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gaining more knowledge of Islam..

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I just thought maybe we could ask one another some questions regarding our religion. That way perhaps we could learn from one another


so see if you guys can answer the following questions, and yeh come up with questions of your own. Jazakalaahu khyr.



1.The main purpose of fasting is described in the Qur'an is? that you may remember hunger that you may attain taqwa or God-consciousness that you get more healthy that you may get more wealth


2.To which country did the Muhammad (salAllahu alayhi wasalam) go for the first time on a trade journey, with his uncle?







3.How long did Abu Bakr (radiAllahu anhu) rule as a Khalifah

a.2 years and 3 months

b.3 years and 9 months

c.7 years and 4 months

d.10 years and 4 months





wa salaamu alaikum

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Yaa Salaam muminah....lakiin i think islamic trivia topic aleardly exists. but to answer your questions:


1. b

2. d

3. a.


Not a trivia question, but yacni going by the threads name....mecca is a holy place, where its not even allowed to raise the voices! It is protected by Allah. Question any explanation about the fight, "uprising" that occured i believe during the 70s by the iranians ect i never did get that! And Allah Knows best.

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I think the answer to question 1 by Aliyah can be a,b and c.


a - remember the poor and 'their' hunger

b - explains it self

c - fasting cleans out your intestines





I'm not too sure about what happened by a bunch of Iranians took over the Kacba so the authorities flooded the mosque with water and electrocuted them hence not spilling any blood in the process. This was after lengthy discussions/peace talks.

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It can be a-c, but multiple choice North best answer. The issue at mecca Allahu Calaam ninyahow I watch the documentary made me angry!


Aaliyah opps crashed before lift off....dont lose the enthusiasm u had ukhti. Something which affects us Muslims living in the West, what is islamic verdict on endorsing political candidates that openly advocate for unIslamic principles/values such as Gay Rights? Can Muslims endorse such candidates? And verduict on Muslims whom themselves support Gay rights or the like.

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