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Awdal waa dalkeygii.

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This is a big setback for the secessionist. Gone are the days when they claimed their had the support of all the people. Now the traingle itself will come out against this nonsense of a project.

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Akash;709078 wrote:

This is AWDAL Diaspora joining with other Somali's of the same unionist genetic Genetic persuasion, draped in the beloved blue flag.

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Xaaji Xunjuf;709352 wrote:
^^ No that's saado cali and her crew

Thats right saxib, Saado has added AWDAL in her crew. You after all have a different Gene to everyone else. Its that Anglo Saxon DNA that British left no doubt..

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The Creation of Awdal State of Somalia in the North has Put the ...Apr 6, 2011 ... Awdal, Somalia, the Celebrations of the newly created Awdal State of Somalia are underway throughout Somalia and the Awdalites diaspora and ...

This is big.

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^^ Another piece written by the ssc rebels this awdal stuff is supported more by the the likes of duke and his rebel cousins. Rather then the locals of awdal and selel.

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No Awdalians don't share anything with Koonfurians Like you and your rebel cousins they fight piracy you are a pirate they are Somalilanders you are a koonnfurian. You are from wartorn Somalia they are from Civilized Somaliland , they are from where the civilization of Somalis started which is western Somaliland, no my friend there is nothing you share with the noble Awdalians try again.

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Dont take my words for it. This is from a Somali from AWDAL State back in 1995...


On top of all these calmities, the SNM, spearheading an entire division of Mengistu's troops, slaughtered five hundred fifty innocent people in Borama, Dila and Zeila on February 4th, 1991. And when the SNM had occupied, with the "generous" assistance of these troops and had inherited the ammunation dumps in the north of somalia, the first step they took was a deliberate clan-cleansing of the non-Isack clans from their homes at Gebiley, Hargeisa, Arabsiyo, Eiragavo and Ainabo. To humilate further the clans in the north, they hijacked their elders and took them first to Harar (Ethiopia) in April 1991 and later to Burao where they were intimidated to sign a "compulsary declaration of independence" that has been concocted directly by "Mengistu Haila Miriam". Two ex-Ethiopian generals, violating directly the sovereignty of the Somali state, were directing that so-called conference at Burao. Thus, by carrying out these repugnant deeds that are contrary to whatever values or culture we shared as Somlis since the millennium, the SNM dealt a mortal blow to any bonds of brotherhood and sisterhood we shared.

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April 3, 2011


Anagoo ah qurbajoogta beelaha awdal iyo selel ee ku dhaqan dalalka waaweyn ee reer galbeedka waxaan si aad iyo aad u sareysa u taageeraynaa dawladdeena iyo qarankeena somaliland, anagoo hiil iyo hooba la garab taagan xukuumaddeena xorta ah ee uu hogaanka u hayo xisbigeena kulmiye ee kulmiyey dadkii dhan. waxaan habeen iyo maalin taageero buuxda siinaynaa madaxwenesiilaanyo iyo madaxweyne ku xigeen saylici, waxaan u huraynaa dhiigayaga iyo naftayada in aan diofaacno somaliland.

sida aad u ogtihiinba somaliland dhiig ayaa u soo daatay oo beello fara badan ayaa wiilal badani ka dhamaadeen haddii ay tahay kuwii soo dagaalamayey iyo kuwii la dagaalamayey oo xiniinyo isku hayey laakiin kuwii GARAAXDA AMA ARAABIKHIDA cunayey waqtigaas ayaa maanta leh awdal state aan raadino .


waa aakhirasaban waana rogmadkii nin aan waligii xataa aan qori uu isku difaaco aan iibsan siduu rag iskaga celin, muxuu awdal state ku raadin ma wuxuu moodayaa in basaasnimno iyo is daba marid dal lagu xoreeyo.


ragan is qarinaya ee caruurta soo diraya waxaan dawladda ka codsaynaa in ay faro dhiig leh ku qabato,oo xataa haddii dambiga lagu helo si kuwa kale u qaxaan waa in la dilo.


waxaan taageero aad u sareysa u diraynaa geesiga badhasaabka gobolka awdal oo galabta amar ku bixiyey in laba nin oo meelahaa wax ku qor qopra xabsiga dhexe loo dhaadhiciyey waxaan ku taageeraynaa maamulaha saldhiga dhexe ee boorama in uu hawshiisii sidii aan ugu yeedhinay u qabsaday , taasina waa dawladnimada.


waxaan qarankayaga la garab taaganahay hiil iyo hooba., waxaa kalew oo aan taageero la garab joognaa laamaha amniga iyo sirdoonkasomaliland oo baryahan hawshoodii kor u qaaday.ka dib markay ka heleen tababaro iyo qalab muhiim ah dalka ingirioiska iyo maraykanka.









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Amma diid amma doon -- Kani galbay ku kale mooyee


April 5 - (alnuur)-Xaflada ku dhawaaqida AWDALSTATE ee Minisota oo u dhacday Meeqaamkii ugu sareeyay ee maamul goboleedada guud ahaan Somalia ayaa waxaa ka soo qayb galay idaacadaha waawayn ee dunida oo ay ugu horayso idaacada VOA.


Inaga oo ka sugayna dhawaan inay soo gudbino iyadoo video ah balse marka hore nala dhagaysta sidii ay idaacada afka soomaaliga ee VOA du u dhigtay ku dhawaaqida AWDALSTATE. Si aad u dhagaysato fadlan guji lifaaqa bidixa ee u dambeeya ee cinwaankiisu yahay " Kani Galbay ku kale mooyee

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