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Somalia: A country without leadership

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Xaaji Xunjuf;693208 wrote:
Ismahan Somali youth league played a role in the Somalias road to independence from 1950s till the 1960s. This should not be confused with Somalilands road to independence we had our resistance parties Somaliland national league and Xisbullah wich later merged with SNL.

''The Somali Youth League (SYL) was the first political party of Somalia. It played a key role in Somalia’s road to independence during the 50′s and 60′s.

During the Second World War, Britain occupied the Italian Somaliland and administered the territory from 1941 to 1950. It was during this period (1943) that the Somali Youth League (SYL), was formed. SYL succeeded in uniting all Somali clans under its flag and led the country to independence. Faced with growing Italian political pressure, inimical to continued British tenure and to Somali aspirations for independence, the Somalis and the British came to see each other as allies. The situation prompted British colonial officials to encourage the Somalis to organize politically; the result was the first modern Somali political party, the Somali Youth Club (SYC), established in Mogadishu in 1943.

To empower the new party, the British allowed the better educated police and civil servants to join it. In 1947 it renamed itself the Somali Youth League (SYL) and began to open offices not only in the two British-run Somalilands but also in Ethiopia’s ****** and in the NFD of Kenya. The SYL’s stated objectives were to unify all Somali territories, including the NFD and the ******; to create opportunities for universal modern education; to develop the Somali language by a standard national orthography; to safeguard Somali interests; and to oppose the restoration of Italian rule.


[sYL is unforgettable organization in the history and a symbol for the existence of the Somali nation. It was founded by only13 youth who resulted in Somalia to become an independent country.''


''History of the flag

In 1949 the General Assembly of the United Nations (UN) decided that Somalia would be under the former colonial power (Italy) as a trusteeship territory for ten years. There were three other governments who were members of the UN Commission that were sent to Somalia as an advisory council of the trusteeship administration of Somalia. They were Egypt, the Philippines and Columbia. In April, 1950 the Italian trusteeship administration took control of Somalia and the British military administration withdrew. During the early months of 1954, a legislative council had been formed by the Italian trusteeship administration and the advisory council of the UN. The members of the legislative council were composed Somalis, Italians, Arabs and Indians. They had to prepare all laws and legislation concerning the country for the ten years of trusteeship under the United Nations. The members were not elected, but each political party, foreign community or any other recognized organizations were asked to select members.


Mr. Mohammed Awale Liban had been selected by the Somali labour trade union. Then members suggested the the Somalia national flag must be adopted by the legislative council in order that the Somali people could get to know their National Flag before independence. When the legislative council agenda reached the discussion on the Somali National Flag, Mr. Liban proposed that only the Somali members should discuss the issue. According to the legislative council's constitution each new proposal had to be voted on by all the council members. Mr Liban proposal was adopted and the Somali members of the council chose Mr. Sheik Omar to be Chairman. The temporary new chairman said that the issue of the national flag would be debated the next day, following which Mr. Liban went home and started to design the Flag. He chose the blue colour to represent peace and the UN and placed a white 5-pointed star in the centre. Each point of the white star was to represent the five Somali regions which had been divided by the colonial powers.


The next morning the council session started around 10:30. However, once the chairman had opened the session Mr. Liban requested a chance to speak, which was granted by the chairman. He stood up in front of legislative council members and stretched out on his chest the blue flag with a white star in the centre. As he kept on stretching the flag across his chest, the Somali members applauded and cheered while clapping for five minutes. The temporary chairman made a short speech in which he acknowledged the ability of Mr. Liban whose talent had produced such a beautiful flag less then 24 hours.


Mr. Mohammed Awale Liban said the blue color stands the United Nations who help us to reach our dream of independence; white means peace and prosperity; and the star is the five regions of the Somali people.''


Wax fahan.:)

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This a worthy and fine comment by the poster. I have very often wondered this. Somalia has always been bereft of leadership.

Consider a country like Israel. At every moment in it's history it has had the good fortune of having capable leadership at every turn. Ben Gurion to Rabin.

Is it education, that is behind this. The questions must be learned to make sense of this unfolding tragedy.

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Somaliland Iyo Aqoonsi Dowladnimo Maxaa Kala haysta !!!!!


Mudo Hada Laga Joogo 20 sano ayaa waxaa Shir lagu qabtay magaalada Boorame waxaa ka soo baxay Shirka 18kii Maajo 1991 Inay Ku dhawaaqaan Jabhadii SNM gooni isu taag iyo Inay ka go’een Soomaaliya lana baxeen Somaliland .


