who conspired for the killing of Jesus Christ, but failed, then invented a new religion called Pauline Christianity that has nothing to do with what Jesus taught. Interestingly today, the Mossad ( a Jewish organization) has conspired in the killing of Sheikh Bin Ladin back in 2001, and succeeded but wanted to leverage his notoriety for further wealth creation purposes, thus decided to keep him alive through phony video tapes for the robbery of Iraq Oil, Afghanistan minerals and trade routes, which required the dehumanization and defamation of Islam and re-branding of Muslims as Terrorists, and hence a war on "Terror".




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Finally The handlers of the Osama File decided that its time to retire the Legendary Sheikh.


They created their own Demon


They used him as a pretext to invade many countries in the Muslim world to steal their wealth


After the Arab Spring revolutions, they became worried that the non- existing Demon of theirs may inspire these demonstrators


Naturally, then, The Demon has to be declared dead unless He sends another tape to Al Jazeera denying that he is dead.


The Democrats and the Republicans are the same party, The Republicans invented Bin Laden, but the Democrats won the honor of killing him and burying him Ten Kilometers deep in Indian Ocean, The International Wildlife Federation should worry for the migrating Tuna who can eat the Sheikh's body and then these Osama Tuna entering the Sushi Market which has the potential of reviving the Japanese Version of Bin Laden!




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They used him as a pretext to invade many countries in the Muslim world to steal their wealth

lol@the above that your final answer@NUR?


What about the al-qaeda organization who you seem to distance yourself from, are they too an agency led organization who wreak havoc worldwide? Are they too CIA run organization?


When will the CIA retire the said organization?


YOu see how ludicrous all of this sounds? You have no proof, you refuse to produce evidence to the contrary, you refuse to acknowledge the statements of world leaders and you dont even appreciate Obama's sensitivity towards the master's body and how he was tossed to the I said before, you nee a doze of reality...


and please, stop this truther nonsense, you know I hate to be wrong and I'm right about you, atleast I believe you not to be a truther, you just entertain truther conspiracy please, stop this nonsense, lets back to the real discussion about what happens now, who takes over for the masteR?

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Lazie Girl


1. Why did the US and Pakistan who must have known where he was not lay hands on him sooner? His huge mansion in which he resided for six years was located only few kilometers away from Pakistan Military Academy.

2. Why was May 1, 2011 chosen for the operation?

3. And why did US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton tie it in with the Arab uprising? She said "history would record that bin Laden’s death had come at a time when peoples in the Middle East and North Africa were rejecting the extremist narrative and were standing up for freedom and democracy while Obama's adviser Brennan echoed her message by saying "“I would hope that the people of the Middle East will understand that the time for terror is over.”



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Osama bin ladin waxaan filayaa inaan la dilin 2001 maxa yeelay cododkiisa iyo dad reer afghanistan ah oo cadeeyay inuu nool yahay ayaa jira lakin arinta dilka xiligan iyo ujeedooyinka siyaasadeed ee laga leeyahay sheegigaanka dilkiisa waqtigan ayaan filaa iney ka badan tahay dilka/sheegashada Osama .

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As-salamu Alaikum akhi nuur


The Republicans invented Bin Laden

Akhi waxyaabo badan baad ka qortay about this issue, laakiin kuli uma helin jaanis in aan akhriyo, laakiin waxaan jeclaystay in aan ku waydiiyo labo su'aal, si aan si fiican kuu fahmo.


1: Ma waxaad qabtaa in uusan Sheekh Osama gabigiisuba jirin? Yacni uu yahay "jaajuus" ay reer galbeedku sameeyeen si ay wadamada muslimiinta u dhacaan? sida dadka qaar qabaan in uuba CIA-da u shaqaynayey?


2: Mise waxaad leedahay, sheekhu wuu jiray, laakiin mar horuu dhintay, reer galbeedkuna arintan way qariyeen, si ay cudurdaar ugu noqoto oo wadamada muslimiinta u sii xalaalaystaan ayagoo ku gabanaya "the war on terro" or "the search for Osama"?

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Akhi Miskiin


Waxaad i warsatay:

1: Ma waxaad qabtaa in uusan Sheekh Osama gabigiisuba jirin?


Jawaab: Maya Akhi, wuu Jiri Jirey, wexeyna u badan tahay, inuu waa hore dhintay.


