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Preserve Islam: be a muslim first

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This article addresses Australia,but it applies to all muslims in the west.

Why we need to preserve Islam and not immitate the enemies of Allah.




The education system is typically where the indoctrination process begins. Muslim school children are sent off by their parents to Kafir schools with good intentions of an education and a chance at a better life (in this world, at least). The children are placed in an environment where the mixing of sexes is not only tolerated but encouraged through the placement of children in multi-gender sporting teams and class groups. These children grow up to believe such behaviour is normal. This leads, in most cases, to the m passing off the Islamic requirement of segregated sexes as 'old fashioned' or 'backward'. After years in an environment as free as this, it is no surprise that we see so many young Muslims with 'boyfriends', and 'girlfriends'.


A major component of the education system is to turn the students into 'good Australians'. To be a good Australian means to obey the laws of the land even if they conflict with the laws of Allah (s.w.t). We see this from the earliest stages of the child's education in the form of flag-raising ceremonies each morning in which the children sing the national anthem and stand in respect as the flag of the non-Muslims is raised over their heads.


In later stages, the indoctrination becomes more advanced through subjects such as politics and legal studies. In these studies, the 'benefits' of western-style democracy and the Westminister system of government are taught. The children are taught that S hirk is the best form of government. They are taught that being a "good citizen" is about voting and participation in this Shirk-based system. By the time the child passes through the digestive tract of the Kaffir educational system, he or she will probably see him/herself as an Australian first and a Muslim second. The effect on the Islamic identity is that it is replaced with, in best case scenarios, a watered-down Islamic identity, and in the extreme case, a total Kaffir identity.


Every subject taught to the Muslim has a hidden agenda - to foster disbelief and moral decline. In Human Education, our children are being taught that being promiscuous is a 'natural part of growing up'. These enemies of Allah are even equipping our children with contraceptive devices, under our noses, giving them their tacit approval to commit adultery. These same classes teach that homosexuality is something that 'cannot be helped' and as such is a perfectly 'normal' kind of behaviour.


In History, we see a euro-centric view of the world in which the Christians are viewed as the only people worthy of any respect or any admi ration. It is rare that mention is ever made of the great contribution made to the Occidental world from the Orient. It is even rarer that the names of the great Muslim scientists are mentioned. It is no wonder that many Muslim children end up with a sens e of shame in being Muslim. This shame is often shown in their refusal to use their 'Muslim names', e.g. suddenly Muhammad becomes known as 'Mike'.


When all the "good things" have been done by the Christians (according to their curriculum) can you honestly blame them? These seeds of shame planted in the mind of the Muslim child will bear the sour fruits of disbelief in later life and serve to ensure the Islamic identity is destroyed.


Despite Australia' s claims of being a secular society, the education system places a heavy, though largely invisible, emphasis on Christian beliefs and practices. In the lead up to Christmas it is not extraordinary for even government-run schools to hold nativity plays, or make the students engage in Christmas-based activities, s uch as making Christmas cards or so forth. This, coupled with the fact that the Muslim student is probably a minority in a school full of Kaffirs, serves to pressure the Muslim child into adopting practices that are clearly not from Islam. The Muslim chil d will see his or her friends exchanging presents at Christmas and may expect the same at home. Often the schools present these Christian practices in such a way that the child may even be unaware that they are acting out the behaviour of the disbelievers . It is important that parents are aware of this and take the necessary steps to prevent it or at least ensure it does not impact the child.


Of course whilst the empirical source of this is the Kuffar and his puppeteer, the Shaytan, we cannot blame them entirely. We must also look to ourselves. Muslim families, having lost much of their Islamic values, have sold out to the West. By sending our children to kindergarten and child care centres we are sending our children to be suckled by the Shaytan. One need only look at the high number of child molestation' s that occur in these places to see the truth of this. It is out of neglect for our Islamic duties, and a love of dunia , that we neglect our children. Muslim mothers are choosing to work rather than stay home and ensure their children are educated Islamically. The so-called "woman's liberation movement" has indeed succeeded in " liberating women" - liberating them from the shackles of responsible parenting. Fathers, drunk on western commercialism, are emphasisi ng economic and material growth of the family unit over spiritual growth. If these children received the proper Islamic education at home, perhaps the wolves of disbelief would not find them such easy prey.


