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Madaxweyne Farole arrives in Garoowe lashes out on so-called 'SSC militias+2 Jaamac'

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”..Cida hada sheegata in ay yihin Jabhadda xoraynaysa dalkeeda ay tahay mid ay wataan dad siyaasiyin ka ahaan jireyn Dowladda Soomaaliya iyo meelo kale ayna doonayaan dan kale iyo waxaa aan u soconaynay
hadii cid soo celinaysa Laascaanood ay jirto ay Dowladda soo celinayso sidii ay doonto haku soo celisee
..”,ayuu yiri.

is this old man for real?? who is he kidding?



cid daneesanasa hadaan ka hadalno wa asaga oo raba in uu dadka iska tirsado asagoo irbad dun

u galineen..dadka muxu moday??


xagee ka shaqeenasa wax kuma qabanayo adna waxba ha qabsan....


kulaha hadii cid soo celinayso laascaanod...?


it is been over two years...clearly the old man is deeply sleeping??...when will he decide to fight on behalf of reer SSC???..obviously NEVER!! need for drama!!


raali ahow awoowe "hadii" iyo "if" lasoo xoreenayo shekadii way ka socotay..


LAASCAANOD dadki u dhashay ayaa isku xilqaamay...


yaa ku dhaha mind his business oo cid ka amar qadansa ma jirto...waqitigii wax laga sugayey wuu tagay wax so labanayana ma aha..


reer SSC waxooda way isku daba riteen halkaas ayeeeyna kasii wadayaan halganka..


guul iyo horumarna waan u rajaynana..





Tuldo geel ah oo dhacan baad

Toogasho u badheedhanee

Ma dhulkaas dhanee tegeybaan

Ninna dhagax u tuurayn

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The problem with SSC is that they are trying to linger to two legacies - Darawish and Military junta*- that are equally unpopular to both SL and PL, plus despite the notion of SSC being one entity is a fantasy because non is inhibited exclusively by the "D-block".


Plus never will the people of Buhoodle or Las anod will be considered anything but reer Waqooyi to puntlanders**.



Only in Somaliland is that they are considered equal citizens.



* Caasimadda.shtml


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Only in Somaliland is that they are considered equal citizens.

LOL you humor me. Saa ma iskula qumantahay



Tuldo geel ah oo dhacan baad

Toogasho u badheedhanee

Ma dhulkaas dhanee tegeybaan

Ninna dhagax u tuurayn

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Originally posted by me:

A man claiming to be from Taleex, yet considering himself to be a Puntlander rather than an SSC'er is nothing short of a traitor of his homeland.


Correct me if I am wrong.

Hurrah! The penny finally dropped. Clan is indeed everything. :D

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^^^ :D loool you could not resist could ya!



Aaliya I don't think he [old man] reads SOL icon_razz.gif


I think you would be a great motivational speaker for the troops, in lagu dhex diigo ayad istahiisha.


Farole asga ayaa isla liita, he cannot help anyone else.

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Someone told me not so a while ago that secessionists are really dumb. I know now what that person meant by it. :D


This is an inner Puntland issue. What is at stake here is the future of Puntland and who will have the biggest say.


If Faroole allows this what in my eyes is illegal coup to take place in front of his nose than he has consolidated his power base.


No wonder his boys see ghosts and phantoms these days. Their accusations of Abdullahi Yusuf's involvement is proof to that and also their constant reminder of how certain individuals are after their father's seat and how they want to force him out.


By popular demand or even a coup. The former more likely than the other because if they can get public sentiments and portray him as a sitting duck in office than they have achieved their goal.


Either way it is not in the beneficiary of the secessionists whatever outcome of this power struggle between the two camps.


Certain individuals in politicians from Mudug and other parts are involved. I see it as a wrong because to politically undermine him is not what benefits the state right now. However Politicians play this sort of games in order for them to come on top and make it hard for their adversaries.


