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Shaykh Faaruuq: Fitna of Religious Warlords

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Sh Cumar Faaruuq oo Dagaalada Muqdisho Fitno ku tilmaamey.


Sh Cumar Faaruuq oo ka mid ah Culimada Soomaaliyeed kuna sugan Dalka Sacuudiga ayaa isaga oo u waramayey Idaacada Hornafrik ee Muqdisho waxaa uu ka Hadley Dagaalada maalmihii ugu danbeeyay ka dhacayey Magaalada Muqdisho.




Dagaalada ayuu ku tilmaamey kuwo Fitno ah oo aan Shareecada Islaamka aan ku saleysneyn sida uu hadalka u dhigey isaga oo ugu baaqey dhinacyada is haya inay ilaahey ka baqaan oo wixii u dhaxeeyana ku dhameystaan wada hadal.




Sh Cumar waxa kale oo uu sheegay in Dagaalada noocan oo kale ah ay ka dhalanayaan dhibaatooyin ka sii waaweyn oo aan la daba qaban kain, una baahan inta ayna fogaan in la daba qabto.




Waxa uu sidoo kale ka Hadley is Rideynta oo uu sheegay inay ka dhalanayaan Islaamka oo la iska saaro iyo Dhiiga oo la xalaashado ay dhibaato weyn oo ah Gaalnimo inay ka dhalaneyso waxa uuna ku baaqey in laga fogaado ilaaheyna looga baqo.




Umadda Soomaaliyeed ayuu sheegay inuu labo arin xasuusinayo oo ah inay Ilaahey ka baqaan, dhexdoodana ka shaqeeyaan Dibu heshiisiin & dhex dhexaadin, dhanka kalase laga fogaado fal walba oo aan lagu mahadin dhibaatana ka dhalan karto.




Dhinacyada Dagaaladu u dhaxeeyaan ayuu sidoo kale baaq xabad joojineyd uu u direy, waxa kale oo uu ugu baaqey inay Shacabka u turaan, isaga oo xasuusiyay in Hal qof oo Muslim ah oo la dilo ilaahey agtii uga dhow dahey Aduunka oo dhan oo baaba’a.




Hadalka Sh Cumar ee ku aadan Dagaalada Muqdisho ayaa qeyb ka ah baaqyo nabadeed oo horey loogu direy dhinacyada is haya ee dirirtu u dhaxeyso, waxaanse la ogeyn go’aanka ku aadan ee ay ka qaadan doonaan.

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The irony of the religious warlords is:


They are systematically showing the Somali masses that their whole ideology is empty since they have no genuine interest to practice it themselves.


For example:


They want the adoptation and implementation of Shareecada Islaamka.


Somalis which are 99.99% muslim all have welcomed the idea and are ready to rule their land and themselves according to Islamic Law.


Whats next?


Those that are the most knowledgable and have expertise in the field of Islamic faith must take the lead and advice those that have fought for the ideology. Hence, why the umbrella of Culamo have become significant these days.


The Culama have called for:


- AMISOM troops out within 120 days

- Immediate seize-fire of hostilities between Islamist factions

- Immediate end to war-mongering by all sides

- Islamist factions coming together and solving their issues peacefully since they all want the same: Ku Dhaqanka Shareecada Islaamka.



What did the religious pretenders do?


On one side, Sh.Shariif and other wadaado have said that AMISOM will stay. They discarded the advice of men more knowledgable then them in the affaires of Islam.


On the other side, Alshabab and Xisbi Islam have said that they will continue the war and would not stop with warmongering and fighting. They discarded the advice of the Culama.


What do the Somali people have?


Two sides of Islamists both saying they want to implemtent Shareecada Islaamka but who both dont lisen to the Culama and want to proceed with their agenda which is shady to say at least.


Now, the Islamic factions are fighting for strategic locations in the city and in the process massacring and displacing the civilian population. In that respect, they are worse than the previous secular warlords.

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Originally posted by Somali Pirate:

shiekh sharif exposed himself and lost the support of the people by allying himself with amisom.


he has become nothing but a puppet

He lost the war by moaning about "peace" and "the talks are going smooth," while his enemies were organizing and arming themselves. He lost the war because he thought an Eritrean financed group designed to act as a proxies for Ethiopian-Eritrean power-play can be persuaded. He lost the war because he was naive.

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Somalis which are 99.99% muslim all have welcomed the idea and are ready to rule their land and themselves according to Islamic Law.

Meiji: How did you arrive to that magic 99.99%?

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Originally posted by Goodir:

quote:Somalis which are 99.99% muslim all have welcomed the idea and are ready to rule their land and themselves according to Islamic Law.

Meiji: How did you arrive to that magic 99.99%?
Meiji: Apart of your magic percentile, who has the right islamic version you seem to support of, I'm assuming that you prealigned yourself with Aweys....... and if you think the exodus, the killing of innocent, the insecurity that this mixture of clannish and faith Mogadishu clashes caused is right then we for sure doom to fail and will be singing together in vacuum and the songs of hate and hopelessness for sometime to come.... I urge that we stop this bloodshed, madness, at least for a moment...give the genuine talk, reconcilation, mediation, a chance.

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