Proper Islamic education should counter the lies and the corruption fed to the children in school. It should be presented in such a way as to engender a feeling of pride in Islam. Furthermore, it should cover Islamic history to offset the lies taught in H istory, Islamic law to offset the lies taught in Legal Studies. Parents must take responsibility for arming their students with correct Aqeedah and sound knowledge to defend themselves from these wolves and the decline of the Islamic identity.




The media plays a critical part in non-Muslim society. Not only does the television serve as a window to the outside world, but for many families it also serves as a defacto baby-sitter. Muslims need to be aware that the view of the world presented by the television and indeed other mediums is through the eyes of a non-believer.


We can see this non-belief represented in a number of areas, particularly in the coverage of the news and in the moral bankruptcy of much of the media content.


The news provides us with an insight into the world around us. A world where Mujahideen are called 'terrorists', where the Straight Path is called ' Islamic fundamentalism', and where all Muslims are misogynistic wife-bashers. Over time, this can engender a feeling of self-hatred in the adult and child Muslim viewer. It creat es a feeling of shame if constantly the word Muslim is used synonymously with everything bad in the world. When a Muslim no longer feels pride in Islam, then the progression to disbelief is easy. Adult Muslims should be sure to watch the news with a criti cal eye. They should be aware that what they are seeing is often far from reality, and they should use their understanding of Islam as a benchmark for determining the truth from falsehood.


Perhaps, the television's most significant effect is to take filthy, evil and unIslamic behaviour and give it a cloak of respectability. It serves to convince the Muslim viewer that what they are seeing is the social norm. A good example is the so-called love scene that forms such a crucial element in the Kaffirs' movie o r TV show. They paint the picture that somehow in some sort of sick way that zina equates with love and is a 'natural' behaviour. It is only to be expected that after years of constant bombardment with this message that the initial disgust a Muslim feels subsides to acceptance.


Next time your children have the television on, be warned that what they are watching contains messages designed specifically to enter the mind of the child or young person. In the case of many cartoons, for example, we see elements of idol worship couple d with the taking of partners with Allah Ta'ala. So many of these cartoons have a mythological underpinning with a focus on idolatry and false gods. All of these cartoons and so forth are laying the foundation for turning the children into Mushriks. For example Superman, where people in need call out to this caped Kafir in his underwear to save the day with his god-like powers. How many Muslim children spend their formative years acting out imagined scenes from Superman or other simila r cartoons? This is something in direct opposition to the principles of Tawheed that we, as Muslims, should seek the help of Allah alone.


Many young people's shows also focus heavily on parental-child conflict and often attempt to paint this sort of behaviour as a 'normal' part of growing up. Typically, the solution to this conflict is either to fight back or to run away. In either case it teaches the children an Islamically inappropriate response to any conflict.


Aside from showing us the outside world, the media dictates how we look at ourselves. It provides a benchmark for judging ourselves and others. The media shows us how others live, or how others behave. It defines how we view success, what qualities we see as admirable, what behaviour we see as normal. Take for example the so-called lifestyle shows that feature so prominently on TV. We see expensive houses, lavishly decorated with all the trappings of dunia and this is pushed onto us as the Australian ideal. If we are not strong in Islam then these media-generated standards get adopted as our own. We' ll start to equate success with owning an expensive car or living in a big house. We'll start to think that beauty is dependent on how we look. We'll start to forget about the paradise that Allah has promised those that believe, and we 'll start trying to create a 'paradise' right here in dunia. This is one of the major threats to our Islamic identity.


