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Madaxweyne Shariif oo isbitaal ka dhex furay Madaxtooyada.

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lol madaxtooyada? marka ma dhakhtar asaga iyo intii madax ah u shaqeenasa..see camal? umada wa in uu wax u qabta ninku. Anigu waan la jiray hadana waan la jira laakin sidan si ha isku dhaamo shabab iyo waxa la mid ah meel ha iska mariyo umadana dhakhtar iyo iskoolo iyo waxkastaba ha u furo..



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The Zack;680963 wrote:
^LOOL@Madaxweynahayaga.. Maybe Kamavi should let you cheer for "your" president and he should cheer for "their" prime minister?

Saacadii hiiliska tolka maa la gaarey? he should cheer for jabhadiisa only, and not my president or pm.

Waayo, Sir Alex needs to sort out his ID card first, Somalia looma ogola weli cuz his application is adigana is ilaali, intaad hiilis la soo shirtagtid yaanan ID card lagaa qaadin. Waamooyiinka iyo jabhadaha waa in aan la arag lana maqal marka VIP-da ay kormeerayaan Villa Somalia iyo Afgooye. :D


Aaliyyah, isbitaalka ma aha wax cusub oo hadda la dhisey, waa la dayactirey uun. Sidaana uma weyna, askarta dhaawacanta ayaa loogu tala galey.


Dadkaana ha iska heesheesaan, wax kale oo faaido leh ma haayeen ileen.

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The Zack   

Hiilis miyaa haddii lagu saxo LOL. U repeatedly claim that Shariif is your president and Banadir is yours. I am only agreeing to your claims and since those claims are obviously based on clanism, I am just telling you Farmaajo is ours and so are Jubooyinka, Gedo and Puntland. And yes you are correct, villa Somalia is all yours :)

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The Zack;681034 wrote:
Hiilis miyaa haddii lagu saxo LOL. U repeatedly claim that Shariif is your president and Banadir is yours. I am only agreeing to your claims and since those claims are obviously based on clanism, I am just telling you Farmaajo is ours and so are Jubooyinka, Gedo and Puntland. And yes you are correct, villa Somalia is all yours


Well Sharif is the president of Somalia, ina adeerkaa jabhada kuugula jirana wuu afxumeeyaa marwalba taking cheap shots, marka waa inaan difaacaa madaxweynahayaga. Ma qalad baa sidaas? haddii uu madaxweyne u yahay ha show gareyo nooh.

Correction: Farmaajo is reer Xamar, I'm reer Xamar, marka that means Xamar unukaa leh. :D


Adiga iyo jabhada are kooyto to the South and you can't claim it. Jigjiga iyo Dhagaxbuur meelahaas yes. Kooyto is Kooyto, marka sorry Jabhadaha need visitor cards to roam in the south. PL dad baa leh, you need to take your geel aan bounce son.

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The Zack   

Now don't try t change cards dee. You were playing spades, no need to switch to poker to cover up dee. Regardless of what game you try to swtich you will lose. If you say Sharif is president for all Somalis in all Somalia then why tell Duke who is from Puntland, Somalia and Kamavi who is from Badhaadhe, Jubbooyinka that sharif is "your" president? If you say he is the president in certain areas then Farmajo is the pm for his kinsmen, too.


P.s. I like how u hide behind the nationalism card and yet take cheap clanish shots at some people

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The Zack;681037 wrote:
Now don't try change cards dee. You were playing spades, no need to switch to poker to cover up dee. Regardless of what game you try to swtich you will lose. If you say Sharif is president for all Somalis in all Somalia then why tell Duke who is from Puntland, Somalia and Kamavi who is from Badhaadhe, Jubbooyinka that sharif is "your" president? If you say he is the president in certain areas then Farmajo is the pm for his kinsmen, too.


P.s. I like how u hide behind the nationalism card and yet take cheap clanish shots at some people.

Oh look! Zack is trying to up his game to score points. Fiiri, if he is their president then ma aflagaadeeyeen. I dont see GD oo Faroole afka ku taagtaaye, or Sir Alex oo Jabhadiisa wax ka sheegaaye, waayo kuma abtirsandaan ma garatey. Aniga i tell it like it is son, waxba ma dhuudhuunto. That much is evident by now, unless you are blind or cant read.


Ferguson waan is garaneynaa, oo sheekadeena meysan bilaabmin hadda, laakiin adiga oo hiilis u imaade qabiil daraadiis oo haddana aniga farta igu fiiqfiiqaaya ayaa wax lagu qoslo ah.


Banaadir is my hometown and I will not apologize when I say it is mine. Everyone here magaalo ayuu sheegtaa, mind you badankood waa magaaloyiin ama tuulooyin aysan weligood arag. Marka yaa Jabhad supporter, aniga ha ii digrinin halkaan.

Muqdisho is my hometown, Banadir is my gobol, Sharif is my president, and Farmajo is my PM.

There is nothing you can say or do about that, marka go to Dhagaxbur and isbaaro dhigta adiga iyo Badhaadhaha :)


Haddaadan supportgareyn madaxweynahaada then it is obvious he aint your president, how hard is for you to understand that? wah!

