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Sharif Ahmed I dont know why Ethiopians are in HIIRAAN

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Muqdisho: " Anaga ayaa xaq uleh in aan codsano taageero caalami ah cid walbaa aan ka dalbanee" Madaxweynaha dowladda Soomaaliya oo ka hadlay Suuragalnimada in ciidamo ka tirsan dowladda Itoobiya ay soo galaan gudaha dalka Soomaaliya.

30. maj 2009



Muqdisho(AllPuntland )- Madaxweynaha dowladda Faderaalka ee Soomaaliya Shariif Sheekh Axmed ayaa inkiray in ay ciidamo ka tirsan Milateriga dowladda Itoobiya ay soo galeen gudaha dalka Soomaaliya, wuxuuna ku sheegay warkaasi mid ay soo agaasimeen mucaaradyada ka soo horjeeda dowladdiisa.


Shariif Sheekh Axmed ayaa warkan ka sheegay Saxaafada caalamka, gaar ahaan Wakaalada Wararka ee AFP, isagoo intaasi ku daray in ay dowladdiisu qaadayso dagaalo uu ku sheegay kuwa ay ku difaacayso Madax banaanida Soomaaliya.


" Weerar ayaa laysgu soo qaaday, in aan is difaaco waa Muhiim diintana wey na faraysaa, marka dagaa jihaad ah ayaan galaynaa, wax dhib ahna uma aragno" Ayuu yiri Madaxweynaha dowladda Faderaalka ee Soomaaliya.


Mr. Shariif ayaa sheegay in aysan umaleyn karin in ay dalbadaan taageero milateri oo ay ka codsadaan dowladda Itoobiya oo ay hada ciidamo ka joogaan gudaha gobalka Hiiraan, wuxuuna sheegay in uusan garan karin wax taasi ku xambaaraya waqtigan, inkastoo uu sheegay in ay dalban karaan taageeradii ay doonaan.


AFP oo weydiisay Shariif Sheekh Axmed in uu dalbanayo waqtigan ciidamo iyo in kale ayuu dalbaday ciidamo caalami ah oo uu ku sheegay kuwa la dagaalamayo kooxo uu ku sheegay Argagixiso ku soo duushay dalka Soomaaliya, isagoo tibaaxay in ay lama huraan tahay in la helo ciidan shisheeye oo difaaca dowladda faderaalka ee Soomaaliya.


Madaxweynaha dowladda Soomaaliya Shariif Sheekh Axmed ayaa warkiisan wuxuu ku soo beegmayaa xili ay wasiiro ka tirsan dowladdiisa, gaar ahaana Wasiirka Amniga Qaran Col. Cumar Xaashi Aaden iyo taliyaal ka socda Xaafiiskiisa ay todobaadkii hore joogeen magaalada Addis Ababa, kulana kulmeen madaxda dowladda Itoobiya oo arimo hoose kala xaajoodeen.


F. C. Geylan



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Talk to me when Ethiopia "liberates" Mogadishu. No amount of wishful thinking on your side is going to make that happen. Shariif isn't a snake. The people who wish him ill are.

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Ethipan troops are back on the request of the Sharif to help his government, now why did all those kids die since 2006, and who declared Jihad on Ethiopia then ?

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Gen. Duke,


If you care to read:


Al-Qaeda on the march


The fighters and their “technicals” (pick-up trucks often laden with heavy machineguns on the back) have also advanced on Beledweyne, a town close to the Ethiopian border. Their aim is apparently not to hold the town but to provoke Ethiopia into sending its troops back into Somalia, which could spur nationwide resentment towards the old enemy and more support for the radicals fighting against it. The Ethiopians are reported to be poised to make incursions back into Somalia.


http://www.economist .com/world/mideast-a frica/displaystory.c fm?story_id=13701711


Ethiopia doesn't need Sharif's permission nor is Sharif powerful enough to stop them. Ethiopia will continue to act based on what it considers to be a national security threat.

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Putative Ethiopian excursions or raids into Somalia often have little to do with domestic Somali politics. People assume that if Ethiopia is sighted in some dusty somali town along Ethiopia-Somalia border that it means Ethiopia has come to aid one of the belligerents in domestic squabbles. This is not necessarily true. Ethiopia is fighting a bitter counterinsurgency war and this entails crossing Somalia-Ethiopia border where insurgents may seek a safe haven to conduct operations or seek refuge from pursuing Ethiopian troops. Insurgents (mostly Somalis) assume that once they're inside Somali borders, they're safe 'cause Ethiopia wouldn't dare enter Somali territory lest they'll risk patriotic Somali backlash.


In Somaliland and Puntland where there are redimentary state security apparatus in place, there's close cooperation with Ethiopia in denying insurgents refuge in Somali territory and we occasionally hear of "innocent" Somalis from Western Somalia region being arbitrarily arrested and handed over to Ethiopia. We still hear of the occasional Ethiopian "visits" of border cities in Somaliland/Puntland like when they visited Buhoodle not too long ago. But it's rare.


By the same token, in S. Somalia, and in particular Hiiraan, there's no administration capable of guaranteeing security along Somalia-Ethiopia border. This is why you hear of more Ethiopian excursions into places like Balanbale, kalabeyr, doloow (in Gedo) etc than in Puntland and Somaliland. The solution is obvious and that is to support Sh. Shariif's government since only strong Somali government can protect Somali borders and hence keep out insurgents and Ethiopians.


While the Economist analysis has some kernels of truth, it doesn't capture the full picture of the reality on the ground.

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they are freedom fighters fighting to free occupied lands. they are not insurgents.


long live the mujahideen of somalia. fighting to liberate our lands with their lives. May allah grant them jannah

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