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'Sheikh' Yusuf Indhacadde makes Afgoye the khaat capital of Somalia!

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It is reported, that the khat addicts of Mogadishu were last night having a large party, were they were welcomed to seek refuge by Yusuf Indhacadde in his occupied land, from the khat ban currently in place in Mogadishu!


Afgooye the new khat-capital of Somalia 2006/07! It's official, you can come here with your muuriyaan friends free of charge and chew until you hallucinate!


Read one advertisement sign from Yusuf Indhacadde's professional tourism board of Visit Afgooye 2006/07 cultural city of Somalia, where you can meet for a free chew-up!


Hurray Yusuf Indhacadde did it again!

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Lieutenant-General Sakhar ^^^^^^^^^^


even if indhacade made Afgoye play boy city we are happy with it , it does not concern you at all so get lost friend , keep somalinimo between us .


Why so obsessed with indhcade and icu , since you seem to distance yourself from south polictics . These day those that follow puntland plotics are confused between PUntland politics and ploicy an icu .


Icu does not want anything to do with Puntland infact it is Pundlander who are opening up Maxmkamdo and etc , dont blam Cade muse failed regime on ICu .


Why dont you (puntlanders) stick to Puntland poltics and keep south out of your tungs , just like how "somalilanders" are busy with their internal affairs .

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ABDI2005 ^^^^^



SOme of these Puntlanders dont realy care even if the qaad was banned from afgoye , they have some kind hidin grudge againts residents of xaamar .


They call our noble sheeqs like sheeq shariff and dahir Aweys thiefs , liars some even called them terrorist ..?, :mad:


When cade muse was elected was their any comments from south that were nagtive the answer is NO , WHen puntland was created was their any opposition from xaamar the answer is NO , infact resident xammar seen it as positive step in somalia out of somalinimo . why cant the the south have "Maamul" , why does it bother " Puntlanders"

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ALLamage ^^^^^^^^^^^


icu has right rule over the south , just how cade has right rule north eastern regions of somalia .

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I agree with these bans. Come on people we all know how bad Jaad is for our people. The ICU is doing something about it. Why don't we suport them in their goals to ban jaad? It won't go in one day, but its going step by step. Kismayo first now Muqdisho, we have also seen how they did it in Baladweyne. Those are all positive steps by the ICU. No other entity has been that couragious. Lets hope that one day we can have a jaad free Somalia.

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I like it how Afgoyee a mere town is difficult to curb while the largest city Qad is burnt?


Degmada Afgooye oo noqotay meesha loo qaad tago koonfurta Somaliya ka dib markii muqdishu laga joojiyay ka gacansiga Qaadka

Posted to the MOL November 18, 2006, 7:40 am



Muqdishu:- Wararka ka imaanaya degmada Afgooye oo 50km u jirta magaalada Muqdishu ayaa la sheegayaa in halkaasi uuka socdo ganacsi aad sareeye oo dadkii Muqdishu Qaadka ku cuni jirey ay halkaas u tageen si ay Qaad uga soo gateen ka dib markii shalay si rasmi ah Maxkamadaha Muqdishu u joojiyeen keenida, cunida iyo ka ganacsiga Qaadka oo ah maandooriye fara ba’an ku haya shacabka Somaliyeed meel walba oo ay joogaan.


Haddaba waxaa la yaab noqotay in maxkamadaha Islaamiga Muqdishu ay qaadkii ka joojiyaan magaalada Muqdishu iyo Kismaayo balse wali si toosa u soo galayo oo looga ganacsanayo degmada afgooye oo Muqdishu u muuqata.


Arintaas ayaa dad badan u fasirteen naas nuujis maadaama uu afgooye ka taliyo nin lagu magacaabo Cirfe oo uu adeer u yahay Sh. Aweeys oo madax ka ah maxkamadaha Muqdishu. Tuhunka ah in maxkmadaha Muqdishu aysan si is le’eg u fulin sharciga ayaa wuxuu isa soo tarayay bilahaan dambe. Iyadoo Muqdishu ay maxkamaduhu ku gubeen Qaad aad u tiro badan oo dad badan qasaare weyn ka soo gaaray ayaa haddana Afgooye wali lagu gadayaa.


Dhinaca kale degmada Marka ayaa wali waxaa gacanta ku haya Sh. Indhacade oo ka mid ahaa dagaal oogayaashii Muqdishu dadka ku badi jirey haaatana loo dalacsiiyay inuu noqdo u qaybsanaha arimaha amniga ee maxkamadaha Islaamiga isagoo walina maamula magaalada Marka oo sidii hore maleeshiyadiisu dadka masaakiinta ah u baado.

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Originally posted by bambo:

Lieutenant-General Sakhar ^^^^^^^^^^


even if indhacade made Afgoye play boy city we are happy with it , it does not concern you at all so get lost friend , keep somalinimo between us .


Why so obsessed with indhcade and icu , since you seem to distance yourself from south polictics . These day those that follow puntland plotics are confused between PUntland politics and ploicy an icu .


Icu does not want anything to do with Puntland infact it is Pundlander who are opening up Maxmkamdo and etc , dont blam Cade muse failed regime on ICu .


Why dont you (puntlanders) stick to Puntland poltics and keep south out of your tungs , just like how "somalilanders" are busy with their internal affairs .

U are ridiculing urself.Next time,u might want to keep ur ridicules to urself.

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Bambo, your argument was never for Islam or courts or justice it was to keep IndaCade and Cirfo in place and to legitimice the clan advances made by some in the civil war period.


The whole agenda was built on quicksand lets watch as it unravels...

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"When cade muse was elected was their any comments from south that were nagtive the answer is NO , WHen puntland was created was their any opposition from xaamar the answer is NO , infact resident xammar seen it as positive step in somalia out of somalinimo . why cant the the south have "Maamul" , why does it bother " Puntlanders""



I am afraid you have either missed or mixed things up and totally skipped one very fundamental truth. Cade Muse was elected to govern Puntland, but the "shieks" from Mugadishu want to rule somalia, not even to govern it. They don't seem to be concerned with governing, they just want to rule.

As you said if the residents of Xamar saw Cade Muse's election and administration of Puntland as positive, its admirable. Actually every somali should see the benefit of having a well organized state of Puntland which is Federalist. An example for others to follow. Only when each of the regions have self government will they be able to come to the Federal table with confidence, trust and brotherhood, and not when one state is afaraid of the next state intentions.

There will be a day where all somalis will be thankful that Puntland governed itself and still waited for the rest of somalis for each to put their house in order, putting on hold a lot of staff that it could have done had it decided to forget about the rest of the country and worry only about itself.

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