2. Yacni uu yahay "jaajuus" ay reer galbeedku sameeyeen si ay wadamada muslimiinta u dhacaan?


Maya, Akhi, Sheikhu wuxuu ka mid ahaa dhallinyaradii 70 yadii lagu hoday dagaalkii Afghanistan, oo loo tusay in yahay Jahaadlala galayo cadoga Islamka iyo Krishtaanka oo labadaba ay Shuuciyadda Soviet union u tahay cadow mushtarak ah.


3. sida dadka qaar qabaan in uuba CIA-da u shaqaynayey?


Walaal, CIA uma shaqeyneynin, Allah ayuu u shaqeynaayay , laakin isku dan bey noqdeen markey la jahaadayay Ruushka Afghanistan. Lakin markii dagaalku dhamaaday, bey kala dan noqdeen.


4. Mise waxaad leedahay, sheekhu wuu jiray, laakiin mar horuu dhintay, reer galbeedkuna arintan way qariyeen, si ay cudurdaar ugu noqoto oo wadamada muslimiinta u sii xalaalaystaan ayagoo ku gabanaya "the war on terro" or "the search for Osama"?


Haa walaalle, Waxaa la hubiyay inuu Shiikhuu aad u bukooday markuu ka soo laabtay Sudan, oo kalyihiisu ay daciifeen oo la keenay Isbidaalka Mareykanka Dubai ku yaalla, oo ay xataa saraakil CIA ah ku soo booqatay Isbadaalkaas 2001 gii, dabadeedna takhtarkiis, Sanjib Gupta uu sheegay inuu gaadhay heerkii ugu liitay oo ussan fileyn inuu muddo dheer sii noolan karo, asagoo sii qaatay markuu ka tagay Dubai, labo makiinad oo Dialysis ah, inkastoo takhaatiirtu sheegtay in boqolkii 90 ay dhintaan dadka cudurkan qaba 10 sanadood gudahoo haddey helaan meel nadiif ah iyo takhaatiir ka warheysa. labadaas oo uusan helin Shiikha markuu u dhoofay Afghanistan. Waxaa laga yaabaa inuu markuu waddankaas tagay la dilay sidey sheegtay Benazir Bhuto, ama inuu sikii i dhintay, lakin waxa laga duubay oo cajalado ah waxaa la soo xaqiijiyay iney kulligood ay been ahaayees markii culimada baarta video ga ay baareen.


Mareykanku dantiisa wexey gashey inuu ninkan ka dhigto sababta uu ku xalaaleystay dagaallada farahabadan iyo sirdoonka uu wax walbo ku ogaaday si uu u hormariyo danahiisa dhaqaalha oo u badan batroolks waddamada Islaamka, laakin, aad buu ugu qasaaray dhaqaalo ahaan, taasoo lama filaan ku noqotay.


Hadda, wexy u soo shaac bixiyeen geeridiisa baqitaan ay ka baqeen in mawjadda kacaanka ah ee ka socda waddamada carabta ah ay qaataan mabda Sheikha, ooy ku weeciyaan Cilmaaaniyadda.


Wallahu Aclam



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Akhi Nuur, jzk khair jawaabtaada qiimeysan. Si fiican baan kuu fahmay.


Laakiin waxyar baan ku sii dari lahaa


Mid aad baaan kuugu raaci karaa, taasi waa dhimashada sheekha hadeer la soo sheegay sida loo sheegay kolay waxbaa si ka ah. Waayo sheekha Pakistan baanu ku dilnay, dhowr saacadood dhexdeedna, DNA test baanu ka qaadnay, isla markaana waanu la duulnay intaas oo boqol oo km, waliba ayagoo leh wadamo qaata jidhkiisa baanu waynay, all that in couple of hours, caruurta xataa looguma sheekayn karo. Hadeerna sawiradiisa ma sii dayn karno bay leeyihiin, taas oo sii xoojinaysa shakiga laga qabo the whole mission.


Laakiin akhiyow in uu sheekhu dhintay sanado badan ka hor xoogaa way igu yara adagtahay in aan rumaysto. Waayo taas waxay keenaysaa, dad badani in ay been noo sheegeen wakhti aad u dheer. Ka sokow reer galbeedka oo aynu u baranay beentooda aan dhamaadka lahayn, ayaga marnaba inay run sheegaan kama filayo, laakiin what about walaalada halganka sheekha kula jiray hadalkooda xagee la gayn? Ama dadka ku dhawaa sheekha? May warkan mar hore noo soo gudbiyaan walaalada muslimiinta ee sheekha ku dhawaa?

