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Resolution of the fifth plenary session of the central committee of onlf

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25 December 2010 to 1st January 2011



The 5th plenary session of the Central Committee of the Ogadēn National Liberation Front was held between 25th December 2010 to 1st January 2011. The session was attended by CC members of the Ogadēn National Liberation Front both from inside and outside of Ogadēn . The session was held at a time when the whole of the Horn of Africa, specially Ogadēn , Somalia and Ethiopia are undergoing a critical and traumatic juncture in the history of the region.


The session deliberated on the following main agenda:


1.Reports of the chairman and the Bureaus of the Ogadēn National Liberation Front

2.Assessment and analysis of the current international geopolitical climate in the world with particular emphasis in the Horn of Africa and its impact on the

Ogadēn peoples struggle for their right to self-determination and progress;

3.Reviewing and appraisal of the strategic plan of the ONLF

4.Assessment of the current situation in Ethiopia and ONLF strategic alliance with the liberation forces and Ethiopian opposition groups;

5.Assessment of the current situation in Somalia and Ethiopia’s role in obstructing the reconstruction of the Somali state;


The ONLF Central Committee:


Having considered the reports from different sectors of ONLF and assessment of the international, regional and the local situation;


Having examined the ONLF political program, and means and ways to enhance the capabilities of the different sectors of the organization, paying particular emphasis to the Ogadēn National Liberation Army, the mobilization, foreign and information policies;

Having studied the new tactical ploys and intrigues of the Ethiopian regime which is directed against the Ogadēn people’s cause and the ONLF, the cornerstone of which is intended to divide the Ogadēn Somali people and at the same time to mislead the international community;


Confident that the shallow tactics of the Ethiopian regime regarding the so-called sham peace-agreements with elements claiming to be former liberation forces will not deter the unity, will and determination of the Ogadēn people and ONLF to continue the momentum of the struggle for the exercise of the right of self-determination;


Expressing its appreciation of the Ogadēn National Liberation army and its daring and courageous engagements that significantly degraded the Ethiopian army and denied it to control the Ogadēn , though it continues to commit Crimes against the civilian population;

Recognizing the unwavering support of the Ogadēn people of the national liberation struggle


Reaffirming ONLF believe in the importance of establishing a broad based alliance of the liberations fronts and Ethiopian opposition against the regime of Meles Zenawi;


Therefore, the ONLF Central Committee;


Resolves to further strength the effort to achieve the rights of the Ogadēn people to determine their destiny through an internationally monitored plebiscite


Resolves to strengthen the relationships with friendly countries and peoples that support the cause of the Ogadēn people


Supports the efforts of the liberation fronts and Ethiopian opposition parties to form a broad-based alliance against the current Ethiopian regime


Reaffirms ONLF commitment for a peaceful resolution of the Ogadēn conflict through an internationally mediated peace process but stresses that the current climate engendered by the regime’s deceit and unethical tactics will hamper genuine negotiations

Condemns the wanton Human rights violations committed against the Ogadēn people by the Ethiopian regime


Condemns the illegal economic, aid and media embargo imposed by the regime against the Ogadēn people at a time of dire need due draught and international food crisis

Condemns the so-called peace agreements between Ethiopia and elements recruited by Ethiopian intelligence in order to torpedo a genuine peace process in the Ogadēn

Condemns Ethiopia’s hegemonic policies intended to dominate and subjugate the Horn of Africa, which is the main obstacle to peace and stability in the region


Condemns Ethiopia’s interference in the internal affairs of Somalia and its concerted effort to destabilize and thwart all efforts to rebuild the Somali state


Strongly condemns the regional administrations in Somalia for serving the Ethiopian regime by supporting Ethiopian subjugation of the Ogadēn people and handing over Ogadēn refugees and ONLF members to the ruthless regime of Meles Zenawi


Deplores the double standards of the donor countries in their declared principles and their stance towards Ethiopia, despite having adequate and undeniable prove that the regime of Meles Zenawi has committed War Crimes against the Ogadēn people


Calls upon the valiant Ogadēn Somali people to redouble their effort to achieve their inalienable rights to self-determination and freedom


Calls upon the international community to support the just cause of the Ogadēn people


Deplores the unjust UN resolution imposing sanctions on Eritrea and calls upon the Security Council to rescind it


Calls upon the Somali people in Somalia to resolve their conflict peacefully and rebuild their state


Calls upon the Ethiopian people to stand up for their rights and make the Zenawi regime account for its crimes


Urges the liberation fronts and the Ethiopian opposition to put aside their differences and form an effective alliance to take to task the TPLF minority regime


