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Mogadishu Security Plan: Civil Security Force

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Unless the inhabitants of Mogadishu create their own Madani forces they will be slaughtered like cattle by power-hungry warlords.


The recent 3-day long clash between the warlords with a beard has left: 65 dead, 190 injured, and thousands displaced from their houses.

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Thousands of people again displaced by fighting. Mogadishu residents should ASAP create ciidamo Madani who can protect them and their neighbourhoods, otherwise displacements will be part of their lives!




Barkac kii ugu badnaa oo sakay laga dareemayo xaafadaha ay dagaalada ka dhacayeen ee magaalada Muqdisho.(Daawo Sawirada)


Shabelle: MUQDISHO


Barakac kii ugu badnaa ayaa waxaa saakay laga dareemayaa xaafadaha ay dagaalada ka dheceen si dadka ay uga badbaadaan dhibaato ka soo gaarta dagaalada ka dhacayay.




Iyadoo shalay ay xaafado ka tirsan degmooyinka gobolka Banaadir ku dheceen madaafiic farabadan oo barbar socday dagaalo shalay ka dhacay degmooyinka Yaaqshiid iyo Wardhiigleey ee gobolka Banaadir ayaa waxaa biloowday Barkac baahasan oo dadku ay uga cararayaan Xaafadahooda iyagoo ka baqadi qaba in waxyeelo ay ka soo gaarto madaafiicdaasi.




Xaafadaha sida weyn looga barakacayo ayaa waxaa ka mid ah Xaafada Tawakal,Towfiiq,Cara faad iyo Fagax ee degmada Yaaqshiid iyo sidoo kale qeybo ka mid ah degmada Wardhiigleey kuwaasi oo ay shalay madaafiicdii ugu badneey ku dheceen sidoo kale madaafiicdaasi ayaa waxaa ay ku dheceen degmooyin Dhowr ah oo horay uga nabdonaan Dagaalada maalmihii laga soo gudabay ay ka dhacayeen,waxaana degmooyinka ay shalay madaafiicda ku dheceen ka mid ah Degmada Waaberi,Shibis iyo Boondheere ee gobolka Banaadir.




Haweeneey Umul ah oo ka mid ah dadkii ka baracay dagaalada iyo madaaficda la is weydaarsanayo oo idaacada shabelle la hadeeysay ayaa waxaa ay sheegtay in ay ka mid tahay qoysas dhawaan magaalada Muqdisho ku soo laabatay isla markaana ay mudo gaaban ku sugan tahay Muqdisho.




“Walaaloow Islaan Umul ah oo 3-cisho dhalan ayaan ahay waana cararayaa,guri ma heysano Canug 3-cisho dhalan ayaan Baalka ku sidaan illaah ayaan u dacwooneeynaa awal ayusan aadane wax noo tareeyn” ayeey tiri Haweyneydaasi.




Sidoo kale haweneydani ayaa waxaa ay ka codsatay dhinacyada ku lugta leh dagaalada soconaya in ay si deg deg ah u joojiyaan isla markaana ay u turaan maatida ay mar waliba ku dul dagaalamayaan.




“Sadex Bilood kaliya ayaan joogaa barakac ayaan ka soo laabanay,Dadka dagaalamaya waa walaalaheyn,waa Caruurteena iyaga ayaana dabada nooga jira oo aan ka carareeynaa Ethiopia ayaan u galeynaa oo aan isku dhiibeyanaa si kale ma lahana” ayeey mar kale haweyneydaasi ku calaacashay.




Iyadoo maalintii 6-aad aysan degeneeyn magaalada Muqdisho ayaa waxaa inta la hubo dagaalada iyo madaafiicda isbarbar socday ku nafwaayay ku dhawaad 100-qof halka cusbitaalada magaalada ay buux dhaafiyeen tiro intaasi ka badan oo dhaawacyo kala duwan ay ka soo gaareen

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Mogadishu residents should ASAP
create ciidamo Madani
who can protect them and their neighbourhoods

Quote of the day, Meiji, I hope you are not series!!

