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Mr. Somalia

Somalia sucks because of YOU!

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Somalia is dangerous and backward not because of the anarchists (who pillage and rape everything they see)but because of those who look at it without doing anything!


Somalia is a joke nowadays not because of the shameful pirates who have brought to our nation this evil vice but because of those who look at it without doing anything!


Somalia has one of the highest infant mortality rates in the world not because of the religious deviants who maim and kill innocents on a daily basis but because of those who look at it without doing anything!


Somalia is a divided nation not because of the silly unpatriotism of the secessionist numskulls of the north but because of those who look at it without doing anything!


My dear Somalis and SOL compatriots; we are the dumbfounded suckers who just look at the worsening situation in our country and never do anything positive to help out.


I hope, the moral shock of our nascent national death which is evident everywhere will lead us to try to learn to work with one another so that we may salvage our country from the dismal abyss it's headed.


Thus, this thread is intended to help raise awareness and to shock Somalis everywhere out of their complacency.


walaalayaal, fadhi ku dirir-nimo xal ma aha ee talo kale meeshaan bal keena!


I will now leave you all with a poem I found... Thanks for your attention!


How many rumors and warnings until it all begins


How many moments of unease until the nation sins


How many regular meals until each family runs low on food


How many alarming deaths until hope is hopelessly shaken


How many mothers' cries until their sons are not taken


How many lonely children until their fathers don't say Good-Bye


How many brave young men until no one else is willing to die


How many mourning families until someone's life is preserved


How many near-death incidents until rest is deserved


How many dark invasions until all the cities are torn down


How many stabs of pain until the killer's smile becomes a frown


How many bloody fields until the fighting is all done


How many gruesome battles until the end has begun


How many soldiers' deaths until a white flag is risen


How many shouts of protest until someone will listen


How many bombs thrown until the hatred will decease


How many more days of war until we are at peace

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Thousands of Somalis are dying and they don't have to because we aren't doing what we can and should. Isn't that enough to make you mad? I say we can all contribute our part to help our country- and we just aren't doing it!


We all have to take collective responsibility for what is going on in our country. Blaming one another isn't going to cut it anymore.


We must act and we can act-- and that's where the opportunity of hope lies. We know what we must do to solve the most troublesome issue in Somalia, which is tribalism.


Now, anyone who has ever taken ecnomics 101 knows that whenever there is a great need in the marketplace and you have a solution, particularly an economic solution, you can profit from this. And I don't mean just in monetary terms, but in any way you wanna measure success.


So where is the solution for this so-called "great need" come in?


It is unconscionable that a good number of Somalis have so much entrenched clan hatred that they no longer want to inter marry one another; no longer want to trade and do business with one another and even to some extreme refuse to live in the same neighborhood(especia lly some folks in the diaspora). This is a serious problem, and here is what I propose as a way forward...


A way forward, not a state of sullen self-absorption, but a campaign to help cajole, educate and encourage Somalis all around the world to resolve this tribal insanity/beef which ever way possible and to forgive one another, and in the process build a united Somali society that loves one another.


I know there are alternatives models to the one I have proposed. I would like to hear your ideas.

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I agree with you. There is a crisis in leadership amongst Somali peoples and there is no deference. All Somalis have an opinion, this is counter-productive. Opinions should only be allowed when the country has gone through a democratic transition. For people to spew their opinions now when the country is in a quagmire is not necessary. There needs to a national consensus on development, peace and stability. However many people are happy to see the Somali peninsula as it is today.


Even the big boy commentators on SOL are lacking in leadership skills. They have no viable solutions, yet they criticise daily.


Mr. Somalia, take the initiative sxb. I support you.

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^Markaa Dhulqarnayn ku qarwi jirtay maala gaaray? icon_razz.gif



As for the topic, Somalis moving forward is probably the biggest joke! Everytime one thinks 'Alxamdulilaah we're finally taking a step (heck even a half a step) forward in the right direction', we fall twenty steps backwards...I doubt there will ever be a united Somalia, regardless of any "a-way-forward-sugge stion/solution"...Di b usoco beynu nahay...

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So true dhulq!!lol. Most of us have a clan disease so we need a cure.


Now i developed a vaccine for this clan disease so r u willing to take it? This will cure anybody from this disease and they will never be a cheerleader for their clan.


And best of all its for free! lol.. Plz get cured for your country sake.

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