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Experiences with Gender Discrimination in somaliland Politics

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Now, let’s talk about women. How many of you really believe that the government and opposition agenda left cares about you, your family and your interests? They are, in fact, the ones that have kept you down and out and without hope. They are the ones that suppress you just as they are trying to do with their dirty politics against any woman, a real, true women.


You tell "real" women that you can relate to the "sticks" rather than this true Patriot, a loving, caring, God-fearing and intelligent, assertive, bold-talking, bold-acting women?. The women who struggle for an education in a man’s world fighting against all of the odds against them; one who has suffered abuse and alienation, favouritism and oppression; one who has had to fight for her rights, freedoms and place in society. Real women not only care for their homes and family but help in its financial support; are educated not only in the disciplines that are necessary to be successful but are at the top of every corporation, in government, in private industry, in education and small business and are powerful in their own right as women.


There are many Slders woman who are "woman" excellence. However,the strength of the clan system denied in a nomination opportunities to women in somaliland societies. Despite, being the majorities hope voting population would not be considered for nominations by the parties; because somaliland women belong to clans, like every body else, but the problem is not women loyalties is often questioned, but they were often been asked, "which clan will they represent, the one they are married to, or clan family?" and that is a big problem, therefore; Somaliland government and opposition parties should strongly address gender inequalities, through legislation and other means, little has been done, but still women’s representation in politics did not improve.


There are clearly that cultural, attitudinal and institutional forces at play that prevent more women going all the way to the top, which has led to recent decreases in the number of female politicians, and I believe it was dictated by the desire of incumbent male parliamentarians to hold onto their political power at all costs and their failure to liberate themselves from traditional views that hold women inferior to men.


There are intelligent and wise women who can represent somaliland and in fact, all women, of all generations, as the best of women and what our gender has to offer. It is so hard as a woman to prove herself before a male chauvinist world that truly believes we are not capable to succeed on our own; Moreover, many people think women are supposed to stay home and take care of their kids and husbands, that they are supposed to be housewives, to cook, clean, and always be there to watch their kids. Personally I think this is not true. Men can do all that stuff too. Women have just as much right to run or help run the country as males have.


Many women would vote for any woman who is a candidate just because she is a woman and I don’t believe in that either. You should believe in the woman and have a good reason to vote for them. Vote for who you want just make sure you have a good reason to and remember to VOTE!!! Women’s values lead to progressive politics because women are integrated into our social political and economic order differently than men. Women’s values generate a moral foundation for progressive opposition because: (1) women are subordinated in the existing order, and(2) their movement against their unequal position expresses values that can benefit all disadvantaged groups and promote equality and peace. Women’s values revolve around family, children, health care, maternal rights, a thriving economy, and a beautiful and well-preserved environment. We want next generations to inherit a strong country of opportunity and prosperity, not despair and tragedy.


Snails do not move very fast to their progress, in many ways, an excellent metaphor for the advancement of women in somaliland. The Equality and Human Rights is so taken with the conceit that in its admirable new report, ‘Sex and Power’, snail-speed is used throughout, to highlight women’s persistent lack of success in various professions. For instance, I calculate: ‘A snail could crawl the entire length of Hargaysa to berbera in 200 years, just slightly shorter than the 90 years it will take for women to be equally represented in Parliament.’


For those who say though that privileging gender in party nominations is problematic, I must say that I agree. This is ultimately not the answer. As many clan men say though, we need to stop making women in politics a curiosity, and so I do think that something has to be change in every election, women should take active role in politics without being discouraged, and that will be one very important step towards a solution. What I mean by this is that, it would be unfortunate if this became a permanent method for ensuring proper representation of women and other minorities within elected office, because the ultimate solution, the place where we all want to be is in that utopian equal society in which equality happens naturally without having to impose it. I believe that feminized values can lead this country to change. Unfortunately, i don’t think if any of these parties will implement this changes.


Like many, I am passionate about manifesting more women in positions of viable and visible leadership. The past months of our presidential campaign have made me realize I apparently forgot to specify the most important part of my intention: I really need my nation leaders (whatever their gender) to carry the feminine qualities of nurturing, compassion, balance, intuition, integration and wholeness.


But let me say this as boldly as I can.I don’t want Axmed Silaanyo or those who are like him to shake up somaliland. I/we want someone to FIX somaliland and rebuild what’s been shaken apart; someone who can blend and mend broken systems and broken people. I/we want someone who can face the world with a smile and intellect, not a guns from under the table; someone who gives us (dare I say it) HOPE.


With Axmed Silaanyo there is no hope, no steady hand, no trust on face value. A shaky nation needs a consistent personality, not someone who plays poker with my/our future. Anyone in marketing knows you can’t be jumping all over the place and expect people to trust your brand and I no longer trust you. I/we also don’t want to be entertained with the media talking about everything BUT all the serious issues we face today. l/We need leaders and news media who take problems head on and don’t get lost in sideshows.


I/we need our leaders to function as global citizens who understand and value the intricate and delicate interdependence of all humanity. I/we need them to lead from a place of highest service to planetary well-being. I/we need them to fly high above the noisy conflicts. I/we need them to feel the fierce love of a mother for this whole fragile nation and not just our little corner of it. I/we need them to risk walking away from the old political playbook to show up with authenticity and creativity. And I really, really need them to lead us away from fear.But my Question is would they even try? Hope so.


My prayer for our nation is that we each of us rise up to our highest selves and that we collectively choose to move beyond fear. My prayer is for each of us to actively participate in creating the peacefully productive nation we want. And my prayer for this 2009 presidential election is a candidate who boldly and visibly begins TODAY to lead us away from fear and judgement and separation. I maintain a deep faith that such a leader will be celebrated and joined by millions of wise and powerful souls who have been waiting to exhale.



By: Asiya Garow.

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