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some say the Nigerians are coming this week?

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Najeeriya Oo Ciidamo U Soo Dirtay Somaliya

03 May, 2009 04:50:00 Toronto

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Nairobi,04-May-2009: -Warar lagu kalsoon yahay oo laga helay ilo muhiim ah oo ku sugan magaalooyinka Muqdisho & Nairobi ayaa sheegaya in todobaadyada fooda nagu soo haya ay dalka soo gaari doonaan Ciidamo ka tirsan kuwa Najeeriya, kuwaasoo qeyb ka ah Ciidamada AIMOSOM ee loogu talo galay iney amaanka gacan ka siiyaan Dowalda Islaamiga ah.


Wararka hordhaca ah ayaa sheegaya in Ciidamadaani tiradoodu lagu sheegay 2000 oo Ciidam ama hal Guuto oo aad loo xoojiyay, iyagoo la sheegay iney hadda ku soo jiraan safar dhinac abadda ah ah ayna saaran yihiin markab dagaal oo laga leeyahay wadamada reer galbeedka, waxeyna fariisimo ka dhigan doonaan garoomada diyaaradaha ee Balidoogle iyo N50 ee dhaca G/Sh/Hoose.


Ciidamadaan ayaa loo dajinayaa garoomadaan si ay gacan uga geystaan inuu dhaqan galo xayiraada hubka ee Mucaraadka Dowalda oo maalmihii ugu dambeeyay la sheegay iney hub iyo rasaas kala soo dageen garoonka Bali doogle ee Gobolka Sh/hoose.

Horey aya dhowr jeer waxaa ay midawga Africa u sheegen in ay dawlada Neyjeriya ay ciidamadeda diyaarsanyihiin ayna ku soo socdaan Somalia.


Xogtaan ayaa sidoo kale tilmaamay in dhaqdhaqaaqyadii nabada lagu baadi goobaayay ay ku sii socdaan fashil kadib markii Madaxa Mucaaradka Xoogaga Islaamiyiinta Sheekh Xasan daahir uu ku adkeystay inuusan wax wada hadal ah la geli doonin Dowlada uu horseedka ka yahay Madaxweyne Sheekh Shariif Sheekh Axmed, waxaana la yabaa in talabadaasi ay horseedi karto in Dowlada ay gali doonto dagaal ka dhan ah mucaaradkeeda, iyadoo la sheegay in goobaha ugu horeeyay oo ay ka bilaawdaan dagaalka uu noqon doono Caasimada Muqdisho.


Meelaha loo asteyey in ay dagaan Ciidamadan ayaa ah meelo ay gacanta ku hayaan mucaaradka lamana yaqaano sida ay ku tagi karaan, Dowlada uu madaxweynaha ka yahay shariif Sh.Axmed ayaa ah mid aad u jilicsan dhanka Ciidamada iyo isku xirka ciidamadeda .

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Muqdisho:Ciidamo ka socda dawlada Neyjeriya oo loo qorsheyeyey in ay saldhigyo ka sameystaan garoomada Balidoogle iyo N50 ee GSh/Hoose

4. maj 2009



Muqdisho(AllPuntland )-Ilo wareed lagu kasoonan karo oo aan ka helnay xubno dawlada ka tirsan ayaa sheegaya in todobaadyada soo socda ay so dagi doonaan gaasas ciidamo ka socda dalka Neyjeriya.


Ciidamadaan ayaa wararka aan helnay waxaa ay sheegayaan in saldhig looga dhigi doono garoomada Balidoogle iyo N50 ee dhaca G/Sh/Hoose.


Ciidamadaan oo tiradooda lagu qiyaasay 2000 oo Askario ayaa ku imaan doono maraakin dagaal oo ay leeyihiin dalal reer galbeed .


Ciidamadaan ayaa loo dajinayaa garoomadaan si ay u xayiraan hubka kaga imanaya mucaaradka qaar dalka Eritrea sida uu sheegay shalay Wasiirka amniga qaranka Cumar Xaashi.


Horey aya dhawr jeer waxaa ay midawga Africa u sheegen in ay dawlada Neyjeriya ay ciidamadeda diyaarsanyihiin ayna ku soo socdaan Somalia.


Xubnaha aan warkaan ka helnay ayaa sheegaya sidoo kale in dawladu ay gali doonto dagaal ka dhan ah mucaaradkeeda , waxaaana ay noo sheegeen in ay ka bilaabi doonaan Caasimada Muqdisho.


Meelaha loo asteyey in ay dagaan Ciidamadan ayaa ah meelo ay gacanta ku hayaan mucaaradka lamana yaqaano sida ay ku tagi karaan.


Dawlada uu madaxweynaha ka yahay shariif Sh.Axmed ayaa ah mid aad u jilicsan dhanka Ciidamada iyo isku xirka ciidamadeda .


Xafiika wararka Muqdisho AllPuntland

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Nigerians should police the niger delta instead and make peace there. I urge the president of NIgeria, our fellow muslim, not to send troops and get involved in the conflict of the brotherly Somali peoples.


al zeylaci.

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^^^The funds are the only thing stopping the Amisom mission and now they are avaliable the Nigerians seem to be on their way.


The areas they are going are already opposition areas. It seems more conflict and search for a new solution as always.

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If true, I say it's about time. The promised AMISOM force should've come 4 years ago. But better late than never.

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This is good news this will be a green light for hassan daahir aweys to start the war against those who work with the foreign troops. Ama af Somali kuwa gaalo raaca ah wa siidu sh xassan daahir aweys hadalka oo dhigay… :D

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I really wouldn't bet on it. There isn't one AU soldier/officer in the world who actually WANTS to go to Somalia. Also, Nigeria has enough on its plate to worry about other countries.


I'm actually quite surprised that the Ugandan and Burundian soldiers in moqdishu haven't mutinied yet. I'm sure they'd like to go home.

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^Don't pretend their 'homes' arent the sh1tholes we all know they are. There is no suprise here, Uncle Sam tells them to jump and they reply 'how high'


i concur with Al Zaylaci

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^^^They are in Somalia because of the funding, they get paid better in Mogadishu than in Kampala. Thus its all about the funding and it seems the Nigerians, are much better equiped and trained than the East Africans.


Though sending them to N0 50 and Blidoogle seems ******.

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Fck Pan-Africanism there bunch of slaves to Corporate West


Somalia used to train Burundian soldiers when there country was in Shambles(ask BOB*), Somalia intervened and mediated between Uganda and Tanzania when they were about shoot eachother to pieces


Never did Somalia volunteer to meddle in the affairs of other African countries when it had the best military in the region, unless it was in her direct interest to do so(Ethiopia,Kenya) but these wartorn countries that can't even handle the militia's that are rampaging their own countries as we speak are somehow going to resolve the Somali problem?


again Fck Pan-Africanism

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