Thus Faroole is a Gordon Brown figure today very intimidating, forceful a bit aggressive but his power base is now consolidated if he allows a parallel government or even force to compete with him.


Jabhado never worked and this is no different. They were wrong back then and are so now.


So what will be the likely outcome of this?


Either way Faroole will fight this as it is illegal by involving Puntland stakeholders who will mediate and thus bring out some polticial statement about him being responsible for the safeguarding of the State's boundries and forcefully ejecting the horgalo and mindidiin the collaborators of the secessionists.


Faroole is by far the best President we have had in a long succession of Presidents and also the most competent.


His only downfall that will cost him dear is not assuring public sentiment and thus protecting the Puntland borders from any enemy that might want to transgress the borders of the State.


If this is not done and Garaad Jaamac cannot be made sense out and refuses any compromise than the other option is to first ask the TFG to reverse any legitimacy this group might be bestowed by the TFG which will of course come at a political price for Puntland cut of the ties and what they claim and bring in the Ethiopians to a crashing defeat of the 'SSC' group or enterprise.


I hope it will not have to come to this but let's see inshallaah.



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Condolences were sent to the bereaved families of Buhodle district in Ein region. The president expressed regrets over the provocation made by the perpetrators of the heinous crimes.


"We have contacted the Ethiopian government through their Consular General in Puntland," President Abdirahman Mahamad Mahamud said."And asked them to return the property and vehicles belonging to the residents of Buhodle district."


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The Mudug factor how important will its involvement be? Will they openly rebel and refuse the governments orders and side with the 'SSC' enterprise for a win-win situation 'a free SOOL and secured border agenda' that will benefit the beleaguered regions of Sool, Ein, Sanaag and Mudug conclusively? Lets see and wait.


This is a battle for hearts and minds and it has already started. Is President Faroole a sitting and lame duck a spineless leader? Or a sane person who puts politics before military assaults?


The political hearts and minds game has already started.

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Kulan xasaasi ah oo ka dhacay Magaalada Gaalkacyo


Ergo ka socota Goballada Sool, Sanaag iyo Cayn oo Dhawaan Gobalka Mudug soo gaadhay ayaa Maanta Waxay kulan la qaateen Qaybaha kala Duwan ee Bulshada Gobalka Mudug .


Ergadan ayaa Soo Bandhigay Warbixino ku aadan Goballada Sool, Sanaag iyo Cayn oo ay ka taagan tahay Dhibaatooyin Dhinaca Amniga ah iyo Xaalado Barakac oo ay sababeen.


Ergadan Maanta kulanka la qaadatay Qaybaha bulshada Gobalka Mudug ee ka kooban Isimada, Nabadoonada, Aqoonyahanada, Culimaaudiinka iyo Haweenka gobalka ayaa Waxay Bulshada gobalka mudug ka Codsadeen in laga Caawiyo Dhibaatooyinka ka taagan Goballadassi Maadaama Dadka Goballadasi ku dhaqan ay la hayb yihiin Dadka Degan goballada puntlabd oo Dhan.


Dhageyso Yaasin: Gagabadii kulankaasi ayaa ayaa Waxaa saxaafada u waramaya Yaasiin Cali C/dule oo ah Xoghayaha Ergadan ka socota Goballada Sool Sanaag iyo Cayn, wuxuuna Sheegay Kulankani in uu ku saabsanaa Codsi Beesha Goballadan Degta ay u Diraysay Qaybaha bulshda Gobalka Mudug oo ku aadan in laga Caawimo Xaaladaha goballadan ka taagan oo ay ugu horayso Difaaca iyo Xoraynta Goballada iyo Sidoo kale caawinta Bulshada Dagaaladu ay ku saameeyeen goballadaasi.


Dhageyso Nabadoon: Yaasiin Nabadoon Yaasin c/samad oo isna ka mid ah Waxgaradka gobalka Mudug islamarkaana ka mid ahaa Masuuliyiinta Ergad Kulanka la qaatay ayaa isna Sheegay kulankaasi in ay ka soo baxeen Qorshayaal qaybaha Bulshada Gobalku ay aad u taageereen oo ku aadan in Gacan laga gaysto Xaaladaha goballadasi kataagan.


