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The problem with somali politics.

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1 . A clear lack of objective and central goal

2. Tit for tat, cat and mouse politics

3. To many parties to little spoils

3. populations of people who are uneducated and no very little about the world.

4. A lack of ambition

5. A self inflicted death sentence

6. lack of justice and open mindedness

7. Weak minded and uneducated leadership who care more about power than actually achieving anything with that power.


my vision is a form of united states of Somali nations, With four independent somali countries, based on historical border, who compete economically yet assist one another in terms of military and naval operations, with a seperate capital like brussels that is commonly shared by all of them. That assist in achieving each others problems and settle each others tribal disagreements.


This is my objective, i think it will work, i think we would all be alot stronger and in 60 years from now or 100 years from now when we become the most powerful union in east africa let are children vote on any further unification.


This is a plan i can except. but the way things are going at the moment, only Somaliland will get stronger even though its not recognised, but if we are all to become stronger and combat Ethiopia,Kenya and other african states like Eriteria and the Arabs we have to work towards this strategy because there is no other alternative.

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^Sounds like a brilliant vision, sxb. The very vision some of us in SOL have been advocating for for some years now.


Vision is good but now let us talk about the practical implimentation of this beautiful vision. What are your suggestions?


PS: I think you've mentioned the gist of what's the problem with Somali politics.


[edit] I will assess the sort of resources (mostly economic and expertise) Somalis have currently, and I have been working on ideas that could turn a pessimistic situation into a positive one. All it needs now is a sound strategic and cordinating thinking.


Questions: compared to 1991, how many Somali graduates and entrepreneurs do Somalis have? More than when there was a central government or less?

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to achieve this plan saxib we need to realise a few main points.


1. The objective of somali nationhood was to bring all somali's together, clearly we are not ready to be one yet, so we need to realise that for the time being let us be seperate for us to develop to a stage were we have populations of people who are educated who understand the world.


2. Its important to understand that the most war ravaged contenent in the world Europe today consists of nations who have historically hated one another, waged war on one another. But today have united for economic and military reasons. I purpose taking this plan to the somali's


3. Give total independence to Somaliland, if puntland wants independent give it to her to. because what we need is to develop these states. Once independent they will have access to the world and begin large scale developement.


4. Once these states are given their independence all attention should be focused on mugdisho and the south building one state or two states from the south. resolving long held hatred of these people providing a traditional method conflict resolution. choosing a temporary president, cabinet,and parliment. leading to democratic elections.


5. Once Somaliland is giving full independence it would agree to use its troops to stabilise and assist the new government take full control of mugdisho and with puntlands help they would be able to destroy the alshabab.


6. Once stable these states would sign military and naval packs and be given free will to develop economically and to compete with one another.


7. This development would then lead to a shared currency and the establishment of a secondary political capital, like djibouti were issue could be resolved and the interests of these countries could be spear headed together collectively, and the chair would rotate every year, it would have no real political power at first but would increase over time but every country would have veto power.


8. These efforts would make these somali states the most powerfulest in east africa and greater africa. We would be more powerfuler then ethiopia,kenya,erite ria and sudan combined.


9. Create strong seperate armies and navies, wait for world calamaty or turmoil and invade at will turning these seperate armies into batalions on ethiopia and kenya, even the whole of africa why limit yourself. God made you a somali.

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Brilliant points. But how do you think this plan should be implimented? Such as the point from which to start such a long term project. First step, more like.

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but its important that we keep our eyes on the superiority of east africa is what we want. once independent there is always the risk that we could wage war one another with even more high tec weapons, thats why its important to create peace, let everything go and develop so we can pass these dirty ethiopians, and sawahili's who have had it to good for to long. The region that i hail from, exists both in somaliland and ethiopia its called the reserve area upto hargaisa its huge, i dispise the fact that half my land is under ethiopian flag. I am a somali for god sake. I hate these people more than anyone, the reason why i tolerate them is because i am not recognised if i was recognised i would return to assisting somali's.

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First step, good question, first step is to turn to your brethren in hargaisa. Somali's have indirectly drived them into ethiopian arms because of the hostility shown. You need this resource, its the number one area today economically and militarily.


First step, is to support somaliland recognition or bring a leader to somalia that is supportive of somaliland recognition, but off course put conditions on this support. Nothing is for free, to assist in negotiating a lasting peace in somalia and become a host to these negotiations and to militarily and financially back the final negotiated peace resolution.

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