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Meles Zenawi's Wolfish Appetite

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Meles Zenawi's Wolfish Appetite



The root of the Somali anarchy is greed and self- interest. Though some may purport it as clan based. This may be true only to some extent but not entirely. Only few are benefiting from the chaos that has been going round and round in Somalia for fifteen years. All these years the Somalis have been suffering enormously. Every thing that citizens of a stable country consider as granted is practically unknown in Somalia. Somalis have been deprived of proper health-care, education, potable water supply, safe roads, and above all law enforcement agency. Talk about sanitation and sewage is a taboo in Somalia. And just thinking of it makes me nauseate and ill at ease. In some parts of Somalia there are savage gunmen who do not do anything but keep an eye on anyone who voluntarily tries to remove the garbage from the residential areas so that the environment becomes more habitable and healthier. These gunmen should be paid and dealt with before any good Muslim can clean the ambient. It is as though the garbage is held hostage and with it the Somali people. Because of the uncollected garbage, a breakout of dengue, locally known as Katiiti Baabow, a viral disease transmitted by the bite of certain strains of mosquitoes is back into Somalia. Few malignant people are getting fatter and fatter and they would do any thing to stop any one who tries to make life better for the Somali people. Keep the status quo is their motto. They think they will have nothing to gain if a change for the better comes along. It is really sad and unfortunate that “THEY do not see that everyone including “ They – The Fat People†will be a winner if peace and the rule of law is restored in lawless Somalia.




It is absurd and far from the reality that Alqaida is in Somalia. What we have is a Somali problem caused by selfish criminals who shroud themselves with pseudo-clannism. Nevertheles the Ethiopian prime minister, Meles Zenawi in an interview with the Associated Press on May 12, 2005 affirms that Alqaida is active in Somalia.




First of all there is no international organization –whatever one likes to call it- in Somalia, which could be responsible for the lawlessness. The calamity with which the Somali people have been living day in day out for more than fifteen years is a product made in Somalia and by Somali hands and the raw material to produce it is flooded into Somalia by Mele Zenawi and Co. so that the Somali plight never ceases to exist.




Secondly, Let us assume that Zenawi is telling the truth. Just for a brief moment. The question that presses for an urgent answer is why of all people has Dictator Zenawi got to do with that. We have now a president and his name is Abdullahi Yusuf and a prime minister and his name is Mohamud Ghedi. What happened to our guys? If Alqaida is in Somalia they should be the first to inform the Somali people. Have they lost their tongues or is Zenawi more informed about Somali’s current issues than the Somali’s Prime minister and it’s President or is it true that Zenawi is the man behind the scenes who is directing the show and all of a sudden decided to come to the fore, to the stage so as to take over the acting from his protagonists, namely Abdullahi Yusuf and Ghedi. The Somali people deserve better than a puppet government. They need a fair and a stable government that provides to the Somalis the services they need and collects the mounting garbage and the marauding gunmen as well.




The Ethiopian dictator, Zenawi has his own problem. The Ethiopian people are starving and he has nothing to feed them. The Oromo people are uprising against the Tigre subjugation and in the ****** territory, freedom fighters are teaching unforgettable lessons to the Terrorists from Tigrinia. The days of Zenawi are counted and he is aware of that. Ethiopians are going to the polls next Sunday. This is no fair election, mind you, as the outcome is known for sure. There are no international observers in Ethiopia making sure that voters are not intimidated if they opt to cast their vote for the opposition. Dictator Zenawi and his regime will remain in power but not for long. Having sacked Ethiopia’s wealth and deposited it at foreign banks his last gambit is to use President Yusuf and Prime Minester Ghedi so that his ambition for more and more treasure is quenched – though I doubt that this point will ever be reached for the man has a wolfish and insatiable appetite. The Ethiopian people are fed up with Zenawi and would do any thing to get rid of him. Zenawi knows that the tide is turning against him and is about to drown him once and for all. And just like any other dictator who has no way of dealing and solving the economic and social problems facing his subjects, Zenawi recourses to the antique survival technique of distract and blindfold. His distraction to the Ethiopians is Somalia. And now he has come up with another one : Alqaida. Dictator Zenawi is crying wolf having seen that Somalis are adamant against the deployment of foreign troops especially Terrorists from Tigrinia. There are Muslims in Somlia and if Being a Muslim has become synonymous with Alqaida, then you may say so and the Somalis will know that Meles Zenawi is on a crusade to massacre innocent and peace loving Muslims. The word “ Islam†derives from Salaam, which means peace, and as such Muslims are peace-loving people. Others with stronger muscles and louder voices than a poor African dictator who does not know how to feed his own hungry-stricken people, have been attempting to taint Islam- the religion of peace and love- and Alhamdu lillaah, all their attempts has been and will be in vain.




by: Ahmad Rooble Muhammad



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