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Arab League to end somaliland's isolation

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HARGEISA, 14 March 2007--Arab League Secretary General Amr Mousa agreed to send a high-ranking delegation to Somaliland to end Somaliland’s isolation in the Arab world.


Somaliland’s Foreign Minister Abdillahi Duale said Mousa made the pledge in a meeting with him at African Summit in Addis Ababa early 2007.


In a telephone conversation with Awdalnews Network, Duale said that Somaliland had briefed Mousa on the situation of the country and on Somaliland’s irreversible decision on its secession from Somalia.


“We felt a new and positive attitude from the Arab League and we expressed our interest to break the ice in the frozen relations between our country and Arab countries,” he said, noting that Mousa saw the need to initiate a dialogue between Somaliland and the Arabs.


Somaliland, a former British Protectorate that had declared itself independent from Somalia in 1991, accuses Arab states of blocking its attempts to win African support for its case.


“We briefed Mousa on the irreparable damage that the continued Arab hostilities to Somaliland in the African Union conferences can do to Somaliland people’s historical ties with the Arab world,” Duale said, affirming the Secretary General’s consent to soften the Arab stance towards Somaliland, particularly Arab-African states such as Egypt and Sudan.


He urged Arab League to normalize trade relations with Somaliland, referring to a seven-year Saudi Arabian ban on the import of Somaliland livestock, which had a crippling effect on the country’s economy as livestock constituted the mainstay of Somaliland’s economy.


Duale also met with Arab League Rerpresentative in AU earlier this week in Addis Ababa. The Arab League official also made a courtesy call on President Dahir Riyale Kahin during his stopoever in Addis Ababa on his way home from Ghana.


The President and Minister Duale both stressed the need for the Arab League official to follow up the Secretary General's promise to enegage with Somaliland.


Duale who was a member of Somaliland delegation led by President Dahir Riyale Kahin that had participated in Ghana’s Golden Jubilee celebrations.


“Ghana, which is current Chairman of the AU, has given full Presidential treatment to the Somaliland President who attended all functions alongside other African leaders,” Duale said.


Duale said that the AU’s Peace and Security Council would discuss Somaliland’s case during its upcoming meeting.

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in political understanding , much is based on historic propaganda .. "modern academic history" is historically inaccurate and quite objective therefore variable ..


for example(from wiki) this about the role of islamic scholar mohamed ibn abdalwahab in the fall of the ottoman empire :

a pact was made between Ibn Saud and Ibn Abd al-Wahhab, by which Ibn Saud pledged to implement Ibn Abd al-Wahhab's teachings and enforce them on neighboring towns. Beginning in the last years of the 18th century Ibn Saud and his heirs (The House of Saud) would spend the next 140 years mounting various military campaigns to seize control of Arabia and its outlying regions, finally taking control of the whole of modern day Kingdom of Saudi Arabia in 1922. This provided the movement with a state. Vast wealth from oil discovered in the following decades, coupled with Saudi control of the holy cities of Mecca and Medina, have since provided a base and funding for Salafi missionary activity.'s all quite wrong and sarcastic to say the least.


there is solid proof that the whole founding of modern day arab states was just to strengthen the myth of the ottoman empire which never actually was !

if there were no ottomans .. who did they replace?


discreting the salafi movement by claiming that mecca and madina were under the control of some national state .. God forbid ..


discrediting sh. mohamed ibn abdalwahab by describing him as someone who would want his teachings to be forced on folks .. or make pacts against empires that never were ..


so what did really happen .. if islamic scholars like mohamed ibn abdalwahab and the whole salafi movement were not involved .. what is all this in the media ?


and it's just getting worse .. who called ramses of egypt .. ?


do we really need people with symbolic names .. which only suggests that there is a massive threat that needs to be fought ..?

so vast ,that we can only do some damage control .. it can't be stopped !


.. the people need fubu-tainment !


based on archeological findings ... and new research methods much can be found about history ..


this is new :


there are no natural vs. human sciences ..


physics is a material science , sociology is a virtual science , math is a practical science etc.

all natural sciences ..

politics,now also a natural science, is about generalization of extraordinary social phenomena .


history :

what happened in paese di somalo ?

don't forget geological and evolutionary aspects ..

the new technique is not read between the lines .. it's see beyond them !


what else can one find in the ruins .. of existance ?


fw. this :


how "hizb islam" made a pact with cumar c/rashid ?


against :





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Ever think of how music can corrupt one's mind and make them disoriented. I will advice if you must, then less violent music may be better and if you can replace with

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