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Funding all religious schools.

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If their party wins in the provincial elections on the coming October,the conservative party led by John Tory has the best solutions for the unjust Ontario's education system: with the introduction of a fair education funding.


The government funding of public and of catholic schools will not be eliminated. Therefore, it would be fair and just to fund both public schools and all religious schools, as Tory states, "I think that's good thing for Ontario because it respects and reflects the diversity that is this province".


Statistically, Ontario already funds 95% of all religious schools in Ontario and therefore funding the other 5 % wouldn’t make a difference on the funding formula. The question is why those students of minority religious schools do not get funding, when their parents are tax paying Canadian citizens as catholic parents?


The liberal party's position in this matter is unjust in opposing the funding of all religious schools and yet supporting the catholic schools. The bottom line, all students and parents of all faiths deserve the same treatment.


So, Canadians in SOL let me know your position on this particular issue?


wa salaamu alaikum

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Didn't Ernie Eves, the former Tory premier, introduce a similar legislation a couple years ago promising to fund equally all private schools the same?


I think the then newly elected Ontario Liberal government killed it.


Honestly, I do not trust anything from the party that made Mike Harris a premier instead of making him a pariah that he was. That fella really messed up Ontario, from its educational system to its healthcare system to its social funding to downloading maintenance of public properties to poor municipalities.


It is just a vote-grabbing issue aimed at the strong minorities, though a heavy lobby is from the Jewish community, who want an equal funding to their private schools, same like the Catholics who enjoyed that more than a century.


I think this has to do, beside that Tory's Tories seeking an extra enticing vote-grabbing from certain groups, it mostly has to do satisfying the Jewish community and their effective lobbying than the overall private schools.

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