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Puntland President Leaves for Ethiopia (Pics)

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Garowe,Puntland:Madaxweynaha DGPL Mudane Maxamuud Muuse Xirsi iyo wefti ballaaran oo uu hoggaaminayo ayaa maanta ka dhoofay garoonka Konoko ee Caasimada DGPL ee Garowe.

Madaxweynaha iyo weftigiisa ayaa ku sii jeeda dalka Itoobiya gaar ahaana magaalada Adis-ababa.

Weftiga Madaxweynaha uu hoggaaminayo ayaa waxa Garoonka Konoko ku sii sagootiyey Madaxweyne ku xigeenka Puntland,guddoomiyaha Gobolka Nugaal Cabdi Xirsi ,wasiiro iyo xildhibaano.

Madaweynaha ayaa safarkiisa waxa ku weheliyey wasiirka wasaaradda Ammniga C/dillaahi Siciid Samatar,Wasiirka Howlaha Guud iyo Gaadiidka C/dillaahi Cali Xirsi.Taliyaha Ciidanka Daraawiishta Puntland G/sare C/risaaq Sh.Cismaan,agaasimaha Guud ee wasaaradda arrimaha gudaha Cali Yuusuf,Taliyaha Pis Cismaan diyaana,agaasimaha hay’ada astaynta maamul wanaaga Siciid Faarax Yare.

Safarka Madaxweynaha ee dalka Itoobiya ayaa ah safar shaqo,ka dib markii uu Madaxweynuhu ka helay casuumaad Madaxda sarsare ee dalka Itoobiya.

Madaxweynaha iyo weftigiisa ayaa muddo todobaad ah ku maqnaan doona,halkaasi oo uu kulamo kula soo qaadan doono Madaxda itoobiya.

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Quote: Cade Muse, the President of the Puntland state, Northern Somalia, was today given an official reception in Addis Ababa, the capital of Ethiopia. Ministers said the meeting was designed to enhance diplomatic relations between Puntland and Ethiopia. The visit comes as Islamists widened their insurgency in Muqdisho. Islamists have also made bold attacks on major cities across Southern Somalia. Ethiopian officials are said to be concerned about the security and political turmoil that some analysts say is developing in some parts of Puntland.


Inside sources said recent differences between the T.F.G and Puntland administrations were top on the agenda of discussions. A high level Ethiopian official welcomed the visit as a sign of, “Somalia and Ethiopia overcoming the negative political problems of the past". The official promised Ethiopia would donate 500 million dollars to build the infrastructure of Puntland. Ethiopia economists including the highly acclaimed Gerhanu Gabre Bente Tolaso are reportedly working on an expensive plan to turn Bosaso into the “Dubai of East Africa". Inside sources claimed that Cade Muse received a million dollars and 500 high class Somali Camels as a token for his efforts in helping Ethiopia fight religious extremists. Mr. Muse later said He would donate the camels to his tribal relatives.


Mr. Muse hailed the Ethiopian administration as a "true friend" of the Somali people. He further claimed that the Ethiopian administration should be rewarded a Nobel Peace Prize for its efforts in brining peace and democracy to Somalia.


Source: African-telecom news

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Is hilarious what Somalis write about each other and sad (and everyone is guilty of it). If you went to Puntland or spoke to anyone you will learn that President Cades tribal land is the most least developed out of them all. Are these the same news agencys that claimed that President Abdullahi Yusuf was slapped? Who brought a lady and claimed she was raped? That said Ethiopians vandalized a Masjid? When will the this negative propaganda cease and people will back up these claims with FACTS? Not just what some dude wrote somewhere.


Inside sources claimed that Cade Muse received a million dollars and 500 high class Somali Camels as a token for his efforts in helping Ethiopia fight religious extremists.

Inside sources....yeah right!!!!