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^^ But he is. It's a rallying cry for the phantom M Society. I am starting to think the M Society waa qabiil cusub O Meiji mid ka yahay.




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lool@Tolaaaay @Ngonge, I would have to agree with you, since everyone is creating their own groups, why aan ula yaabeenaa Meiji for his newly found Mogadishu Society aka Ciidamo Madani ah.



Respect for Meiji, but make sure you take violant away from your new group smile.gif

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Why should ordinary Somali families who are struggling to cope with poverty and lawlessness become sitting ducks between fighting factions that deploy foreign fighters who conduct suicide operations in heavily-populated places or engage in carpet-bombing of residential area's?


The Islamic factions have failed the inhabitants of Mogadishu, and Somali people in general.


Today, in the eyes of the ordinary family in Mogadishu they are WORSE then the previous warlords: Qanyare, Muse Suudi, M.Dheere etc.


At least those warlords engaged in low-intensity conflict in which only Somali fighters partook. Never have they brought in Afgani or Pakistani or Arab suicide bombers and road-side bomb implanters. Never have those warlords brought in African troops who carpet-bomb residential area's.



It is time for the people to create Ciidamo Madani ah who can protect them and their neighbourhoods.

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^^^Meiji Mogadishu security plan only exists in your head. The city is paying for all the blood shed since 1991 and before.


The wars of that city are getting retarted everyday another clown with a new shirt.

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It is an idea that is gaining strong support from the inhabitants of Mogadishu city.



PS: You should really see a doctor for your war trauma of 1991. The term ''Mogadishu'' is disturbing to you.

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Mogadishu is burning. How can we put the fire out? Aha! Create a group of new arsonists of course. :D


If I was cooking salty food, I would never ask for your advice, saaxib. Milixa ku badi bad igo waalaysa.


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First of all, Welcome back. How was the vacation? I hope you have sorted out your thoughts ever since your awfull defense of the Clannist Viewpoint in the thread of Kashafa.




As for your point:


Mogadishu residents have since 1991 entrusted their security on the clan militia's.


After the clan militia's failed to provice security and law within the domains of the clan and were only effective in repelling external enemies, the concept of Islamic court was developed.


The Islamic court was a different security arrangement than the one based on the clan. It was based on the Islamic faith and as such was pushed and led by wadaado. The concept of Islamic court was succesfull in restoring stability and law.


Post-2006, the concept of Islamic court has been abused by political pretenders to grap political power in Somalia.


The residents of Mogadishu must devise a new security arrangment and the most promising idea is one that is based on the citizen. A civilian security force that will take care of the security of a neighbourhood.


Insha allah, the idea will become dominant in the coming years and will be translated into practice. Remember, the concept of Islamic court had similar starting as the current idea.

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Mogadishu residents and the different sections of the society should create ciidamo madani ah to prevent future displacements and massacres.


Mogadishu city will always be a prize where political factions fight for, so secure yourself and secure your neighbourhoods by enlisting young men of those xaafado to defend their families.



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Magaalada Muqdisho oo uu ka socdo barakacii ugu weynaa iyo dagaalo laga baqayo in ay dib u qarxaan

Posted to the Web May 12, 09:25



Muqdisho:-Magaalada Muqdisho ayaa saaka waxaa ka socda Barakac kii ugu badnaa ka dib dagaalo lagu dhamaaday oo ka socday 5 maalmood kuwaas oo u dhexeeya DFKM iyo kooxaha Xisbul Islaam iyo Al-Shabaab.



Degmooyinka Yaaqshiid iyo Wardhiigleey ee gobolka Banaadir ayaa waxaa moodaa saaka in aan cidna ku harin waxaa sidoo kale qax uu ka socdaa Xaafada Tawakal,Towfiiq,Cara faad iyo Fagax.


Waxaa sidoo kale ay madaafiicda si weyn u waxyeeleen Degmooyinka Waaberi,Shibis iyo Boondheere ee gobolka Banaadir.