Kulankan oo ahaa kii ugu Horeeyay ee Ergadan ay la qadatay Qaybaha gobalka mudug ayaa waxaa ka soo baxday in la isgarab istaago Bulshada Goballada Sool Sanaag iyo Cayn ee ay haysato Dhibaatooyinka Amni iyo Xaalado Dhanka Nolshada ah oo ay sababeen waxaana Arrintan loo saaray Gudiyo kooban iyadoo kulamo kalana loo balay.



Wariye: Cumar afguduud

Galkaio Puntland

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Col.Yaasiin Cali C/dule: Dagaal baan diyaar u nahay


Ergo ka socotay Goballada Sool, Sanaag iyo Cayn oo Xilligan ku sugan Gobalka Mudug, kulamana ku leh ayaa Beelaha Degan Gobalka Mudug ka Codsaday in ay ka Caawiyaan Xoraynta iyo dib u hanashada Goballada ay Somaliland gacanta uga Dhigtay Maadaama Dawlada puntland aysan lahayn Ajande ay Goballadan Dib ugu Soo Celinayso.


Corn,Yaasiin Cali C/dule oo ah Xoghayaha Ergadan ka socota Goballada Sool,Sanaag iyo Cayn horayna uga Mid ahaa Siyaasiyiinta Mamulka puntland ayaa Sheegay in ujeedadoodu ay tahay Sidii bulshada Gobalka Mudug ay uga heli lahaayeen Taagero dhinac walba ah, Maadaama ay ku jiraan dadaal ah in ay dib u soo ceshtaan Deegaanada ka Maqan.


"Beelaha Mudug degan Waa Walalahayaga , waxaanu ka codsanaynaa in ay nagu tageeraan Dagaalka aanu ku xoraynayno Deegaanada Somaliland ay haysato, waayo Dhulku wuxuu ka maqan yahay Beesha dhan, Dhulbahantana Deegaan hoosaad ayey u leeyihiin, Hiil iyo hooba Tolkayagaw Dalka nala Xoreeya" Sidaasi waxaa yiri Yaasiin Cali C/dule oo ah Xoghayaha Ergadan ka socota Goballada SSC.


Sidoo kale Yaasiin Wuxuu Sheegay Dawlada Puntland aysan Wax ajanda ah ka lahayn Dib u hanashada Deegaanadan, Waxayna Arrintaasi Cadaatay ayuu yiri Markii Dawladu ay Duulaan ku soo qaaday Madex Dhaqameedkii ka shirayay Amniga Goballada.


"Madexweynaha iyo Madexweyne ku Xigeenku Waxay balanqaadeen Mudo 6 bilood ah in ay ku qabanayaan laascaano hadana Waxaa Xilligaasi laga joogaa Sanad iyo sideed bilood, walina ma jirto qorshe Arrinkaasi ku aadan oo ay Bulshada u soo bandhigtay Dawladu" Yaasiin Cali C/dule mar uu ka jawaabayay Su,aal ay Saxaafadu waydiisay oo ahayd in ay ka hordhaceen Qorshayaasha Dawlada Puntland ay Goballadan ka leedahay.


Yaasiin Cali C/dule ayaa ku Celceiyay in ay ka go,antahay in Dagaalo xoog badan la galaan Maamulka Somaliland oo uu sheegay in uu Dhibaato weyn u gaystay Shacabka Goballada Sool, Sanaag iyo cayn, wuxuuna ka Codsaday bulsha Weynta ku dhaqan Goballada puntland in ay gacan ku siiyaan xoraynta Deegaanada maadaama Dhulku uu si guud uga maqan yahay Shacabka Puntland oo dhan.


Dhageyso Nabadoon Yaasiin



Wariye: Cumar afguduud

Galkaio Puntland

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