Adopted on 1st January 2011

The Central Committee of ONLF

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January 1st, 2011


Kalfadhigii 5aad ee Golaha Dhexe ee Jabhadda Waddaniga Xoraynta Ogadeenya JWXO oo la qabtay intii u dhaxaysay 26/12/2010 – 01/01/2011, waxaa furay Guddoomiyaha JWXO Admiral Maxamed Cumar Cusmaan, wuxuuna Guddoomiyuhu si guud uga warbixiyay xaaladda halganku ku sugan yahay iyo duruufaha ku xeeran, isagoo ku baraarujiyay xubnaha ahmiyadda uu Kalfadhigu u leeyahay horumarinta waxqabadka Jabhadda iyo guud ahaan halganka Ogadeenya. Ka dibna waxaa la guda- galay ajandayaashii Golaha la soo hordhigay, oo kala ahaa;


1. Warbixinta Hoggaamada iyo qiimaynta wax qabadka hay’adaha Jabhadda intii ka danbaysay kalfadhigii 4aad ee Golaha Dhexe ee 2008


2. Qiimaynta isbadallada caalamiga ah iyo kuwa gobolka iyo saamaynta ay ku leeyihiin halganka Ogadeenya


3. Xoojinta iskaashiga iyo wada-shaqaynta hoggaamada iyo dhamaan hay’adaha kala duwan ee Jabhadda


4. Dejinta barnaamijka iyo istaratiijiyada guud ee halganka


5. Dejinta iyo ansixinta qorshaha sannadaha 2011 - 2012


Kalfadhigu wuxuu si mug leh u qiimeeyay waxqabadka hay’adaha Jabhadda, xaaladaha iyo duruufaha caalamiga ah iyo kuwa gobaleed ee saamaynta ku leh halganka xaqa ah ee shacbiga Ogadeenya. Wuxuu si qodo-dheer uga dooday kor u-qaadidda tayada waxqabad ee hay’adaha Jabhadda, isagoo mudnaan gaar ah la siiyay xoojinta hawlgallada Ciidanka Waddaniga Xoraynta Ogadeenya (CWXO), xoojinta iyo kor u-qaadista hawlaha siyaasadda iyo diblumaasiyadda, xoojinta iyo tayaynta warfaafinta iyo taabba-gelinta qorshayaasha wacyi gelineed ee Jabhadda.


Wuxuu Goluhu ammaan u soo jeediyay CWXO, oo si lagu diirsaday u gutay waajibaadkisii qaran ee ku aaddanaa xoraynta dalka Ogadeenya. Wuxuu sidoo kale Goluhu bogaadin u soo jeediyay shacbiga geesiga ee Ogadeenya, oo u dhabar adaygay xasuuqa iyo denbiyada bani’aadamnimada ka dhanka ee gumaysigu ku hayo, isla markaana ku mintiday qadiyadiisa xaqa ah ee xoraynta Ogadeenya. Waxaa kaloo ammaan loo soo jeediyay Jaaliyadaha Ogadeenya oo si lo bogay ugu jilib-dhigay, fashiliyayna qorshayaashii gumaysigu ugu talagalay inuu bulshada ku kala qaybiyo, halgankana ku majara-habaabiyo.


Goluhu wuxuu qiimayn mug leh ku sameeyay qorshayaasha cusub ee gumaysiga Itoobiya ee ku wajahan been ka sheegidda qadiyada Ogadeenya iyo kala qaybinta Jaaliyadaha Ogadeenya.

Goluhu wuxuu caddeeyay in danaha ay xukuumadda gumaysigu ka leedahay waxa ay ugu yeedhay heshiis ay la gashay kooxda Ibraahim Dheere, inuu yahay jahawareerin ay indhaha caalamka kaga duwayso denbiyada ay ka galayso shacbiga Ogadeenya iyo inay ku kala qaybiso dadwaynaha Ogadeenya ee ka dhabeeyay go’aankiisii ahaa inuu ka xoroobo gumaysiga Itoobiya. Goluhu wuxuu xaqiijiyay in qorshahan cusub ee gumaysigu aanuu waxba ka beddali doonin geeddi socodka halganka, isla markaana uu ka turjumaya tabar darrada xukuumadda gumaysiga.


Goluhu wuxuu si aad ah uga dooday muhimmada ay leedahay iskaashi lala yeesho xoogagga mucaaradka ah iyo kuwa gobanimo doonka ah ee ka soo horjeeda taliska Itoobiya, wuxuuna ku taliyay in la sii xoojiyo iskaashiga xoogaggaas lala leeyahay.


Dood dheer iyo falanqayn ka dib, wuxuu kalfadhigu gaadhay go’aamada hoos ku qoran oo kala ah;

1. In la hormariyo, lana xoojiyo wada shaqaynta hay’adaha Jabhadda.


2. In la sii hormariyo hufnaanta iyo tayada maamulka hay’adaha Jabhadda.


3. In Guddiga qabanqaabada shirwaynuhu uu xil wayn iska saaro uurtagelint qabashada Shirwaynaha 3aad ee Jabhadda.


4. In la xoojiyo xidhiidhka sokeeye een la leenahay dadyawga ehelka u ah halganka Ogadeenya.


5. In la xoojiyo iskaashiga iyo wax wada-qabsiga ka dhexeeya Jabhadaha iyo xoogagga ka soo horjeeda taliska Itoobiya.


6. In la sii xoojiyo xidhiidhka aan la leenahay dalalka saamaynta ku leh siyaasadda caalamka, gaar gobolka Geeska Afrika.