The best solution to the threat of the media lies in active censorship and in education. Active censorship means to be aware that what we are viewing is not necessarily the reality but rather a Kafir view of reality. We should constantly be evaluating the message or the content of a particular piece of media against our understanding of Islam to determine if it is right or wrong. Contrast this to a passive approach where the viewer sees the media as an infallible source of information, accepting blindly the message being presented without questioning its appropriateness in an Islamic sense. As adults we shoul d likewise apply this to our children's viewing. We should pay close attention to the messages being fed to our children and be sure to counter anything unIslamic with sound evidence from the Qur' an and hadith as to why such-and-such is not good. This goes hand in hand with the education of the children to think Islamically and to know that what is Halal and Haram to a Muslim is not necessarily what is good and bad in a Kafir's view.


Mixing With the Kaffirs


It is a fact of life that we must, to some extent, keep close company with the Kuffar. This is almost unavoidable given that we work, study and, unfortunately, play with them.


The Prophet (s.a.w.) said that whoever is with a people for 40 days or more begins to take on some of their characteristics. As su ch, we must be very careful of mixing with the Kuffar because, whether we realise it or not, we are assuming some of their behaviour and beliefs.


Possibly this represents the biggest threat to the Muslim in this country because the media and education can easily be censored. Also, the indoctrination is far more open and direct, whereas through mixing, our Islamic identity' s erosion is far more sublime.


There are many ways in which too much contact with the Kuffar will lead to us losing our identities. The taking of Kuffar for close friends is something that Allah has clearly warned out in the Qur' an yet it is something so many of us do. With any friends, Kuffar or Muslim, it is natural that we will seek to please them. Allah tells us that the Kuffar will o nly be happy once we disbelieve. It therefore follows that the way that a Muslim pleases his Kuffar friend is to exhibit signs of disbelief. The Kaffir is probably not even aware that he is leading his friend astray, and probably neither is the Muslim.


If a Muslim associates with the Kuffar, he will make efforts to 'fit in' with this group. In order to 'fit in' we must act like Australians. Fitting in typically consists of adjusting our Islam to a religion more acceptable to the Kuffar we are associating w ith so intimately. It is this that gives rise to what Sayyid Qutb would call an apologetic mindset. Where Muslims feel inclined to explain every 'strange behaviour' to the disbelievers. " Well, those people who blow up busses in Israel.. they are not real Muslims".


Often the first thing Muslims will modify is their style of dress. Whilst a seemingly trivial change, it often represents more than what it seems. When a Muslim sees the Kafirs dressed in a certain way, and chooses to imitate them to 'fit in ', it's a compromise. Once a Muslim has compromised once, it becomes easier to compromise again. The beard gets shaved. The Hijab comes off. Halal meat gives way to Haram meat. Perhaps even a drink with his 'mates' after work becomes permissible. Eventually the Muslim is left with a watered-down, Kafir-friendly Islam that often bears more resemblance to the beliefs of the Mushrik than the Mo'min.


Muslims must be aware of the hidden effects of this. Furthermore, the best protection is to keep amongst other Muslims. Whilst it is a necessity for some contact with the Kuffar, we should limit it to the bare minimum and make sincere efforts to offset it with contact with other Muslims. This is an important part of keeping our Islamic identity and indeed keeping Islam alive in this country.


The points mentioned are a few of many. Every aspect of Kafir society is designed to mislead us from the straight path, even if we cannot see it.




Narrated Samara bin Jundub, Allah's Messenger (s.a.w.) said:


" Anybody (from among the Muslims) who meets, gathers together, lives, and stays with a Mushrik, and agrees to his ways, opinions, etc. and enjoys his living with him (Mushrik) then he (that Muslim) is like him (Mushrik)" [sunan Abu Dawud - The Book of Jihad]


There is a def ence that can be applied that will render every effort by the Kuffar useless, and serve to keep our Islamic identity intact. This defence is knowledge. The Muslim should arm himself with a correct Aqeedah and an awareness of what it means to be Muslim. Any attack, any attempt to subvert or mislead will then be in vain. If the Muslim knows the true nature of this society and if he can see how it is designed to mislead, then he will not fall into its traps. This ability to distinguish from right and wrong and chose right, comes from a correct Aqeedah.


