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Qat-chewing Somaliland military officials Vs ONLF marines: An update

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The drama staged by pot-bellied and Qat-munching Somaliland "Generals" after 700 ONLF commandos arrive home would have been funny were it no so rediculous. The fact is they have been alerted by Ethiopians who learned about the arrival of the ONLF contingent before the so-called Somaliland army, ever alternating between Xarraaro, Mirqaan and Dubaab cycle, even heard of it.


The ONLF contingent have arrived late Friday night, September 10 and proceeded to their destination. It was a well-planned, well-drilled operation where the bulk of work has been done by the local ******* community, following the deployment of ONLF civillian operatives to the areas before six months ago. This contigent with more than 3 years of training is by far an elite group, who have also been trained on anti-aircraft missiles.


In any case, I doubt the whole of the ragtag Somaliland military, whose is made up of untrained and reconstructed Gaas-dhagoolayaal, would have done much about this particular group if they were alerted even before the month of Ramadaan started.


I now expect much more noisy drama about illusory mountains surrounded. I was wondering why the SL authorities put themselves in such a position in the first place. They will have to proivide an alibi and evidence of the encirclement now.And if they produce anything more than mountain baboons and wild donkeys that frequent the inhospitable Marimari mountains, I will be the first to congratulate them. But they can produce two prisoners (livestock traders picked up from Borame or even Hargiesa) and can try to appease their better-knowing Ethiopians. There, they have the expertise; they can raid an old hut and take out sleeping women in the middle of the night.


The operation has a political signifiance and implications much bigger than its military value for ONLF. I hope they will realise it and make use of it. This operation will not have succeeded without men like Rayaale Xamud from Shinile Zone. ONLF should know that if they expand and open up to other clans, there are many benefits to be had.


[ September 14, 2010, 12:33 PM: Message edited by: Admin ]

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"Somaliland" is sure attracting more troubles in its Triangle area. Why gamble on the most valued asset of your entity: Peace.

Make more friends, not enemies.



A case argument I made to a friend who is pro-Somali Region of Ethiopia aka ******.


with all due respect, the long simmering conflict btw Somalis & successive Ethiopian governments can't be changed overnight by an illusive peace deal with a fringe group or delegating limited power into a regional autonomy. This has been a war resolutely faught to secure the self-determination of Somalis in the region. Somalis can't be considered "Ethiopians" in my humble opinion. Their piece of Territory had been unjustly ceded to Ethiopia by the
British Empire
prior to our political independence.


Ethiopia now complains to the world and threatens--if its demands are not met--that it will fail to recognize the
Anglo-Egyptian Nile Treaty,
which had unfairly assigned to Egypt a disporportionate distribution of the water flow . One Ethiopian commentator I read sometime even made the familiar remark that
it was their Elders (Ethiopians)
who made the historic mistake. It resonates quite well with similar grievances made by the people of the occupied Western Somalia.So If Ethiopia threatens to withdraw from the Nile treaty of colonial era, can she also give back the Somali Territory, which was unfairly ceded to its Empire? See the double standards Ethiopia and her regional allies are playing.

What makes one injustice fall on receptive ears whereas an injustice of the same magnitude and scale are forever buried under the rubble? Another Double Standard? Or is it protecting the rights of the strong and displacing the weak.

Somalis have a different linguistic, cultural and religious values from that of the Ethiopian highlanders and their close relatives.

They simply want to be either an independent state like Kosovo or Eritrea or join their brethrens. I believe once the Somali issue of self-determination in Ethiopia is resolved by the IC, it would have a direct positive effect on the rest of Somalia. And it will be good to us and own posterity..19

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Originally posted by NASSIR:

"Somaliland" is sure attracting more troubles in its Triangle area. Why gamble on the most valued asset of your entity: Peace.

Make more friends, not enemies.



Err..eeen..erm..did the story take part in the infamous 'triangle' or did you just get lazy, saaxib? :D

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:D:D:D Which army? Adeer, I tell you your guys heard it from Ethiopians. You will learn this later, but will you admit it?


By allowing such groups to operate in the country ? ?

You didn't allow it.


And by the way, let us assume all Somaliland "navy" (as funny as that sounds, are spread across Xeebaha. What is their capacity to stop a group of over 300 men who are heavily armed? What they can do perhaps is alert the Ethiopians, so likely routes are manned.

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Did I tell you Abdi Iley told your miliatry guys that from now on they should respect the chain of command when passing information and they must report to him in Jigjiga and not to Addis Ababa?


Soo hubso, this happened a week ago.


Inaad meesha Dawlad ku haysaan baad moodaysaa.


And do you think even Abdi Iley, as Dabaqoodhi as he is, will allow the massacre of his clan-men if the credit is going to Somaliland? I doubt it.

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since the canoboore guggling jabhad splintered and and most of them now work for mr zenawi in torturing onlf reminants our canoboore clown has been blowing his fuse....


hence this desparation of working for Eriteria.


now they can choose do they wana spend the rest of their days in amxaaro chail being tortured by the fellow caanobooro brothers


OR they can spend their days in jail in Mandeera... although harshe fair....



mr A&T i think the canaboore jabhad would be wise to choose the latter choice.

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We would have preferred the Mandheera jail to be honest. And the tone of the discussion would have been different to what we have now if we were faced with that choice.


Ilaahay mahadii, we don't have to choose between those two choices now. But I am firmly ensconed on my chair and Sofa at home to see the evidence of the prisnoers to be caught from the encirclement. As I said, they can find squirrels and baboons, but they will not find human beings, let alone ONLF in those mountains now. Two days ago, it might have been a different story.


You are not trusting me, and I don't blame you. I am one-sided. But that doesn't mean you shouldn't check with your guys back home about the veracity of some of my asssertions. I told you that the Somaliland authorities knew nothing of all these things before yesterday, when they were alerted by the arrival of dozens of Ethiopian military trucks inside Somaliland. Soo hubso!

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Originally posted by Abtigiis & Tusbax:

And by the way, let us assume all Somaliland "navy" (as funny as that sounds, are spread across Xeebaha. What is their capacity to stop a group of over 300 men who are heavily armed?

True or false; the trespassers landed on Eid day for a reason.


True or false; their footprints (found on our sandy beaches) suggest they are of ***** spicies.


True or false; the ONLF's battlefield might be a desert, but their leader is an ex-Admiral.


The evidence is damning! :D


[ September 14, 2010, 12:34 PM: Message edited by: Admin ]

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