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Mahadaay: Sheikh hotel's MARYA-CALAS new tactics of hit and run

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Iska hor imaad ay dadi ku dhinteen oo xalay ka dhacay degmada Mahadaay ee gobolka Sh/dhexe.

Posted: 5/21/2009 3:09:00 PM

Shabelle: MAHADAAY


Wararka ka imaanaya degmada Mahadaay ee gobolka Sh/dhexe ayaa sheegaya in xalay halkaasi uu dagaal ku dhexmaray Ururka Xusbul Islaam iyo ciidamo ka tirsan maamulkii maxkamadaha Islaamiga ee dhawaan lagala wareegay gobolka Sh/dhexe.



Dagaalkani oo xalay saqdii dhexe ku dhexmaray degmada Mahadaay ee gobolka Sh/dhexe ciidamo ka tirsan xisbul Islaam iyo Maxkamadaha Islaamiga ayaa la sheegay in ay ku dhinteen ilaa 4-ruux oo sedax ka mid ah ay ahaayeen garabyadii dagaalamay halka midka kalena uu ahaa qof rayid ah.


Wararka ayaa waxaa ay inataasi ku darayaan in qofka rayidka ay saakay toogasho ku dileen ciidamada Xisbul Islaam iyadoo aan la ogeyn sababta qofkaasi rayidka ay u dileen.


Dagaalka ka dhacay degmada Mahadaay ayaa bilowday kadib markii xalay weerar ay ku soo qaadeen degmadaasi ciidamo ka tirsan maxkamadaha Islaamiga kuwaasi oo la sheegay in ay dib u laabteen,waxaana ay horay u qaateen gaari nuuca dagaalka ah oo ay lahaayeen xisbul Islaam.


Dhinaca kale Xariir aan la samaynay Ururka Xisbul Islaam ayey ka gaabsadeen in ay haatan faah faahin ka bixiyeen xaaladda degmada Madahaay iyo dagaalkii halkaasi ka dhacay,iyadoo dhina kalena ay jirin wax war ah oo ka soo baxay Maamulkii maxkamadaha Islaamiga.



Si kastaba ha ahaatee waxaa saakay xaniban isku socodkii gaadiidka iyo dadweynaha ee degmadaasi Mahadaay,waxaana dagaalka halkaasi ka dhacay uu imaanaya maalmo ka dib markii ciidamada maxkamadaha Islaamiga lagala wareegay gacan ku heeynta degmada mahadaay iyagoona haatan u muuqda in ay wadaan weerar ku dhufo oo ka dhaqaaq ah.



Aqriso oo la soco Saacad Walba si aad u hesho wararkii ugu dambeeyay ee Soomaaliya.



Dhageyso wararka 8:00-Subaxnimo maalin walba adigoo raacaya tilmaamaha Wabseydka.

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It was the desperate nature of Alshabaab to employ the tactic of hit and run, now it seems Sheikh hotel's government have swapped roles with Alshabaab and Sheikh hotel's clan warrior(MARYA-CALAS) have started the hit and run game against Alshabaab :D


Its lame of Mr Hotel's militia to hit and cause mayhem in the small town of Mahaaday only to trun back and run away, Sheikh hotel waa ka dhamaatay!

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lol@sheikh hotel waa ka dhamaatey



You are too harsh yaa Xaaji Emperor, kistoo daaha ha ka wada qaadin hee :D

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^LOool, dee Saaxib wuu isceebayay ninka, waa maxay Ciidamo dowlad Hit and run samaynaysana Loool... Ciidanka Dowlada Somalia ee Shabeelaha Dhexe oo Mahadaalay galay kadibna kacararay ayaan meel aqriyay cabaar baan qosol lafadhiyay :D:D


Nuune, Awoowe ninka lataliya, wallee Sheikh hotel taluu ubaahanyahay...

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Pathetic targeting of Sh.Sharif. You should atleast become sophisticated in your Propaganda as Gen.Duke.



As for the topic,


Mahaday has been liberated by the local people.

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^Hehe, now we have the champion of Sheikh hotel, come out of the smoke screen, we knew you will one day! Defend your novice Adeero


Shiekh hotel has lost it, and no, all Somali news media report the city is still in the hands of Alshabaab.... we present FACTS while you talk of your opinions...


Shiekh hotel's government is doing hit and run... Dowlad magaceedi ayuu iga ceebeeyay, so now the Somali government is using hit and run tactic :D ....


