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Axmed Diiriye - Al-Shabab ha ka xanaajin

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Jimco, February 01, 2008(HOL): Afhayeenka Dhaqanka Golaha Dhaqanka iyo Midnimada Beelaha Axmed Diiriye Cali ayaa shaaca ka qaaday su’aal uu jawaab ka bixin waayay oo ay weydiiyeen Saraakiil Itoobiyaan ah oo xukumeysay xabsigii uu ku xirnaa.


Axmed Diiriye Cali waxaa uu sheegay in intii ay ku xirnaayeen Xabsiga ay u imaan jireen Saraakiil Itoobiyaan ah, isla markaana ay weydiin jireen su’aal ah waxa ay isku heystaan Soomaalida oo hal qowmiyad ah, iyadoo aysan is-heysan Itoobiya oo 72 Qowmiyadood ah oo Afaf kala duwan ku hadla marka laga reebo Afka Amxaariga ah oo ay ku wada hadlaan.


“Wixii aan ka soo macaashay Xabsigi aan ku xirnaa waxaa ka mid ahaa subaxdii ayaa waxaa noo imaan jiray Niman Saraakiil Itoobiyaan ah oo wata Turjumaan Soomaali ah, waxay na leeyihiin waxaan idiin sheegeynaa 72 Qowmiyadood ayaan nahay Afka Amxaariga ayaan ku wada hadalnaa mana dirirno ee Idinkoo Soomaali ah oo hal Qowmiyad ah maxaad isku heysaan oo aad isu dileysaan?, marka ay intaas na weydiiyeen waan weynay wax aan u sheegno waayo xoolo ayaan nahay oo dad ma ahin ma dhihi karno, sawirro ayaan nahay ma dhihi karno, sababtaas ayaan u dirireynaa ma dhihi karno, dad uun amar ku dhacay in aan nahay ayaan isaga aamusay”ayuu yiri Axmed Diiriye Cali oo sheegay in uu hadalkaas la yaab ku noqday.


Afhayeenka Dhaqanka Golaha Dhaqanka iyo Midnimada Beelaha ****** Axmed Diiriye Cali waxaa uu sheegay in aaney jirin wax lagu gaarayo dagaal dabada laga hayo, wuxuuna ku baaqay in la wada hadlo oo wax la wada qeybsado, “Labada dhinac ee Soomaaliya isku haya mid wuxuu leeyahay dowlooy, Itoobiyaay, yaa dad ahooy, kaalaya, midka kalena wuxuu leeyahay war yaa Islaam ah war xagaad jirtaaney meel walba ka imaada, wixii meeshaas ka soo baxana waxay noqonayaan wax cimrigaaga ku filan oo xabad ayaa ku dileysa ama cimrigaaga ayaa dhamaanaya”ayuu yiri Axmed Diiriye Cali oo ka qeybgelayay Barnaamijka Hadal-heynta Todobaadka ee ka baxa Idaacadda Horn Afrik ee Magaalada Muqdisho.


Axmed Diiriye waxaa uu sheegay in aysan Gole ahaan dhinac la jirin Dhinacyada isku haya Soomaaliya, wuxuuna sheegay in ay yihiin Odayaal ku baaqa in xabadda iyo dagaallada la joojiyo, “Dowlad haddii aan ka tirsanaan lahayn waxaan ka qeybgeli lahayn Shirkii ay Dowladda waday ee lagu qabtay Xaruntii Gaadiidka Booliska, haddii aan dhinaca ka soo horjeeda ka mid ahaan lahayn-na waxaan ka qeybgeli lahayn shirkii Asmara lagu qabtay”ayuu yiri Axmed Diiriye Cali.


Dhanka kalena, Afhayeenka Dhaqanka Golaha Dhaqanka iyo Midnimada Beelaha ****** ayaa sii deyntiisa wuxuu uga mahadceliyay intii ka qeybqaadatay oo uu si gaar ah uga xusay Ra’iisal Wasaare Nuur Cadde oo uu sheegay in uu yahay mid ku socda waddo ka duwan tii uu qaaday Ra’iisal Wasaarihii isaga ka horeeyay.


