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Indha'ade is injured in this war and in critical condition

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Meiji, I was not born in Muqdisho ( I am on record calling it the cradle of civilisation) but I love it and its people save the warlords, the tribalists and the double standardists like you.


Back to the topic; Do you really shed a tear for the injuries or death of this warlord?

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Meiji pls spare us your effort of downplaying things that are so clear to even the most ignorant person. Contesting the facts of gross abuse of human rights of many clans in Shabeeloyinka and the founders of Muqdishu who you always exclude from the M society as you call it is just disgusting. The people who founded that city and many other coastal cities are not all 'cleansed' as some M Society folks would wish and many live till this day to recall what happened

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Originally posted by wacdaraha_aduunka:

the founders of Muqdishu
who you always exclude from the M society
as you call it is just disgusting. The people who founded that city and many other coastal cities are not all 'cleansed' as some M Society folks would wish and many live till this day to recall what happened



I challenge you to bring forth any evidence that can slightly support that gross allegation thrown at my character and notion of Mogadishu society.


Now, dont back down and show us evidence for that allegation. If you fail to substantiate your allegations, than apologize.



As for Waranle,


Save us your hypocricy and double standards.

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Not worth mentioning summons up the fact that they're excluded from your assumptions of a M Society. Your arguments of a M society have always been portrayed from the stand point of a x specific clan. As when you metioning the warlords of M society and other arguments dont include as those founders of Xamar didnt have any warlords nor anyone to protect them. And when you often denie the incovinient truth shown to by others you hit back with the clan cuqdad card and you know the rest. And we both know that the illusional cuqdad would be directed to those whom you share kinship and that excludes those who descent from the founders of those coastal cities.


But I take that you've backtracked on the notion of recycled 'myths' as it only offends depply to those people whom those act where directed to and all Somalis in general

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You could accuse me of anything but not having double standards! I stand by the plight of the innocent. You support warlords blindly without reflecting on their criminal acts. You don't need any evidence to know who is a warlord or not.


Let us see;


- You condemn Abdillahi Yusuf government; you support a bad copy of the TFG.

That is a double standards!

- You are insulting the hundreds of thousands of somalis who have perished, made homeless, humiliated by warlords from Muqdisho while bombarding us with the success of warlords;

That is double standards.


and you have the guts to call me a double standardist?


I have never supported warlords, I have never supported warlords laden presidents; Abdiqasim, Ali Mahdi, Abdullahi Yusuf and Sheikh Sharif. I have always supported the voiceless.


Now who is pursuing a double standard here?


Back to Indha-cade; this is the worst warlord in our history. You can't deny that this warlord has been murdering, humiliating and selling water to somalis all the way from Xamar to Kismayo.


It makes you look ****** if you ask for evidence; warlords are warlords and they are known.

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Originally posted by nuune:

quote: diyaaradaha la saaro ee Zuuga loo yaqaan oo darawalkiisu ka dhintay
uu waday


loool...wax walba waa la iskaga hadlaa ma is tiri siday ninkaan uga dhigayaan nin belo ka dhacday...malaha darawal dhan meesha waa laga waayey marka isagaa dhahay anigaa halkaa ka sii wadaya!

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Originally posted by wacdaraha_aduunka:

Not worth mentioning summons up the fact that they're excluded from your assumptions of a M Society. Your arguments of a M society have always been portrayed from the stand point of a x specific clan. As when you metioning the warlords of M society and other arguments dont include as those founders of Xamar didnt have any warlords nor anyone to protect them. And when you often denie the incovinient truth shown to by others you hit back with the clan cuqdad card and you know the rest. And we both know that the illusional cuqdad would be directed to those whom you share kinship and that excludes those who descent from the founders of those coastal cities.


But I take that you've backtracked on the notion of recycled 'myths' as it only offends depply to those people whom those act where directed to and all Somalis in general

If you have nothing to prove than dont talk bro, because I have noticed how your tribalist mind has been twisting and turning to intrepret the notion of Mogadishu society along clannist lines.




Mogadishu society: the proffesionals, the students, the religious leaders, the traditional leaders, civil society organizations, the media, the youth, business community etc etc.


In short: whoever lives in that city is part of its society one way or the other.


Only a sick clan-infested mind would exclude groups and turn the whole notion as ''clan X''.




You are a double standarist, simply because you act holy but accuse people of all crazy things just because in your mind they fit into a particular ''category''or a group.




I challenge you aswell to produce any evidence for your wild accusations.


You have accused me of supporting the warlords, show me evidence.


You have accused me of supporting the foreign-created regime, show me evidence.




Just because someone opposes the coalition of extremists doesn't mean he supports the other side. Your peanut-sized brain cannot comprehend the fact that people can oppose the same thing yet while still been separate and opposed to each other aswell.



PS: As for your recycled myths I rest my case, you can repeat as much as you like but the simple truth is that Indha adde was a warlord like other warlords and that enslavement only exists in your imagination.

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