Wax qabiil ah ma jiraan halkan. It is simple mathematics, get on with it!

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The Zack   

I was expecting better from you, yaa ex-NiNa! If Mogadishu is your hometown Kismaayo is my hometown and Garowe is in Somalia ee stop saying Sharif is from my clan, H, in a fancy way! I will have my Jubbooyinka, Jigjiga and all the d block territories and you can keep the change! Don't try to have your cake and eat it too. You can claim a Somali nationalism and yet tell folks to keep out of ur goof as ur adeer suudi would say! Jigjiga and Jubba are both mine as Jowhar and Xarardheere are your "GOOF". Xamartan baa'ba'san imaanshaheeda uma soo socdo adiga uun ku nabad gal intaadan dad ugu booteyn ID baad u baahan tihiin. Ceelasha biyaha bey dadkaagii degen yahiin kuwaas ID sii uun.

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oba hiloowlow;681052 wrote:
the zack bro Gabartan waxey diidan tahay waxaa waaye kaagana kula lihi keygana anaa leh.

Sharif wiilkiisa xataa wuu fahmey sheekada.


Aniga qabiiliste iigu wacaysaa, is that gonna make me one bal? lol


Let me turn on my qabiiliste radio on bal.

D iyo F iyo whateva word aad sheegato, adigey kuu taalaa, Soomalia maba sheegan kartaan idinka, Ethiopia iska jooga. South belongs to moi, from Hobyo to Ras kamboni. You are always Kooyto in the South, and dont you ever forget that son!


PL wey idin soo tuurtey, they dont even consider you as one of their own, and neither our brothers in Gedo or Jubada Hoose. Xoog iyo faatudhug uun baad isugu qorqoreyseen. Go and free your villages horta and respect magalooying la idinku soo dhaweeyey.


Ha sheeganin waxaadan lahayn, unukaa leh... Somalia unukaa leh! :D :D

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The Zack;681049 wrote:
Madaxweynaha haddii la dhaleeceeyo madaxweyna kuuma aha maa dadka lagu dhahayaa, aggah!

Yes Zack!


Waa in ay jirtaa kala danbeyn iyo ixtiraam for madaxweynaha wadankeena. Marka dhaho "my president", waxaan ka wado wey iska cadahay adigu uun baa cuqdad kugu jirtaa. I haven't seen Ferguson ama GD oo complain gareynaayo, cuz they know where I'm coming from.


Naga daay yaaqe! hadalkaan meel kale ayaaba geysey see camal. Aniga iyo adiga heshiis ayaan ahayn, maxaa waaye weerarkaan...

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The Zack   

Somalina;681054 wrote:
Sharif wiilkiisa xataa wuu fahmey sheekada.


Aniga qabiiliste iigu wacaysaa, is that gonna make me one bal? lol


Let me turn on my qabiiliste radio on bal.

D iyo F iyo whateva word aad sheegato, adigey kuu taalaa, Soomalia maba sheegan kartaan idinka, Ethiopia iska jooga. South belongs to moi, from Hobyo to Ras kamboni. You are always Kooyto in the South, and dont you ever forget that son!


PL wey idin soo tuurtey, they dont even consider you as one of their own, and neither our brothers in Gedo or Jubada Hoose. Xoog iyo faatudhug uun baad isugu qorqoreyseen. Go and free your villages horta and respect magalooying la idinku soo dhaweeyey.


Ha sheeganin waxaadan lahayn, unukaa leh... Somalia unukaa leh!

Good now we are talking. Glad I got u out of that cave. Haddii la tiriyo tuulooyinka aad degtaan waa very few...marka bootada jooji. Jowhar, balcad and xarardheere are not the entire Somalia. There is more Somalia than the blood-filled xamar. Come to Jubada Dhexe and Jubada Hoose and stay there without OG permission bal! Midda kale tell ur community to get leadership from somewhere, obviously they lack that. Farmajo is not going to fix internal xamar issues, don't applaud him that much.

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Zack, only my abtiyo ayaad sheegtey, you forgot the other half, Somali Galbeed waa idinla degnaa, Jubada Hoose waa degnaa, Jubada dhexe waa degnaa, Shabellada dhexe unukaa leh, South Central unukaa leh...

Marka la isku daro both sides of my fam, we own the whole SOUTH.


Xataa Jigjiga my grandma ayaa joogta weli...meel aad leedihiin malaha ka waran. Waa kula leeyahay kaaga, keygana anigaa

Deal with that disturbing fact aight!


Hadda heshiis waa diidey, marka it is gonna be an all out war. This aint Zeylac beaches, marka intee ku dhuudhuumanaysiin bal, kooyto yaho?

Bring it on I say!


Btw, Farmaajo is my adeer, so yeah, he is family! Xamar asaga iyo aniga leh...lmao

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The Zack   

LOOOOOOOOOL@unukaa leh.. that was classic. Of course idinka leh. I am glad we were able to agree on that Sharif is not president for specific people.


Obaa hilow, ok bro.

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