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Akhi Al Miskin


Waxaad Qortay:


"Laakiin akhiyow in uu sheekhu dhintay sanado badan ka hor xoogaa way igu yara adagtahay in aan rumaysto. Waayo taas waxay keenaysaa, dad badani in ay been noo sheegeen wakhti aad u dheer. Ka sokow reer galbeedka oo aynu u baranay beentooda aan dhamaadka lahayn, ayaga marnaba inay run sheegaan kama filayo, laakiin what about walaalada halganka sheekha kula jiray hadalkooda xagee la gayn? Ama dadka ku dhawaa sheekha? May warkan mar hore noo soo gudbiyaan walaalada muslimiinta ee sheekha ku dhawaa?"


Walaal, arrintan waa arrin ay ku jirto makri aad u weyn sidii Allah noogu sheegay Quraanka ( Makran Kubbaraa), ama ( Wa In kaana Makruhum Li Tazuula Minhul Jibaal). Walaal, arrintan waxaa ka dambeeya durriyadii raggii Nabi Yusuf Ceelka ku riday, oo dabadeed, ayagoo is oohinaya aabbahood u keenay qamiiskii nabi Yusuf oo dhiig leh, laakin illoobay iney jeexaan si uu ugu ekaado in waraabe uu Yusuf cunay, markaasuu aabbahood Yacquub yidhi, " Waxaan la yaabbanahay, xaliimnimada waraabihii ( wolf) cunay Yusuf, qamiiskiisii ilkahiisa meelna ugama jeexin!"


Akhi, Riwaayaddan, waxaa ka soo shaqeeyay rag aad u karti iyo maal badan, oo ku takhasusay sida beenta runta loogu ekeysiiyo. Video-gii ugu horreyay oy soo saareen wuxuu u ekaa

. maxaa yeelay Allah ma hagaajiyo camalka mufsidiinta.


Dad badan ayaa Osama looga dhigay maqaar saar ay daba kaceen ayagoo la xadhiidha rag la lunshay, laakin lama hayo ilaa hadda, qof si hubaal ah usoo sheegay inuu Sheeikhu si qumaati ah usoo arkay. Laakin, dad badan baa aaminsan inuu noolaa, haddana la dilay oo labaduba ay tahay riwaayaddii loogu talagalay in laga gaadho danihii hadba waqtigeeda laga lahaa.



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I want you to answer my questions and not answer question with another question.


Mida kale, all of the above scenarios will be put to rest soon enough, waayo, we have little Osama's running around in Pakistan and we find among the children found in that multi-million dollar compound to be small children, some reported to be a 1 year or 2 yr olds, you have alot of explaining to do, denying children their right to call Osama their father.


What about the 3 wives who are reported to be on a Pakistani custody? What about the claims of one of Osama's qalanjo's who said for 5 yrs, she never left his side? Do you deny her version of the story? Is she on CIA payroll? You think she is on CIA payroll, right??


Answer my questions and all of your concerns will be soon put to rest, if thats even possible. (by the way, confirming the identity of Osama is not that difficult, the intelligent services such as the black ops have high tech facial recognition software that can in fact give a 99.9999% match on the spot, you watched spy movies, havent you?)



yours truly,


LayZie G.

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0sama bin ladin USA ha dilo ama dabiici ha udhinto lakin hada ma noola , sadax xaas ayuu meesha ku heystay waa US warkooda .malinki kowaad halnaag ayaa dhimatay ,maalinkii ku xigay wey dhaawacantay ,kadib 3naag ayaa meesha lakeenay !!!!!!!

ujeedada ugu weyn ee laga leeyahay dhacdadan waa in dunida muslimka la tuso in muslimiinta eey isbadal nabadeed suubin karaan sida masaarida iyo tuunis. sida uu walaalkeen nuur sheegay hada marka Osma la dilayna masaarida in dagal laga dhax bilaabo ayaa bilaabatay dad muslima sheeganayana eey qarxiyaan kaniisad waxaan oo dhan waa barnaamij lasoo diyaariyay

muslimiin badan ayaana daliil ahaan uqaatay oo dhahaya osama filmkiisa guuldaro ayu ku dhamaaday ,banaanbaxayaashana wey guuleysteen ,waa dhab ,lakin ujeedada taas , alqaeda markey burburtana banaanbaxyo fowda wataan laga abuuro dunida muslimka si eey uburburaan .

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