7. Goluhu wuxuu isla gartay in siyaasadda Itoobiya ee xillagan ayna saacidaynin in wadahadal lala galo, hase yeeshee wuxuu Goluhu ku celiyay mawqifkii Jabhadda ee ahaa in JWXO ay diyaar u tahay wadahadal ay la gasho gumaysiga Itoobiya marka ay oggolaato;


A. In wadahadalka lagu qabto meel nabadgelyo ah


B. Inuu wadahadalka goobjoog ka ahaado dhinac seddexaad oo dhexdhexaad ah iyo


C. Inaan shuruud hordhac ah lagu xidhin wadahadalka.




Wuxuu kalfadhigu cambaareeyay xasuuqa iyo denbiyada bani’aadamnimada ka dhanka ah ee gumaysiga Itoobiya muddada dheer ku hayay dadwaynaha aan waxba ka galabsanin ee Ogadeenya iyo dadyowga kale ee Itoobiya ku hoos nool.


Wuxuu Goluhu dhaleeceeyay cunaqabataynta naxariis darrada ah ee gumaysiga Itoobiya shantii sano ee u denbeeyay ku hayay dalka Ogadeenya, taasoo dhibaatooyin badan soo gaadhsiisay dadwaynaha rayadka ah ee Ogadeenya, wuxuuna tilmaamay in siyaasadda cunaqabatayntu ay tahay denbi bani’aadamnimada ka dhan ah iyo ku xadgudub shuruucda caalamiga ah iyo sharuucda bani’aadamnimada.


Goluhu wuxuu canbaareeyay heshiisyo ku sheegga ay xukuumadda gumaysatada Itoobiya la gashay shakhsiyaad iyo kooxo magacyo kala duwan sheegtay, wuxuuna aaminsan yahay inay tallaabadaas rakhiiska ahi tahay mid ay xukuumadda Itoobiya ku doonayso abuurid caqabad ay isku hortaagto sidii uu ku iman lahaa wadaxaajood nabadeed oo dhab ah oo qadiyada Ogadeenya loogu helo xal caadil ah oo waara.




Goluhu wuxuu beesha caalamka ugu baaqayaa inay shacbiga Ogadeenya ku taageeraan qadiyadiisa xaqa ah, isla markaana gumaysiga kala xisaabtamaan denbiyada dagaalka iyo denbiyada banai’aadamnimada ka dhanka ah ee uu ka galayo shacbiga dulman ee Ogadeenya.

Goluhu wuxuu shacbiga Jamhuuriyadda Soomaaliya ugu baaqayaa inuu ka shaqeeyo xallinta khilaafka dhexdiisa ah, isla markaana ka dhiidhiyo faragelinta qaawan ee gumaysiga Itoobiya sida joogtada ah ugu hayo.


Goluhu wuxuu maamullada Soomaaliyeed ugu baaqayaa inay xagal-daacinta ka daayaan shacbiga Ogadeenya ee dagaalka xaqa ah kula jira gumaysiga Itoobiya, isla markaana ay u fidiyaan taageerada uu ka mudan yahay.


Sidoo kale wuxuu Goluhu ugu baaqayaa shacbiga geesiga ah ee Soomaalida Ogadeeniya inay si mintidnimo ah u laban laabaan halgankooda xaqa ah, isla markaasna ka digtoonaadaan, kana hortegaan shirqoollada iyo siyaasadda kala qaybinta ah ee gumaysiga Itoobiya wado.

Goluhu wuxuu xaq darro u arkaa cunaqabataynta lagu soo rogay dalka Eritereya, wuxuuna beesha caalamka ugu baaqayaa in go’aankaas laga noqdo.


Midnimo, Mintid, Iskutashi, Guul


Golaha Dhexe ee JWXO

January 1st, 2011

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Deplores the unjust UN resolution imposing sanctions on Eritrea and calls upon the Security Council to rescind it


Bad Politics ......... indeed

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Seems you jumped up for the cover only, Mr. secessionist. :) But the root causes of misery in the horn of Africa are misguided US policy and the Ethiopian regime (Wayane). The defamation campaign they conduct against Eritrea is a diversionary tactic to cover up their crimes and evil acts. The world should focus on the real issues here. The real issues in this region are the sovereign Eritrean land taken by Ethiopian regime and the crimes committed by the Ethiopian regime against the Eritrean people, Somali people and the Ethiopian people. The US need to learn from its mistakes. It is not in the interest of the US to destabilize Eritrea. Eritrea is one the best friends the US can have in this region, providing there is mutual respect and interest. Eritrea has culturally and politically civilized people and government.

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