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Can we have Business articles and ideas here please

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I totally agree since I believe every one wants to be an entrepreneur some how it’s a good idea we share information on taxes, business ideas globally and the direction of the marks etc.


I will start what is your take on Islamic finance and is someone involved this field or thinking of setting up some form of Islamic Equity firm. Since the US mortgage crises I have been reading reports that many banks are turning their eyes to Islamic finance as they were unaffected.

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Though i am not in that field but again i am based in coutry(malaysia) which is more successive in Islam Banking--particularly in Money market segment which is more developing and attracting non-muslims. Hence there is no big difference between conventional and Islamic Banking--it is the filter( sharia-low which prohibit intrest and Riba and allows matual Benifit sharing) that compels convential financial Banks to add islamic banking to their services..


Would like to know how one would venture islamic equity firm in somalia, is that possible?


Isn't Tax one of tools that Goverments use to manage their economic-i mean to increase Tax on middle class employees or wat ever when a goverment wants to slow it's economic growth and other way around when a goverment prefer fast economic growth..


For Financial markets i think we have some Nomads in the field like MDD as well others..



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Waxaan jeclaan lahaa in laga bilaabo labadan midkood.


1. Sida Bakhaarka loo furto (Haddaadan Aabe ka dhaxlin).


2. Sida xoolaha/dhuxusha IWM loo dhoofiyo.

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ok let me try to answer then:


Convince your Qaraabo or friend about Your Biz plan in order to raise a capital, by telling them potential return of investment, Demand of product you tend to sell in your Bakhaar iwm


Location: try to find strategic location where custmers can simply access...


Promotion: find all your qaraabo customers also request them to make word-of-mouth for your Bakhaar


For the dhuxusha..


You need to find wadanka laga gaato...


It does make sense now?

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Innovation and entrepreneurship is the leitmotiv of the American economy. It has been the basic for the present growth and prosperity of the country. Societies that have studied and applied innovative and entrepreneurial economy, such as Japan, Australia and some South-Eastern Asian countries, are witnessing an unprecedent economic growth.These countries have moved from a traditional economy, characterized by paternalism or familial management to a dynamic, innovative, future-oriented and entrepreneurial management. These competitive and market-oriented economies are becoming the model of today’s global economy, especially after the fall of the Berlin wall or the communist economy model.


The question is then, how can Africa, that young continent, full of dynamism and aspiration, benefit fromthese revolutionary knowledge and practices? In other word, would it be possible for African countries to embarkthemselves in the innovative and entrepreneurial methods and strategies in order to stimulate their economies? Or,how can innovation and entrepreneurship affect African economies?

What Do you think guys?


what are the triggering events or strategic issues that make africa to lag behind?




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Myownboss let's make a list of Somali companies, there are around ~400 companies registered in Dubai alone but i have difficulty finding there names. Do you know if any detail list has ever been released by the Somali business council?

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Always Take the Job That Offers the Most Money


After you have decided what you want to do--whether it is banking, advertising, manufacturing, or something else--go to work for the company that offers you the most money. If you have not decided what kind of career or industry is for you, then take the job that offers the most money. If you are in a corporation, always take the transfer, promotion, or assignment that pays the most money.

There are several important reasons why you go for the money. First, all of your benefits, perquisites, bonuses, and subsequent raises will be based on your salary. Corporations give all extra compensation in percentages. Therefore, a 10 percent raise on a $22,000 salary is $200 better than the same raise on a $20,000 salary.


Second, the higher paid you are, the more visible to top management you will be.


Third, the more money you are paid, the more contribution will be expected of you. This means you will be given more responsibility, tasks, and problems to solve. And a chance to perform is an invitation to success.


Fourth, if two people are candidates for a promotion to a job that pays $50,000, and one person makes $30,000 and the other $40,000 the higher paid person always gets the job. The higher paid person gets the job regardless of talent, contribution, or anything else. Corporations usually take the easy way out, and it is easier to promote the higher paid than the lower.*


Finally, in business, money is the scoreboard. The more you make, the better you're doing. Simple.


*Promoting the higher paid is the path of no resistance in most organizations. Someone approved the higher paid person's compensation. Others concurred. To leapfrog the higher paid diminishes the sponsor of the higher paid. And the sponsors of the higher paid are, themselves, even higher paid. Promoting the higher paid endorses the wisdom of upper management.



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