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Adan Ayro's death: Shari Ahmed those in Djibouti's role.

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Kaalin Intee la eg bay Maxkamaduhu ku lahaayeen howlihii sirdoon ee sababay dilkii Macalin Aadan Ceyroow?? Yaase kale oo wax ka ogaa in shirqoolka dilkaasi uu socday?? Hadase waa sidee xiriirka maxkamadaha iyo Shabaabku??? AQRISO XOG DHAB



Tan iyo markii 1-diibishan ciidamada Mareykanku ay duqeymo ku dileen AlZarqaawigii Soomaaliya ahaana wakiilkii Al-Qaacida ee dalkan waxaa soo if baxayay warar la isla dhex marayo oo ku saabsan siyaabaha loo dilay iyo meelaha loo soo maray, iyo waliba cida gacanta ku siisay Amerikaanku in ay guushaa gaaraan.


Waxaa su’aasha sida weyn la isu weydiinayay ay ahayd Yaa kala shaqeeyay SIR DOONKA MAREYKANKA dhacdadii ka dhacday Dhuusa-Mareeb khamiistii la soo dhaafay oo bishu ahayd 1 da May, hase ahaatee baaritaan ay shabakadani waday dhowrkii maalmood ee lasoo dhaafay ayaanu ku helnay xog fafaahsan.


Guri uu Dhuusa-Mareeb, ku lahaa Shiikh Xasan Daahir Aweys, oo uu isla markaana deganaa Allaha U Naxariistee taliye Macalin Aadan Ceyrow, ayaa waxaanu ogaanay in maalmihii weerarka ka horeeyay ay ka socdeen shirar loogu talagalay in lagu dhameeyo khilaaf iyo mad madow soo kala dhex galay Maxkamadaha beelaha midoobay iyo Al-Shabaab.


Shirarkaas waxaa ka soo qayb galay rag dhowr ah oo 2 ka mida ay ka socdeen Isbaheysiga Tuulada Asmara kana soo dirayn Jabuuti iyo nin uu Xamar ka soo diray shaqsi aanu magaciisa kusoo gaabineyno "Hamiye"


Saddex-daas nin oo dhamantood ay isku hayb ahaayeen Cayroow ayaa ahaa niman ka tirsan Maxkamadaha una shaqeeya Sir-doonka Maraykanka, Kuwaas oo watay Aalado la shaqeysa Dayax Gacmeedka (satellite-ka) oo ay dhex dhigeen meelo ka mid ah guriga shirku ka socday, oo halkaas dayuuradaha war-doonka oo Maraykanku kala socdeen waxa guriga ka dhex socday, isla markaasna ay muuqaaladaas la qaybsanayeen Maraakiibta dagaalka Maraykanka ee Badwaynta Hindiya fadhiya.


3 dii habeenimo markii weerarku dhacay, 3 daas nin oo ku jiray guri yara ka fog goobtaas qaraxu ka dhacay ayaa intii jahwareerkii socday ka tegay Dhuusa-Mareeb.


Laakin Midkii Xamar ka yimid oo malaha laga shakiyey bixitaankiisa ayaa rag ka tirsan Al-Shabaab ay afduubeen Aabihiis iyo 4 wiil oo la dhashay ninkaas laga shakiyey.


Waxaa Al-Shabaab hadda ka dhex bilowday is aaminaad la'aan iyo kala shaki badan. Isla markaas waxaa meesha ka baxay in ay isku soo dhowaadaan Garabka Maxaakimta iyo Al-Shabaab.




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Well GD if you really beleive that the Zenawi is a tool then keep dreaming sunny G. besides 18 months since the TFG landed in the capital on Ethos tanks and the situation is not any better, if anythig is far more graver than ever.


As for creating the this rumour of Ayrow beign snitched by the elements from the coourts i say keep it up since i doubt anyone will listen to u no matter how much u cry foul play.


The TFG needs to understand the popular support is against them and their Etho masters ( or puppets according to u ) and usually the people get what they want.

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Horta Macaliin Cayrow Allah uu naxaristo - gacan ka xaq daran aya dishey. We can judge his value at the great lenght the Americans went to eliminate him. He must have been, infact was a pillar opposition to their wicked policy. Nevertheless who has sold him out and who has slept with the enemy is at this stage pure speculation. But am for the notion if the Asmara group were hurt by the killing of Macaliin Cayrow (Alla Ya Raxma) then they would have abondoned their planned negotiation with the TFG and International community. But by continuing as planned sends signal that they either might have connived or are undisturbed by the killing of the Macaliin.

The TFG are not worth the paper they are written on today - they govern nothing, they control nothing, infact they are like endangered species in Mogadishu. The real enemies are the Tigres and those that sponsered their invasion and if you believe they will leave through negotiation then you are living in a cuckos land.

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The fact that Sharif Ahmed and Xasan Dahir the two top clowns of the movement are fighting idicates that Ayrow's death has created issues within this "movement" which has been proven to be nothing more than Aferwarki's pawn against Ethiopia.


They are in deedp trouble much like the many allainces the TFG faced, balacad alliance, clan courts, anti terror group and the Looters Inc of Ahmed Diriye.


Now they eat each other and even Cayrow hideout was no doubt given to the US security forces in Djibouti.


As fpr Ethiopia Its no more than a tool, if this was an occupation they would protest the security council measure past today. They would not recognise the government as they do not recognise Oromia, Afar, or the ******.


Even today more international troops are on route to stabalise the nation, are the Ethiopians protesting, no they want to get out. ;)

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