The strength of the family unit is also a defence. The father is the shepherd of the household and like any other shepherd he should protect his flock from the wolves. In this case the wolves are the Kuffar, and the protection is to pass the knowledge ont o the children and his wives. The children should be provided with a sound Islamic education outside of their schooling. This is imperative if the children are to be strong enough to avoid the many pitfalls they w ill face. They should be taught that the only truth in this world is the Qur'an and the Sunnah of the Prophet (s.a.w.) and that all else must be judged against these two noble criterion.


Finally there is a solution guaranteed to remove the risks, and that is to remove oneself from amongst the disbelievers.


It is therefore unavoidable that as long as we live here we will, through a process of cultural osmosis, take on some of the characteristics of the Kuffar. The likeness of Islam and Kuffar is like that o f fresh clear spring water and water brought up from the bottom of a suburban sewer. If even a drop of the filthy water enters the clear water, the clarity diminishes. Likewise it only takes a drop of the filth of disbelief to contaminate Islam in the West. If we have it within our means we should therefore consider moving to a Muslim lan d whereby we can at least live amongst our brethren and within an Islamic society free from the contamination of the disbelievers.



By Br. Amir Abdullah

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Often the first thing Muslims will modify is their style of dress. Whilst a seemingly trivial change, it often represents more than what it seems. When a Muslim sees the Kafirs dressed in a certain way, and chooses to imitate them to 'fit in ', it's a compromise. Once a Muslim has compromised once, it becomes easier to compromise again. The beard gets shaved. The Hijab comes off. Halal meat gives way to Haram meat. Perhaps even a drink with his 'mates' after work becomes permissible. Eventually the Muslim is left with a watered-down, Kafir-friendly Islam that often bears more resemblance to the beliefs of the Mushrik than the Mo'min.

I have seen this personally and can attest to it.

It is really true.

What is in the heart is reflected in a person's

being/lifestyle/what surrounds them etc.



They are taught that being a "good citizen" is about voting and participation in this Shirk-based system. By the time the child passes through the digestive tract of the Kaffir educational system, he or she will probably see him/herself as an Australian first and a Muslim second. The effect on the Islamic identity is that it is replaced with, in best case scenarios, a watered-down Islamic identity, and in the extreme case, a total Kaffir identity.

Its so Insidious/evil that u don't even see it

b/c it happens gradually and not all at once.

Thus the reaction to the change is accepted

as time goes by.

This is how the shaytan works, little by little

untill u find yourself defending him and his shaytanic ways and says that its part of Islam

and is a Duty of every muslim to do these things

and think like that.



I see this all the time and you start to question

what muslim you can trust or you can't trust b/c

some people are so admant in their belief and support for western ideals and values.


If a Muslim associates with the Kuffar, he will make efforts to 'fit in' with this group. In order to 'fit in' we must act like Australians. Fitting in typically consists of adjusting our Islam to a religion more acceptable to the Kuffar we are associating w ith so intimately.

THE DON'T ROCK THE BOAT THEORY, I always hear from muslims, we must fit in more and more and assimiliate. I have seen generations of muslim arabs who have done that and subhanallah, u can't even tell if they are arab anymore, let alone muslim.


If Religion is for ALLAH and the aim is Allah,

what makes you think that everything else

is willing to accept that.



We live on a SLIPPERY SLOPE that makes you think

that you are going UPHILL, when in reality

you are going DOWNHILL.


Fi Amanallah

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A little long, but worth while!...I mean gotta agree with the article, you can't imagine some of the things people are doing to fit in!! We can only pray that one day they'll find the right path!




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What I mostly liked about this article is that it's things so obvious yet overlooked.What mostly scares me is that most of us went through this kuffar digestive system(I'm just glad I decided to learn more about Islam, Alhamdullilah!), you see some teens raised by muslim parents asking their parents why don't they drink wine during celebrations(I actually blame the parents for not teaching them early). Thats what the kuffar want, to eliminate the muslim threat.