Salaad Iidow Xasan (Xiis), Hiiraan Online

Mogadishu, Somalia

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Ma la dhihi karaa afhayeenku wuu "soo hanuunay"!


PS. loool @ "Axmed Diiriye - Al-Shabab ha ka xanaajin" If that is true he could be already in their hit list.

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“Labada dhinac ee Soomaaliya isku haya mid wuxuu leeyahay dowlooy, Itoobiyaay, yaa dad ahooy, kaalaya, midka kalena wuxuu leeyahay war yaa Islaam ah war xagaad jirtaaney meel walba ka imaada, wixii meeshaas ka soo baxana waxay noqonayaan wax cimrigaaga ku filan oo xabad ayaa ku dileysa ama cimrigaaga ayaa dhamaanaya”

He summed it up best.

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Afka Amxaariga ayaan ku wada hadalnaa mana dirirno ee Idinkoo Soomaali ah oo hal Qowmiyad ah maxaad isku heysaan oo aad isu dileysaan?



What a load of rubbish. Ethiopia has been run by dictators ever since it was created. The current dictator is responsible for the deaths of thousands of people in Anuak region, Ocaden region and Oromia. He killed students on the street in broaddaylight because they disputed an election. The country's elites are fighting their own "kin" in Afreweki of Eritrea. So Ethiopia is hardly a good example for multi- ethnic cohesion. I would love to see Western forces stop caring, funding and policing the Ethiopian dicatorship. Believe me, there will an immense power struggle like Somalia whereby Amharas, Oromos and Tigrays would fight over who rules the country. As Ahmad Diriye, I would love to see him if he felt Ethiopians were targeting another subclan, would he care, speak out?

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GJ "What a load of rubbish. Ethiopia has been run by dictators ever since it was created. The current dictator is responsible for the deaths of thousands of people in Anuak region, Ocaden region and Oromia. He killed students on the street in broaddaylight because they disputed an election. The country's elites are fighting their own "kin" in Afreweki of Eritrea. So Ethiopia is hardly a good example for multi- ethnic cohesion. I would love to see Western forces stop caring, funding and policing the Ethiopian dicatorship. Believe me, there will an immense power struggle like Somalia whereby Amharas, Oromos and Tigrays would fight over who rules the country. As Ahmad Diriye, I would love to see him if he felt Ethiopians were targeting another subclan, would he care, speak out? "

The piont is they are doing a lot better, they may not be the best but while changing regimes they did not destroy their country despite the fact that, like they said, their country has a lot ethnic groups from different races,l with different languages and religions.

what would your response been if you were in the old mans positions?

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The world powers are said to have been heavily involved in the TPLF taking over Adiss Ababa, if I not mistake some Ethios say the Americans negotiated them to peacefully enter the city. Secondly, what about places like Ocadenia? That war is on the same level as Somalia and there is another alleged genocide against the Anuak people by the highlanders and soldiers. So show me Ethiopia which is abandoned, with no aid, no military support and they would fight over their country. Do you think TPLF without Americans and West can keepa grip of all those ethnicities and fight so many wars? My response to them would have been: firstly, being of the same ethnic group, religion and language doesn't gurantee cohesions, thus there are plenty of examples of civil wars throughour history. Number 2, I would kindly reply it is none of their business as this is my country and not theirs!

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Odaygu waa is bedelay, Soo tuu oran jiray beel baa lagu duulan yahay ee dagaalama.


Originally posted by J.a.c.a.y.l.b.a.r.o:

odayga waa la soo mustafeeyay ,,,

lool,kkk, :D

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It is called Stockholm syndrome, the captive identifies with and becomes sympathetic towards their captor for a while.



Hadda dhow yaad maqli doontaa isagoo qeyli dhaaminaaya oo leh Xabashi haka Baxdo waddanka.

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