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Pleas xplaine

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in the quraan, we are tought that there are 7 skys and 7 "lands?"


with all the space xplorations we have yet to determin wether there is other parallel universers that solves the question asked before... i no that we humans can not comprehend the nolwage of Allah (swc) but hypethetically speeking could a worm hole ack as a link to a warped time where multiple universes co-exist?...... makes u wonder does'n't it


And do we humans and jinns exisit soaly in this ever expanding univers? could there be other life forms that inhabit galixies millions of light years way?...


or is all this "univers" stuff be all a grate hox like the "moon walk"? designed to originaly beat the soviate union and to gaing infulence and power over us??????

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