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As-salamu alaykum


very interesting article indeed. Subhanallah i recently read a book by Imam Dhahabi called" imitating the disbelievers" (forgot exact title)


If the people were brought up with a sound manhaj Inshallah they would not have these problems. Unfortunetely Muslims in the west dont have a base to learn islam. Most of us go through youth without ever pickin up the quran or praying one single ra'ah. Is it due to our enviroment? perhaps, but our parents are doing little in promoting tawheed and an islamic home.


I once imitated the disbelievers not because i loved them but i didnt know ISLAM.

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What a load of paranoid, patronising and trivial hogwash!



I suppose I could turn a blind eye to such nonsense and say that the author meant well, (which I don’t dispute at all) however, I believe such claptrap to do more damage than good.


The author suggests that people immigrate to Muslim lands in order to avoid the ‘kuffars’ and their corruption! What Muslim country does he have in mind? I tried to think of a Muslim country where the Media is not similar to Western Media and could not find any! The people living in Muslim countries face the same challenges, same corrupting influences and same temptations as we do. At times, I actually think we in the West are in a much better position than they are. We KNOW that Superman is fiction. We know that the ‘love scenes’ on TV are WRONG. Every single day we spend at work, school or out on the town, we are very aware of our differences with the other people around us.


We see the lovely looking blonde girls with tight tube tops and even tighter jeans. We steal one glance and then another but turn away at the third because we KNOW that US and THEM are different and that there is no point in mixing things up. We see a Muslim sister in the street and smile but try not to stare too much. We see an old Muslim man or woman and try to help them (you would struggle to see such things in Muslim lands).


The ‘Kuffar’ are NICE people. No, you did not read that one wrong. THEY ARE NICE PEOPLE. There is no conspiracy behind their niceness either. They are nice because they are HUMAN just like you, me and that deluded beard stroker. They might be non-believers today, they might be believers tomorrow or they might forever stay undecided. The fact that they are not Muslim does not mean that they’re EVIL (as the author is trying to portray them).


Is the author making sense in some parts of his long piece? Of course he is. But, then again, even a broken clock gives the correct time twice a day (as the saying goes). The overall theme and attitude of his piece is totally wrong. This, sadly, is not his fault. This is the prevalent Muslim mindset these days. Always on the defensive and all ideas or advice are reactionary and knee-jerk.


Such messages only serve to confuse people and drive them away from the faith. He that has been nice to his Hindu neighbour will wonder if he’s done the right thing! He that bought his Christian colleague lunch will wonder if that makes him a non-believer! The family that fled the civil war in their country and were welcomed with open arms in the West will wonder if Islam is not a dodgy faith! Should they not show gratitude because it’s a non-believer that helped them out? Should they not be nice because it’s a non-believer that was nice to them first? Is Islam really that insular a faith?


If Islam is such a narrow-minded faith, how the hell did a bunch of illiterate Arabs manage to spread the faith from their arid deserts to the heart of Europe? If Islam was always as hostile in its outlook as the brother’s article above, why did all those non-believers convert? If Islam was as bigoted as many of the beard strokers and hijab adjusters interpret it, why are there still Christians living in Egypt, Syria, Palestine and Iraq? Why, until recently, were there Jews in Yemen, Morocco and Egypt? Surely, the Islam of Khayer, Salafi and the author of this article would have wiped all these people out on day one and left only the word of Allah flying high over all Muslim lands!


Your faith is your responsibility and YOURS alone. If you stray, sin or misbehave it IS your fault and not that of the media, western influences or whatever other convenient coat hanger you can find. Temptations and evil are everywhere and not only in ‘kuffar’ lands. There are no conspiracy theories and even if there are, they do not matter. When all is said and done, it’s you and you alone that will get put six feet under. Neither your culture, nor your pride or even your ‘Islamic identity’ will be buried with you. When the time that you keep threatening everyone with comes, and it is your turn to be judged, does it not worry you that you spent most of your life trying to label everyone as a deviant; a mushrik; a kaffir; a weak Muslim or a good Muslim? Would it not have been better to call people back into the way of Allah with good, gentle words and deeds?


There is a middle ground.....