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Mr Pride, firstly that was a satirical piece, written by myself, in which I was trying to highlight the irrelevancy of a man boarding a plan to a hungry African dictatorship. I thought people would have realised that. I didn't mean any offense, just highlighting how far Somalis have come. Imagine the day when we celebrate a leader traveling back and forth to Addis Ababa of all places?



Anyway, I shall take yo account on some of the things you said:



quote:Who brought a lady and claimed she was raped?



The lady said she was raped from her own mouth. Furthermore, her husband stood by his wife infront of the international media. Do you think Somalis would stop so low that they would bring their wifes and sisters to international media and claim they have been raped by another man? Moreover, there are plenty of confirmations by western aid agencies that Habashis raped Somali women. Also are the hundreds of women who alleged raped by Woyanes in Ocaden also liars?


quote:That said Ethiopians vandalized a Masjid?


Again, the video of the vandalized masjid was videotaped and brought to the internatinal media. The Ethiopian military gear and food stuff they left behind was clearly in that mosquer. Most importantly you can't deny that Muqdisho mosques have been used as military bases. Can you deny that? Unless, you are saying Somalis desecarted a mosque, urinated in it and then blamed it one the Ethiopians?



quote:When will the this negative propaganda cease and people will back up these claims with FACTS?


Aid agencies reporting many raped by the Ethiopian army is propoganda miya? Videos of masjids been desecrted right after Ethiopian army left is propoganda miya? A middle aged Somali women and mother sobbing on T.v and claiming that she had been raped is propoganda miya? What facts do you want to show that a women has been raped?Doctors report? You want Aljazeera to examiner he on air? Tell us on what account you say her story is being fabricated? Perhaps the EThiopian army is so civilized that would never dream of raping a women? Wala xowla wala quwta ila billah!

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Well I didn't realize it was a "satirical piece". Especially after you said the source was African-telecom news! After reading some of these articles I’m not sure what’s serious and what’s not.


Anyhow, back in 1992 when the United Nation forces came, Aideed sent out propaganda claiming that the foreign forces were there to "burn the Quran and make them slaves". He had people believing that, by no means am I saying that those forces were there for the good of Somalia or should have been there in the first place. But you saw a calculated effort by a warlord to influence his people with negative news so he can get them on his side. He also had his people mutilate and kill Pakistani soldiers and ordered his fighters to drag bodies through the streets, he knew this would grab the world’s attention and influence them in leaving. Back then the claim was that the people were enraged and furious and what was happening and were acting out of desperation. Yet now you see this exact same thing happen 14 years later with TFG fighters and Ethiopian soldiers being dragged and poured with sand. The people doing this are fully aware of their actions and are trying to achieve the same results in of 1993. These images are being sent out to the world right? So until you produce powerful images of the same kind, of the war crimes you are claiming are happening to your side, nothing will happen.


So to answer your question, I think there are people low enough to spread fake news that will influence more to join their cause, they've done it before and people are aware of their motives, which is the reason it is not working.

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So the video of the desecrated masjid was false right? Ethiopians aren't using masjids as bases? Do you deny this? Ethiopian army doesn't commit rape because there is no factual prove? Right?

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I'm not saying it's false or true. Just that when pictures and video are sent out of men, women and children in the middle of physically pouring sand and kicking a dead body whether it is 93 or 08 no one can dispute it!!!


Me personally, I just questioned a lot of information and see different motives behind the news.

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While it is recommended to question the source of certain information,at one point one must also take information for what it is. Information, factual prove of what is going on. Thus seeing men and women speak of the horrific crimes they have endured and neutral sources echoing the same sentiment, simply demonstrates the fact.


Furthermore, saying "im not saying its true or false" implies your saying its false! And that my dear is simply not acceptable, since it takes away from the seriousness and the reality that our country men and women face today. Minimizing their painfull experiences is disgusting to say the least.


Last what is the relevance of a Somali "official" visiting a historic ennemy? Oh my bad, I assume they are the ones that actually think ethiopia is a valued neighbor. If thats the case I say carry on in your spineless duties.

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