Waa umalaynaaayay magac Dowlad inuu halkaas ku dhiman doono

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You can disagree with Sh.Shariif, even discredit his views but do not target him as a person.


He has nothing to do with Mahadey, and that town has been liberated by ciidamo beeleed, meaning the local militia.


PS: Contact Duke and take more PR clases because you are still an amateur in Propaganda Dissemination.

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The government may have resorted to hit and run tactics, but it still exists, despite the huffing and puffing of Shabaab and the "Villa Somalia is falling tomorrow" bs. So keep chewing your fingernails, you envious fake mujahidiin.


May I remind you that Sheekh Shariif is holding out in Xamar? This is something Yusuf only attempted when surrounded by the legions of Ethiopia.


Also in contrast, Shariif's opponent - the cowardly hyena Aweys - spent almost two years muja-hiding in Asmara while inciting his young warriors to give up their lives.


Sheekh Shariif is a better President than you deserve.

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Originally posted by Emperor:

^Hehe, now we have the champion of Sheikh hotel, come out of the smoke screen, we knew you will one day! Defend your novice Adeero


Shiekh hotel has lost it, and no, all Somali news media report the city is still in the hands of Alshabaab.... we present FACTS while you talk of your opinions...


Shiekh hotel's government is doing hit and run... Dowlad magaceedi ayuu iga ceebeeyay, so now the Somali government is using hit and run tactic


Waa umalaynaaayay magac Dowlad inuu halkaas ku

Sharif is HUGE improvement from the former quisling who got repeatedly slapped around in Villa Somalia by Ethiopian Generals.


At least Sharif has his self-dignity intact unlike the defeated quisling.




Your clanish propensities are becoming clear. To you Abdullahi Yusuf's rag-tag militias were "Government Security Forces," and pro-Sharif Militia become " Marya Calas."


And you expect us to take you seirous.

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do not target him as a person

And you are? His personal bodygourd/defender?


Adeer Sheikh hotel is a public figure and as such is open to any personal criticism, discredit and attacks... but if you think I shouldn't then I will certainly not take any PR lessons from you...


In simple terms, Sheikh Shariif is a fool, silly and weak individual, and there is nothing wrong with saying that, live with it...

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Originally posted by Emperor:

quote:do not target him as a person

And you are? His personal bodygourd/defender?


Adeer Sheikh hotel is a public figure and as such is open to any personal criticism, discredit and attacks... but if you think I shouldn't then I will certainly not take any PR lessons from you...


In simple terms, Sheikh Shariif is a fool, silly and weak individual, and there is nothing wrong with saying that, live with it...
Point taken. Sharif is a public figure and thus open to criticism. But people don't have problems with your criticism. They have problem with your history on SOL and how you defended to the bitter end the Somali quisling and painted him as The Greatest Man Under the Blue Sky while hypocritically defaming and criticizing Sharif who inherited the mess from Abdullahi Yusuf.


Remember, Abdullahi Yusuf had 30 thousand Ethiopian Troops. Sharif has 4000 AU troops.


You do the math.

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Originally posted by Sherban Shabeel:

Sheekh Shariif is the President of Somalia.


You are some guy posting on an internet forum.



No. He is someone who can't get over the fact that Abdullahi Yusuf is a refugee in Yemen :D

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^The crowd of Sheikh hotel is getting beggier and the newbies are falling in the line...



Adeer let's not deviate the topic, we past Yusuf Yey's time, it is Sheikh hotel that's on the spot, I presented facts that's reported everywhere in the news and I am only using that in this topic, his Marya-Calas militia have attacked the city and then run away from Alshabaab... Hit-run style, what have you got to say about that s.t.u.p.i.d.i.t.y and utter failure yaa macshara Sheikh Hotel...

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Originally posted by Emperor:

^The crowd of Sheikh hotel is getting beggier and the newbies are falling in the line...



Adeer let's not deviate the topic, we past Yusuf Yey's time, it is Sheikh hotel that's on the spot, I presented facts that's reported everywhere in the news and I am only using that in this topic, his Marya-Calas militia have attacked the city and then run away from Alshabaab... Hit-run style, what have you got to say about that s.t.u.p.i.d.i.t.y and utter failure yaa macshara Sheikh Hotel...

You still haven't answered the question:


Were Abdullahi Yusuf's militia's "marya calas?"

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