Jabhadan SNM ee dhashay Somaliland markii ay soo galeen Dalka ka dib markay mudo dibad wareeg ahaayeen maankooda waxaa ku jiray guulweyn ayaad gaadheen maadaama aad soo gasheen Burco ,berbera, iyo Hargeysa, iyaga aragtidoodu waxay ahayd Mid ku kooban dhowr Maagaalo oo beel kaliyi degto , laakiin waxaanay xisaabta ku darsan dagaalkii ay soo galeen magaca ay Isticmaalayeen Oo ahaa Somali National Movement Oo macnaheedu ahaa dhaqdhaqaaqa wadaniga Soomaaliyeed.


Jabhadan ayaa Ku dhawaaqday Gooni Isu taag laakiin waxaa la yaab leh xuduudaha ay Jabhadaasi sheegatay ayaa ah kuwii Gumaystuhu hore U xardhay oo Beesha Gooni isu taaga Ku dhawaaqaysaa ay faladh ka tahay dhulkaa , Waa tan keentay in la weydiiyo horboodayaasha maamulkaa in dhulkii Soomaliland La oran jiray iyo dadkiisii ay Doonayaan Gooni goosadka taasina ay ku noqotay waji gabax iyo af kala qaadi waa tan ilaa maantana sababtay inay isku qanciyaan Aqoonsigu waa soo socdaa iyo Doorashada danbuu soo dagi iyo Sheekooyin mala awaal ah oo caruurta lagu seexiyo .


Laga soo Bilaabo Wakhtii Waxay Hor boodayasha maamulkaasi u guclaynayeen sidii aduunka ay aqoonsi uga heli lahaayeen taas oo markii danbe noqotay laab lakac iyo Hal bacaaad lagu lisay .


Su’aalaha dad badani isweydiinayaan ayaa ah maxaa soomaaliland aduunku u aqoonsan la’yahay ?


Dad badan ayaa aaminsan iyo sababtaasi ay tahay Horjoogayaasha Maamulkaa oo aan u Bislayn Siyaasada aduunka Qaar kale ayaa arinkaa muucaradaya oo ku tilmaamaya sababta in dadka dega dhulka loo yaqaan somaliland aanay doonayn inay soomaali ka go’aan laakiin dadka doonayaa ay yihiin qoys kaliya oo Tirsanaya dhibaatooyin aan ka duwanayn Kuwa soomaalida oo dhan ku saameeyey.


Dadka siyaasada odosa aya Siyaabo kala duwan u tilmaamaya sababta dhabta ah ee reerkan Loo aqoonsan la’yahay waxayna ku sheegeen inaanay buuxin Shuruudaha aduunku isku raacay in wadan wadan kale uga go’o kuwaas oo ay ugu horayso Waxaa kala go’ayaa inaanay isku diin ahay , isku dhaqan ahayn , isku midab ahayn , kuwa go’ayaa inay yihiin kuwa la laayey ama la yaso .


Hadaba Hadii Siyaasiyiinta soomaliland ay Rabaan inay ka run sheegaan Gooni Goosadka Waa inay la Xaajoodaan Dowlada taagta daran ee maanta Aduunku Aqoonsan yahay oo iyada Aqoonsi ka raadiyaan iyagoo heshiis qoraala la saxeexanayan Dowlada kuna Cadaynaya Inay yihiin dad la yaso Oo midab takoor lagu hayo kana ah somaliya minority intaas marka ay sameeyaan waa in Loo ogolaadaa afti laga qaado dhulka Loo laqaan soomaaliland Ee la kooban Gobolada Awdal,Waqooyi Galbeed, Togdheer,Sool . Sanaag , Hadanaa waxaad Moodaa inaan wali Gooni goosad Muuqan maxaa yeelay reerkii u ololaynayey waxay degaan laba ka mida gobolada aan soo sheegay waana arin kale oo Caqabad ku ah helitaan Aqoonsi.


Laakiin waxaa Iyana Is weyn Mudan Hadii Xaqiiqdu sitaa yahay maxaa Reer Ka mida Soomaliya ugu ololaynayaan Inay Dowlad kale yagleelaan oo Soomaliya ka go’aan waxaan wali la garanayn sababta dhabta ah ee arinkaaa beel kaliyi ugu ololaynayso.

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The spin never stops..... Ma reer Burco uun baa Soomaali caqli ka leh bay sheeko maraysaa.... Dakhtarnimoy xaal qaado :) Dr. Yusuf sheekadiisu waa dab dhaxamooday maxaa lagu daweeyaa!

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