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^^^ :D

Surely, the Islam of Khayer, Salafi and the author of this article would have wiped all these people out on day one and left only the word of Allah flying high over all Muslim lands!


bro where do u get the time to write all that?


I have nothing against the disbelievers or living with them in peace. however imatating the them opposes the teaching of islam wheter you reside in a kafir land or not, the Same faith that took root in these lands you mentioned.

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Originally posted by NGONGE:

Your faith is your responsibility and YOURS alone. If you stray, sin or misbehave it IS your fault and not that of the media, western influences or whatever other convenient coat hanger you can find. Temptations and evil are everywhere and not only in ‘kuffar’ lands. There are no conspiracy theories and even if there are, they do not matter. When all is said and done, it’s you and you alone that will get put six feet under. Neither your culture, nor your pride or even your ‘Islamic identity’ will be buried with you. When the time that you keep threatening everyone with comes, and it is your turn to be judged, does it not worry you that you spent most of your life trying to label everyone as a deviant; a mushrik; a kaffir; a weak Muslim or a good Muslim? Would it not have been better to call people back into the way of Allah with good, gentle words and deeds?


There is a middle ground.....

So are you in favour of




A Personal Spirituality?


a Personal GODDDDDD???

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Apologies, saaxib. I misinterpreted your words. As for the time to ‘write’ all of that. It barley took five minutes. Wouldn’t opposing what you deem as misleading rubbish be worth five minutes of your time?




You’re very adept at tackling points that were never made, saaxib. Still, even when you quote me, it seems that I pre-empted you and dealt with whatever new ‘labels’ you’ll throw my way. :D


If this were a general topic, a political discussion or some trivial chat about nothing in particular, I would have ignored that strawman argument of yours and treated it in the only way it deserves to be treated, with contempt. However, this discussion is none of the above and strawman arguments are worth tackling every once in a while.


The good news is that you didn’t slap me down with a random verse or hadeeth. I commend you for that, saaxib. It’s good to always display such restraint when handling such precious and sacred ammunition.


Now, put that poor strawman down and turn to me, saaxib. Shall I give you a minute to rest or are you capable of hearing me despite the effort and tiredness?


You ask me if I’m in favour of a personal religion. I’m not sure what you exactly mean by that but I’ll try to make an educated guess here. Having read some of your previous rants on this site, I don’t think I’ll be far off the mark if I concluded that the ‘personal religion’ question refers to secular thoughts and ideas. Are you asking me if I’m in favour of separating the religion from the state? I wouldn’t want to pick up your bad habit of tackling phantom points, saaxib. So, if that were your question, my answer would be NO. I am not in favour of such a concept. I believe the repetition in your question (when you ask about personal spirituality and personal god) was only put there for emphasis and are not new questions needing new special replies. Therefore, I’ll ignore them for now (unless of course you come back to tell me otherwise).


I don’t have enough time to give this topic its due respect and attention, I might try to write about it soon enough. However, for now, you’ll have to make do with some unpolished and off the cuff arguments and thoughts.


On another day and another discussion, I can imagine you (and the author of this article) dancing to another tune altogether. Would that mean that you’re being hypocritical or duplicitous? Absolutely! Do you mean to be hypocritical and duplicitous? I doubt it.


Let us assume that today is that ‘other day’ and now this is that ‘other discussion’. Let us assume that the discussion is about judgment day. A nomad started a topic about judgment day and asked if his/her sins can be cancelled if he/she has a good reason (a doctor’s note sort of excuse). Let us assume that he/she blames the West, the media, bad friends, tiredness or even bad mullahs for misleading him and is now asking if these are valid excuses. What would your (and the author of that shabby article’s) advice be? Would you tell him/her that it is ok and that Allah is the most merciful (which undoubtedly he is)? Or will you tell him/her that the basic rule is that one gets punished for his/her sins if one does not repent in time (I hope you appreciate that I’m being very simplistic here)? Whose responsibility is it to ensure that Islamic rules are followed? Yours or his? To what extent can you interfere in someone else’s life choices? If you tried to truthfully deal with and answer some of these questions, I’m sure that you’ll find they contradict with all your earlier assertions, saaxib.


