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IF and If...

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If I fight you for a cause,

Do you think I will lose?


If you kill me for a gain,

Can you survive without pain?


If you shed my blood,

Will I miss all a lad?


If you see yourself heavy-weight,

Alas! In thinking you are late!


If you hate me for an aim,

Lurking mind, can you claim?


If you make me crestfallen,

Won't peace be stolen?


If both of us don't think well,

Are we going to meet in hell?


If millions disperse and die,

Why each of us to hide and lie?


If all our guns cry,

Alas! Why to buy?


If you hit me with stone,

In ache will I be alone?


If you shoot me with gun,

Will I fear of you and run?


If you chase me today,

Will you not fall my prey?


If two of us slay,

Won't war be May to May?


If you dictate to me,

Will I not bite you like bee?


If you are so malevolent,

Why am I to be benevolent?


If life seems so,

No way to go!


Then, let us ride back!

And see what we lack!


Stop now to whack!

And stitch the crack!


In peace then discuss!

Without maiming lass!


By: Mohamed Abdikadir (Stanza)

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Beautiful...I loved it, thanks for sharing with us.:)









Peace, Love & Unity.

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You're most welcome awoowe, you could tell us the real meaning of the poem since most of us are not good in literature, especially af faranjiga.. ,,, :)

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You don’t have to be good in literature to understand the meaning of this poem unless you mean reer Kismayo lama fahmo,:D .


(I’m allergic to literature by the way) if you look beyond the rhymes and his trade-mark short lines waad fahmi doontaa inuu ka hadlayo dagaalka foosha xun ee waddankeena ka dhacayey 20kii sano ee lasoo dhafay oo illaa iyo maantana ka socda waddankii, wuxuu ka taabanayaa caqli darada kan wax dilaya oo aan ka danqaneyn dilka uu dilayo walaalkii, wuxuu ka damqanayaa dhibaatada iyo halaaga uu dagaalku galiyay ummadda Soomaaliyeed, wuxuu ugu hanjabayaa all these brain dead warlords in one day people will get fed of their dirty antics and manipulation , all in all Stanza is saddened and you can sense his pain and grief.


PS. He’s my homeboy by the way and we were even born in the same hospital and his full name is Mohamed Abdikadir Daud oo waa laguu yaqaan.:cool:









Peace, Love & Unity.

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This is one of my favourite poems of his and believe me this one has far more deeper meaning than the one you've posted...macno culus ayuu xambaarsanyahay gabaygan ee ila eeg.



Gobsanaa Gabdhahayagu




Gobsanaa gabdhahayagu

Gaalada ma raacaan

Gumeystaha ma yeelaan

Kuwa gunnada qaatee

Heybaddooda gabayana

Gogol kulama seexdaan

Guri kalama toosaan

Gacal kuma yidhaahdaan

Gacan kuma salaamaan

Ubad lama gardaadshaan

Guur lama wadaagaan

Iney geyn karaan iyo

Geyaan uma maleeyaan

Giddi wey huruufaan

Kuwa gabay naftoodii

Iyo gaal u d@badh!lif


Geesigiyo halyeeygiyo

Gabyaagiyo nindoorkana

Gallin qura ma ciilaan

Marka laysku go'ayee

Weerar lagu gawaarsado

Iyo guluf-colaadeed

Iney garab na siiyaan

Nala geeriyoodaan

Gobonimo u diriraan

Waa gad lagu yaqaannoo

Anna gabay ku faanaa.



Gaarinimiyo garashiyo

Sooryeynta gacalnimo

Iyo edab gun iyo baar

Rag u gogoldhiggiisii

Deymo Geenyo-faras iyo

Garaaraha gacmaha dhilan

Timo garabka dhaafiyo

Gardho ay dabeyluhu

Kolba gees u liicshaan

Iyo midab guduud ohoo

Aan salguurin waligii

gabdha wada casaan ohoo

Afku gorad-madoow yahay

Goombaar aheynoo

Xishood lagu gadaamoo

Hiddaha aan gaboodfalin

Gayigeenna mooyee

Goob laga helaa male

Ninkii guur u jeedoow

Bal garwaaqso weedhaa.




Ma fahamtay?:D











Peace, Love & Unity.

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Lol. Maya saas kama wadin daacad ayey iga aheyd. :) Waanse fahmay. Weliba gabaygan danbe ayaan aad ula dhacay. Tolow goormuu tiriyey, maxaase ku kalifay? Bal qisaskiisa nooga sheekee....


Abwaanku waa dhaweyd ayuu guursaday gabadh dhakhtarad ah soo ma ahayn?

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Gobsanaa Gabdhahayagu is a nice poem..thanks Bob...walahi any wedding I attend my favourite part is the buraanbur when they are praising the couple and their family and the cities they hail frm.......if i had a say i would tell them to have buranbur instead of 2 hrs ..four hrs..or the whole aroos LOL..





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lol music waaba xaraan marka maxa arooskaga xaraan ugu bilabasa...shan saac o lugu amanayo ayaan doran laha hadaladan anuu so qoran laha :P..

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Shan saac, lol waaba maalin badhked. Saaca bisaaca lagamana raago laguma raago ayaa markaaba la dhihi. Nasiib waxaad leedahay hadduu xaajigu kuu akhriyo. Taad soo qoratay iyo mid uu jeebkisa kala soo baxayba.. :)

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lol ma fahmin luguma raaago lagama raago maxa la dhaha tan kale it is gnna be my day so who gives ...if i choose to sit their for 5 hrs and hear that buranbur lady praise me so be it! fr the man malintaas waxan isla so gaadhnay after uu xiiiqey lmao...


haye walaal dnt let me take the attention away from your post. Loved that poem too even thou it needs u to read couple times to really get what hes getting at...and since Bob elabrated makes sense...allow dalkeena asago nabad ah nugu celi wixi shar wadana naga xijaab ameen..


habeen wacana...gotta finish off my assignment.



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It's alright. Kalmadaas arooska si aan loogu raagin ayaa loo dhaha. Waad maqli laheyd hadaad ahaan laheyd wareegto luga cad,,


H'been wacan oo wanaagsan.

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