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General Duke

Kismayu: Col Muuse Taakoow security operation will start soon.

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^^^ small clan, huh? duke watch out the small clan and how they chase these "big" clan-tfg thugs!. Adeer Abdullahi Amhaar opened up a pandora's box of maxaa igu watayee.


Arboowe, Would amharos come to your rescue? tell me bal!

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^War adiga markii lagu arkoo Xoog iyo waxbaan cayrsanay iyo cidbaa naga ogayday baad kuhaysaa...


Yaraantaadi waxaan umalaynayaaa waa lagu baadi jiray oo waligaa cid kama adkaan...

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War adiga markii lagu arkoo Xoog iyo waxbaan cayrsanay iyo cidbaa naga ogayday baad kuhaysaa...


Yaraantaadi waxaan umalaynayaaa waa lagu baadi jiray oo waligaa cid kama adkaan...


Allamagan, again all you provide is the clan bravado which means nothing to me or this debate. For when your comrade made the insults about a 5% and so on withiut any proof or research you did not rebuke him.


Thus small groups all ways complain and talk after the big cats, however our patiance is not yet drained, we want peace and we know Kismayu can be built by the majority. The majority clan of the region is not your sub-clan but the Presidents. From Afmadow to Dhoobley to Kismayu. You are the small sub-clan. :D


Hiiraale had seven years and was chased out he added nothing but dirt.


So kindly keep calm let those who can built cities deal with Kismayu. This bravado is nothing, remmeber bigger cats than you have spoken this way and their ego is no

more than the ash heap of history.

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^^ lool classical faanfaankii cidda meesha la timid. These boyz ma faanfaantaman, instead they mean business, so we'll se who talk the talk! fasten your seatbelt adeer, hadhici!


Originally posted by Emperor:

^War adiga markii lagu arkoo Xoog iyo waxbaan cayrsanay iyo cidbaa naga ogayday baad kuhaysaa...


Yaraantaadi waxaan umalaynayaaa waa lagu baadi jiray oo waligaa cid kama adkaan...


looool @ baada, duqa, waligay wax ma baadin jirin. Balse run aahitii sanadkii 1969 markii aan ku baaday ayaa baad oo dhan iigu horeysay iiguna dambeysay waaba hilmaamayba sida wax loo baado hadda malaha adiga ayeey kugu cusub tahayo rabtid inaad amxaar wax ku baadid awal aa Jaamac Cali Jamac amxaar ku soo baadeen haddana wixii baad koonfurta keenteen haye!! :D:D:D

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Allamagan, adeer we will leave you with the bravery and bravado tag. Like how brave you guys were wehn you ran away from Siyad Barre and Hiiraale? :D

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Allamagan, Horta I think you are confused, you need calm down my dear, aad baad ujahwareersantahay, I was talking about your person, why talk about clans and bring the 1969 story...


Again wali buula xuufatadi kama bixin, yaa kuu sheegay inaad idinka baadeen 1969, Where did you get that story from, what was Barre at the time? care to enlighten, again U talk about Jamac ayaa labaday who is Jamac Ali Jamac lol isagu ma cid baasbaa, ninka aad sheegtay inaad baadeen 1969 iyo Jamac soo laba Ilma adeer ah ma ahan... Allamagan wax badan baad isku qaldaysaa ee take some break from SOL, you need to chill a bit...

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^^Adeer Emperor, maybe you dont understand ma somali, so let me rephrase it with my little englisk in the hope of you do understand me at last. First, it was you who brought here this "BAADID", since am more adjustable then I have to use your own term "Baad" to make you understand how things are related to each other. All these "baad" I wrote is directed to AY and his associates -not all other peaceloving reer Baris- in their greediness and fake belief and persuit of xoog wax ku raadin by simply using foreign merceneries. I took Jama Ali Jama as an example. This gentle man is a peace loving man, while serving his term peacefully in PL adeer AY attacked him and chased him out of zone PL with the help of Amhaaro technicals and tanks, so now that AY believes wax baadid, and by xoog wax ku raadis and that is what he is doing in Mogadishu, crushing all these resistances with the help of amhaaro, and thats what you guys always believe, that you can crush Kismayo resistance...but hey this time around without amhaaro. so who is in trouble here ma friend?


PS. Dont use terms you dont understand their meaning then.

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^^^^^ Emperor sxbkaa allamagan hadaan wax dhihi lahaa waxba ma fahmaayo oo xitaa taariiqdii baa gadaal gadaal loo soo faham siiyay.


Emperor Mr allamagan has big problem with comprehensive of understanding. Some people seem to do well in understandig without studying that much. Then there are the rest of us who need to put in the hours to get results. With a word or two, it's good to know that even when you're having trouble concentrating, there are lots of ways for you to utilize your brainpower and get the most from your study time. Here you were talking about his childhood, there he goes taking you back 20 years :confused: well i wish i knew how to expelian him without puting into alot of time.



freindly advice for Mr Allamagan If you're feeling stressed out, it will make your understanding time less effective. Have you ever been reading a book only to realize a few pages into it that you can't recall anything you just read? This is what happens in this case when your mind is elsewhere, puzzling over some aggravating situation. Probly haters in your minde of kismayo ;) If something is eating at you, try to minimize its influence before you sit down to answer. See if you can get it out of your system. Maybe you need to work out to "work it out." Maybe you're easily distracted because of luck of understanding or deprivation. Take a nap. Do whatever it takes to approach to understand with the freshest mind possible.



p.s How you take notes is important. First, scan your reading assignment. Read all the subheads and captions and look at all the pictures and graphs. Turn each subhead into a question. For example, if a subhead reads, " ciyaal and baad ," appropriate questions might be: "What are ciyaal and qof laxoogi jiray?" and "What are some examples of wax lagaa dhacay and just focuse @ this points next time.

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^ :D lol Garyaqaan Indr ninka maka yaabtay meesha uu ila aaday, anigu waxaan iri marki uu cunuga yarka ahaa miyaa cayaalka xaafada baadi jireen oo ka adkaan jireen.. waa intaa un... isagana siyaasado hore ayuu ila aaday lol


Garyaqaan I give it you man, Garyaqaan baa tahay and thanks for the lecture, some great tips there its worth it, it might help some of our residents here to take proper note next time... Ku aqri oo waxbar yar yarka lol

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It was a personal question from the begging yaa Allamagan, I asked you a clean simple q regarding your childhood status bro, for you love, unlike other members, to bombard us with the sort of "I killed, we captured, it was I that made thee cry" liners ... Marka dee Bootada badan naga yaree Sxb... waa intaas un...

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^^^^ emperor ara boowe waxaan is lahaa bal isku day in aad wax caawin kartid. lakiin uuga ma jeedo macaamisheena in ay wax fahmaayaan.



Mr. Magan I was traying to help you out with your understanding nothing more abti ii raaxeeso. cimaamad baan ku saaray.

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