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Abuumansuur: We didn't Kill Teachers, Encourages Others to Stop Such Killings

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Shiikh Muukhtaar Roobow: Anaga Ma dilin Ajanabiga, mana jiraan waraaqo aan ognahay oo lagu daadiyey suuqa bakaaraha, digniina u jeediyey dadka sheegta magaca shabaab.



(14-04-2008) Afhayeenka Sheekh Abuu Mansuur Mukhtaar Robow ayaa maanta sheegay inaysan iyaga dilin macalinkii Somaaliga iyo kuwi ajanabiga ee lagu dilay magaalada Beledweyne. Sheekh Abu Mansuur iyo Al Shabaab waxaa lagu yaqaan inay ka run sheegaan howlgalada ay fuliyaan iyaga. Waxaa soo tabiyay wargayska ingiriiska ee Telegraph inuu yiri "Anaga ma dilin Dadkaas la dilay". dhanka kale Xafiiska warfaafinta ee dhaq dhaqaaqa Al-Shabaab ayaa laga soo saaray maanta war cad oo ku saabsan kooxo maalmihi danbe caadeystay in magaca Mujaahidinta Al-Shabaab ay ku qaraabtaan wixii ay doonaana ay ku fushistaan.


Afhayeenka dhaq dhaqaaqa Al-Shabaab Sheekh Mukhtaar Roobow Abu Mansuur(Allaha dhowree) ayaa maanta soo saaray war ka dhan ah kooxahaasi,oo falki ugu danbeeyay ee ay ku kaceen uu ahaa midkii shalay ee warqadaha digniinta ah lagu daadiyay suuqa Bakaaraha.


Sheekh Abu Mansuur wuxuu cadeeyay in Mujaahidinta Al-Shabab ay leeyihiin xafiis warfaafineed iyo cid madax ka ah,wixii ay soo saarayaana si cad ay u sheegaan,laakin aysan dad inta magaca iska qortaan ku sameysan karin wixi ay doonaan.


Sheekh Abu Mansuur wuxuu yiri''...kuwa kale oo iyana waxaa jira been abuur sameynaya,been abuurkaasna waxaa kow ka ah ee ugu danbeeyay warqadaha shalay iyo maanta magaalada Muqdisho lagu daadiyo ee la leeyahay dollarkana waa in intaasi lagu sarrifaa,shabaabkaa soo saaray, cidii diidana waa sidaasi iyo....,waxaasna inagu waan beenineynaa maanan soo saarin''.


Dad badan ayaa laga yaabaa markii ay maqleen waraaqadaha digniintaasi loo daadiyay ganacsatada in ay ku farxeen,sidaasi oo ay tahayna Mujaahidinta Al-Shabaab ma doonayaan in shacabkooda la dhibaateeyo,waana qabaan in dhibka laga qaado laakin maahan sida wadadaasi loo maray ee dadka been abuurka iska sameynaya.


''Dhibka in la joojiyo waan qabnaa,laakin warqadaha noocaasi ah ee mar waliba la daadiyo ee la yiraahdo Shabaabul Mujaahidin baa soo saaray waa been,anugu warqado ma daadin mana soo saarno,Website baan leenahay oo aan ku qorono waxa aan rabno,afhayeen baan leenahay oo nooga hadla,waxa kale ee warqadaha ahna dad ayaa ka danbeeya''ayu yiri Sheekh Abu Mansuur.


Warka kasoo baxay xafiiska warfaafinta ee Mujaahidinta Al-Shabaab ayaa sidoo kale digniin loogu jeediyay dadka iyagu magaca Mujaahidiinta iyagoo wata dadka rayidka ah iska dila sidoo kalena xitaa dhac u geysta ganacsatada Bakaaraha.


''Waxaan kale oo digniin u jeedineynaa dad iyagoo magaca Mujaahidiinta isticmaalaya Bakaaraka dilal ka geysanaaya,oo xitaa dhac geystay,waxaa la sheegaya in dadka qaarkood inta lasoo qabtay oo lasoo afduubay bakhaaradooda la keenay,xoolahoodiina sidaasi lagu qaatay,kadibna la yiri shabaab-kaa nahay,shabaabku burcad maahan,dadkuna ma dhacaan''ayuu yiri Afhayeenka dhaq dhaqaaqa Al-Shabaab.


Waxaa uu ugu baaqay ugu danbeyntii Mujaahidinta in ay la dagaalamaan kuwa falalkaasi oo kale ku kacaya,maadaama ay dhaawacayaan sumcadda Mujaahidinta ee dhiigooda loo daadinayo difaacista diinta iyo sharafka Umaddooda la gumeysanayo., Muqdisho.

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When the Islamist lacks organization, hiararchy and a chain of command, it is impossible to check the discipline of his forces. Therefore, Abu-Mansur is faulted by saying he can set the standards of his forces or he can predict their actions.

An important thing to note is that the Al-Shababs have proved to be archaic throwback to our moral values

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It is even more important to note that supporting career criminals like A/Y, Maxamed Dheere, Qaybdiid, and to have sanctioned the unspeakable attrocities committed by the Xabashis in Muqdisho is the epitome of immorality.



PS: This Abumansuur rejection of the killings denies warlord supporters anymore cheap shots they would take at noble somalis who are busy defending themselves and their honour.

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^ :D You got your comic macawiis tonight.


Re-read my line once again. I was implying a little kid could get away with such excuse not a grown man. Al-mansuur needs to bear responsibility his men murdered innocent people who risked their lives to better the lives of Somalis.

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Originally posted by Koora-Tuunshe:

When the Islamist lacks organization, hiararchy and a chain of command, it is impossible to check the discipline of his forces. Therefore, Abu-Mansur is faulted by saying he can set the standards of his forces or he can predict their actions.

An important thing to note is that the Al-Shababs have proved to be archaic throwback to our moral values

^ u could not be more wrong about the hierachy and chain of comman that exists within this orginisation why do u think they are successfull in their military operations thus far considering their of numbers.

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Originally posted by Koora-Tuunshe:

When the Islamist lacks organization, hiararchy and a chain of command, it is impossible to check the discipline of his forces. Therefore, Abu-Mansur is faulted by saying he can set the standards of his forces or he can predict their actions.

An important thing to note is that the Al-Shababs have proved to be archaic throwback to our moral values

And what moral values shall we subscribe to? One that conditions one to Ethiopianism and stoogism? I wonder!

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Isseh, you will agree with me that a total rejection of the current system and institutions to which the TFG is based on can't be done overnight, but a gradual change is possible if the courts accept to work with the TFG or capitulate to the end of its its mandated time.


In the Bare's era, we used to have the Ministry of religion (Wasaarada Diinta iyo..) that used to deal with matters such as family affairs, inheritance, divorce cases, marriage, etc.. all done in conformity to our religion.


We can't completely isolate our nation and country from the rest of the world just because the system(used by all Islamic states) is not compliant with Shariah system.


Tell me how we can conceive of or make both systems, Islamic, democratic governance and international laws, work together?

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