It is our duty as Muslims to enjoin good and forbid evil. How we do that is an entire art form and skill that many have not perfected yet. The safest possible way (though I know it will annoy the pedants here) is to borrow a line from that old American song and, try a little tenderness..

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The author is angry and very paranoid. I went to a Catholic school and lived in non-Muslim countries all my life. This has not affected those a similar position as long as the parents have seen to it that Islam is taught (in theory and practise) from an early stage.


Muslims who live in Kuffar countries did not migrate for 'fun', a great majority escaped the tyranny perpetuated by fellow Muslims. How long shall we play victim? Surely, the kuffar has no mercy for Muslims (Allah SWT has pointed it out to us in the HOly Qur'an and said that they will never be satisfied until we abandon ou faith) but we can't keep blaming them for everything that has befallen us. We have abandoned our ways but we always blame the kuffar, the media etc., it must be way easier than taking responsibility.

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part of the real test is balancing your religion and the rest of your life in kufar lands. It's if you can still be who you are and practise your religion while still going to school and doing everything else. I don't agree with how this article protrays the schools as a trap for muslims and the beginning of "indoctrination" when it's actually much better than the schools(if there were any) where the muslims ran from!

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hmmm, yes the auther has a point in his/ her views of "mixing the sexes" but realy who is he/she kidding. there are no greater flirters than arabs/paks/ and afghns. not to mention somalis...


i thing ^^juba put it immaculately well. life is a jaggling act, DEAL WITH IT

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There is no muslim country. No country in the world is running things according to Islam. However, living among your muslim brethren is 100% better than living among kaffirs as sitting ducks. They have no love for you, they seek to convert your children and they hope to eradicate Islam.

Ngonge...I think you fit the perfect example of "Uncle Tom" muslim, and you've been sucking the breasts of capitalism so long that you can't tell the difference between kufr and Islam.You said the "kufaar are nice people", how could you say that when they are torturing our brothers and sisters? Subhan'Allah! Allah subhana' wata3ala said: Allah (swt) said:

"O you who believe, do not take the kafireen as awliyaa' instead of the Believers, do you wish to take Allah as a proof against you?" [Qur 4: 144].

They haven't helped us by bringing us to their lands...they are the ones who destroyed our lands.Do you think you can compete with a white man today? I don't think so.As muslims we must follow the concept of walaa wal baraa. To love and hate for the sake of Allah. We must have love (al-muwalaat) for the muslims. This means we must love:

-To keep close to them

- To befriend

- To accompany

- To help

- To respect

- To elevate

- To have alliance with

- To support for our muslim brethren!


We must have al-baraa (hatred) for kufr, kufaar and shirk for the sake of Allah.We must distance ourselves from their kufr, we must not love them and love having them as company. However as Allah mentions in the Quran:


"Allah forbids you not, with regard to those who fight you not for (your) Faith nor drive you out of your homes, from dealing kindly and justly with them: for Allah loves those who are just." [Qur 60: 8]

This means even though we despise their taghoot filth we still must treat them justly (those who don't seek to harm us).

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How arrogant of you, modesty. A little knowledge is indeed a dangerous thing.


Saaxib, what difference would living amongst Muslims in Muslim lands make to you? You already labelled a fellow Muslim as an ‘uncle Tom’, o pious one! Or will I see you now completely expelling me from the faith now, knowledgeable modesty?



Never mind. Since you were brave enough to quote the words of the almighty, can you please give me an exact interpretation of those verses, saaxib. Don’t just slap me down with a verse and assume that I’ll take it at face value, o great beard-stroker. Help me out with a bit of ‘tafseer’.


While you’re at it, and since you’re in the mood to preach, why not throw a couple of random ahadeeth my way?


I’m all ears and if you make sense (instead of the angry rant above) I might even agree with you. Can you help straighten up this poor Uncle Tom, saaxib? You’ll get great ajar for it, you know. :D

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