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Cowke Jabhad To Save Bari

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Ok now I know i am not from bari iyo run ahanti jufadayda hoose ee kings maba degan bari reer nugaaleed ayaanu nahay lakinse i do share tribal ties to bari closer then i share to rest of nugaal and hence why bari is very important to me.


I suggest this issue that is happening in bari between galgala and puntland forces comes to an end.


Puntland sharciga islamka way ku hukunta dadka. There were a few capital punishments that did occur in galkayo just recently which is evidence that courts do indeed base their law upon shariah.


However this aint mudug and their is local problem in bari between the PIS and Shicibka. I suggest farole rather then blatantely siding with the PIS to open up talks between the PIS and Galgala. Important positions ha laga siiyo. Dadka xabsiyada ku xiran hadaysan dembi sameyn hala daayo.


Infact the PIS just arrest people without even charging them for months and hold them in prisons which is totally irresponsible. Shicibki ayaaba ugu yeero "ashahado la dirir" marka way iska cad dahay there is no collorabation between the public and the PIS.


The PIS needs to be reformed now im not suggesting removing diyano because thats not possible but to replace how the PIS operates inside puntland. Negiotations need to start as soon as possible and lets stop beating around the bush guys ee dani naguma jirto waxaan ka socodo bari si dhaksaha badan hala soo af-jaro.


I suggest Osman diyano/farole/atam/elders all sit under the biyo kulul spring and sort out an arrangement on how the PIS should operate inside puntland.




Bari are peaceloving people and all somalis know this ee nabada jirta yaan la burburin just for few men who seem not to get along.


PS: farole is not used to negiotating under biyo kulul spring he prefers the nugaal geed and ari by his side but hey we all need a climate change some-time so im sure he will adapt to the environment and people.

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