Isku soo wada duuboo waxaa la oran karaa saaka magaalada Muqdisho waa mid uu ka socdo qax la mid ah kii 1991 ka dib dagaaladii ahliga ahaa ee dalka lagu dumiyey.



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The young men should not fight for the religious warlords but should secure their neighbourhoods so that their families can live in their houses instead of been displaced and massacred.



We need to focus the energy and fighting strenght of the young men in securing the neighbourhoods were their families live. More importantly, we need to free those young men from the destructive grip of the warlords, whether those warlords use clan rethorics or islamist retorics.


The way to save the young men and re-direct their energy and fighting spirit into productive occupations is to create ciidamo madani ah that will secure the neighbourhoods of Mogadishu. More importantly, people will become independent in their security needs and thus will political pretenders lose much of their influence over society.

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Two quotes about security and freedom:



“There is only one security, and when you've lost that security, you've lost everything you've got. And that is the security of confidence in yourself; to be, to create, to make any position you want to make for yourself. And when you lose that confidence, you've lost the only security you can have. ... Self-confidence is self-determinism. One's belief in one's ability to determine his own course. As long as one has that, he's got the universe in his pocket. And when he hasn't got that, not all the pearls in China nor all the grain and corn in Iowa can give him security, because that's the only security there is.”



“Those who desire to give up freedom in order to gain security will not have, nor do they deserve, either one.”



How are the above two quotes relevant to this discussion?


How is the creation of the Civil Security Force linked to self-confidence and self-determinism?


More importantly should the Somali masses trade libertiy for security? Should they accept a pseudo-Islamist dictatorship in order to live in security/peace or can they have both security and liberty?

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“Those who desire to
give up freedom in order to gain security
will not have, nor do they deserve, either one.”

This quote, attributed to Benjamin Franklin, is a historical and universal constant, aka Sunan Al-kowniyah.



What the alliance of Kufr & Nifaaq(Ethiopia, the TFG, the AU the UN) is telling the Somali people is this: "Do you want peace and security ? Do you want a permenant break from the churn of constant warfare ? Then all you have to do is get on your knees and make sujood to us. Now, you don't have to do so literally(cuz that might make things obvious to the gullible masses), but as long as you accept your position as maxkoomiin, those who have been conquered and will be governed, we're cool. Do not aspire to the laughable notions of Gobonimo or Freedom. Since we are stronger than you and we are mightier than you, it makes sense for you to accept us as your Masters and Commanders, fait accompli. As for this archaic, caveman-like philosophy that you call Islam and Shareeca, Ok, if it will help you trick and control your gullible masses, we'll let you use it, but don't ever forget: the final word on anything Shareeca or Islam related belongs to us. Your first orders: Removing erey-ga Jihaad ama Halgan from the Somali lexicon.


That's the trade-off: We will take your Freedom, your Islam, your very identity........... and in return.....we will stop killing you, we will stop funding and supporting those who rape, kill, and plunder you, we will give you peace and security. Just make sure you get on your knees and make sujood. To us. Now. Get on your knees and the world will embrace you. Get on your knees and the IMF and the World Bank will give you billions of dollars in aid((which you will later have to repay at a of rate 33%, compound interest). Get on your knees, lower your heads, cede Somali Galbeed to Mother Ethiopia, hand over anybody and anything we damn please. Why ? Cuz we're gonna give you peace and security.



Well, friends, for every b!tch-made faggot(and there are plenty of them on this forum, let alone ardul-waaqic) who would accept such a disgraceful proposition, for every lowbred, lowborn maggot who would jump at a chance to serve the Enemies of Somalia, there are thousands upon thousands of thorougbreds who have sworn oaths of fealty,unto the death to stand fast on the Road of Resistance untill FULL FREEDOM is achieved first, peace and security will only then follow.


And until such day, friends, the dust will never settle and the Alliance of Moori.yaan and Munaafiqeen will never rest in peace.

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What about trading our freedom for security under an Alshabab/Xisbi Islam dictatorship in which people can not even do sport let alone enjoy other freedoms?


Do you also reject that and support the view of:


Security and Liberty go hand in hand.



Somali masses deserve both security and liberty.

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