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Ururka dhalinyarada ee sudo oo manta xafiis ka furtay magalada Buhoodle

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Waxaa maanta magaalada buuhoodle ee xarunta gobolka cayn lagahirgaliyay xafiiska ururka dhalinyarada ee marka magaciisa lasoo gaabiyo looyaqaano SUDO. ururkaas oo aan horey wax xaruna uga lahayn magaaladani buuhoodle ayaa maanta oo taariikhdu tahay 12/2/2011 ka furtay xafiiiskiisii ugu horeyey.

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Exellent job SUDO, Somali youth are the future of Somalia. In every country it is the youth that bring change, in 1943 SYL was created by somali youth to liberate Somalia from colonial powers. In 2008, it was the American youth who helped Obame to get elected as President of America, in 2011 it was the Egyptian youth who forced Mubarak to step down. The youth of Somalia should restore their country Somalia and work together, whether they are in Borame, Barbara, Kismayo, Marka, Las Anod, Buhodle, Bosaso and Moggadishu insha Allah

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'Liibaan';694856 wrote:
Exellent job SUDO, Somali youth are the future of Somalia. In every country it is the youth that bring change, in 1943 SYL was created by somali youth to liberate Somalia from colonial powers. In 2008, it was the American youth who helped Obame to get elected as President of America, in 2011 it was the Egyptian youth who forced Mubarak to step down. The youth of Somalia should restore their country Somalia and work together, whether they are in Borame, Barbara, Kismayo, Marka, Las Anod, Buhodle, Bosaso and Moggadishu insha Allah

thanks brother that how things should be done.

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