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Characteristics of the Khwarij

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"There will come a time when a group of people will leave our ranks. They will recite the Qur’an with fervour and passion but its spirit will not go beyond their throats. They will leave our ranks in the manner of an arrow when it shoots from its bow." - al-Hadis


"There is a word of truth in what they say but their ends are devious" -Hazrat 'Ali (r.a)


Characteristics of the Khwarij


Those who fight against the Muslims and falsely declare the Muslims as "disbelievers" (takfîr), "pagans" (tashrîk), "misguided" (tadlîl), "innovators" (tabdî`), "pantheists" (ittihâdî, hulûlî), "grave-worshippers" (qubûrî), "cultists" (turuqî), and so forth.


The following are the common between different Khwarij groups:


1) The declaration of kufr (unbelief) on the Sahaba e.g. Hazrat ‘Ali, Uthman, 'Amr ibn al-`As, Abu Musa al-`Ashari, Mu'awiya, and all those who consented to the process of arbitration.



2) That all perpetrators of major sins were permanently destined for hell.


3) The declaration of either kufr or shirk upon those who differed with them.


4) That it was obligatory to overthrow an oppressive ruler by force.


It is important to remember that to falsely charge a Muslim outside the fold of Islam takes one outside of Islam himself. Allah save us from such sins and accusations. Amin!


Al-Shabab perfectly fits the title

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*ANWAR*;702358 wrote:
"There will come a time when a group of people will leave our ranks. They will recite the Qur’an with fervour and passion but its spirit will not go beyond their throats. They will leave our ranks in the manner of an arrow when it shoots from its bow." -


"There is a word of truth in what they say but their ends are devious" -
Hazrat 'Ali (r.a)


Characteristics of the Khwarij


Those who fight against the Muslims and falsely declare the Muslims as "disbelievers" (takfîr), "pagans" (tashrîk), "misguided" (tadlîl), "innovators" (tabdî`), "pantheists" (ittihâdî, hulûlî), "grave-worshippers" (qubûrî), "cultists" (turuqî), and so forth.


The following are the common between different Khwarij groups:


1) The declaration of kufr (unbelief) on the Sahaba e.g. Hazrat ‘Ali, Uthman, 'Amr ibn al-`As, Abu Musa al-`Ashari, Mu'awiya, and all those who consented to the process of arbitration.



2) That all perpetrators of major sins were permanently destined for hell.


3) The declaration of either kufr or shirk upon those who differed with them.


4) That it was obligatory to overthrow an oppressive ruler by force.


It is important to remember that to falsely charge a Muslim outside the fold of Islam takes one outside of Islam himself. Allah save us from such sins and accusations. Amin!


Al-Shabab perfectly fits the title


Know that calling someone khawaarij means inay yihiin the dogs og helfire, as the prophet(salallahu alayhi wasalam) said it in a hadith. Marka akhi Allah ka cabso, adoo leh Al-Shabaab dhiigay iyo gaalaysiinta bay ku dagdagaan, adigu ha ka darin.


Mida kale, where did Al-Shabaab said this?


1) The declaration of kufr (unbelief) on the Sahaba e.g. Hazrat ‘Ali, Uthman, 'Amr ibn al-`As, Abu Musa al-`Ashari, Mu'awiya, and all those who consented to the process of arbitration.

and this:


2) That all perpetrators of major sins were permanently destined for hell.

Yacni Khawaarijta waxaa lagu yaqanay inay dhahaan dunuubta waawayn in lagu gaaloobo, Al-shabaab waxaas ma qabaan, waa ka badbadis.


Culimo ka soo horjeeday Al-Shabaab xataa waxay cadeeyeen inaynan Al-Shabaab khwaarij ahayn, waayo usuusha khawaarijta baanba laga helin.


bal akhri qormadan uu Sheekh Abyad(xafidahullah) uu qoray:


Markaa walaal waxaan naseexo aan ku sheegi lahaa inaad Allah ka cabsatid, oo aadan xadgudub samayn, iska necbow Al-shabaab hadaad doontid, laakiin ha ka badbadin, Allah baana quraan ku yidhi:


يَا أَيُّهَا الَّذِينَ آمَنُوا كُونُوا قَوَّامِينَ لِلَّهِ شُهَدَاءَ بِالقِسطِ وَلاَ يَجْرِمَنَّكُم شَنَآنُ قَومٍ عَلَى أَلاَّ تَعدِلُوا اعدِلُوا هُوَ أَقْرَبُ لِلتَّقْوَى وَاتَّقُوا اللَّهَ إِنَّ اللَّهَ خَبِير ٌ بِمَا تَعمَلُونَ


O you who have believed, be persistently standing firm for Allah , witnesses in justice,
and do not let the hatred of a people prevent you from being just.
Be just; that is nearer to righteousness. And fear Allah ; indeed, Allah is Acquainted with what you do.

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typicall Somalis, using Islamic terms agains ttheir enemies. Sharif said fighting AY and Ethiopians was Jihad, now he says its terrorism because he is the one being fought looool.

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