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Is there any legal dispute regarding my legitimacy as President of Somalia?

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Is there any legal dispute regarding my legitimacy as President of Somalia? A question asks by Mr.Abdullahi Yusuf to the Somali population




By: Aw Umurow 1/12/2006.





Mr. Abdullahi Yusuf said; “since I was elected by all the warlords of Somalia, believe me it didn’t come with a cheap price tag. Today my placement represents a divine providence with no denial, and no one is permitted to challenge it. Rest assured that I will be persistently pushing my administration go beyond Baidoa all the way to Kismaio.”


We are Somalis, we are not the world! And we will play by the Somali rules. Somali government normally serves the interest of its clan. My administration is not going to change that tradition because we don’t share it with the world. As a President, my responsibility is to promote re-establish my clan dominancy onto Somalia as whole and onto Jubba-land as particular to become part of ******land.


My late cousin President Siad Barre may his soul rest in peace was in Power for 21 years, I misunderstood then, but that sort of thing happens all the time as humans error. He never promoted human ideals, never respected human rights, never secured justice or equity, but still he was respected by all with his own way running things. He always gave his opponents an offer they could not refuse! You know what I mean.


Although regrettably he was overthrown by me in the first instance and by the ******. His departure saddens every ****** today, it aggravates me most of all. I recall his dignity and how he was exalted by the ******, as well as Digil and Mirifle and used to call him Our Father, long live forever!!!! Keep ruling over us forever and so on. I used to sing myself with Mr. Abdulqasim Salad Hassan, and Hassan Dahir aweys and many more in Mogadishu and Baidoa.


So, doing injustices was his specialties, trampling the peoples' rights was his field, and the intimidation and humiliation of Digil and others was unmatchable. So why the pains, sufferings and afflictions I am about to do are complained today to the world forums when I haven’t started yet or shown my miracles?


Am I a less President?


Where were the rightful owners of Gedo, Lower Jubba, middle Jubba and Lower Shabelle when He airlifted His people to those lands? Why am I associated with warlordism, deceit, destruction, distortion and lies, when I haven’t exercised my rights yet? Why are you making life more difficult for me when I was making my plans for over 30 years and ignored? Where is Justice?


Whether you like it or not, the presence of Ethiopian military in Baidoa is not to rebuild the ruins caused by ******, or to restore the infrastructure in Mogadishu, Marca, Barave or Afgoi, I am not interested in Mogadishu, nor have the intention to alleviate poverty from those who couldn’t protect their lands in the first place.


My government will emanate its existence from Puntland technicals, and Ethiopian armoury tanks, fighter jets, missiles and the secret weapons we have in mind and in stock, all coming to Baidoa.


Our position is very clear and will continue to resort any force which I don't find a better approach to governance as proved by me in the past in Puntland. Remember I crushed every one who came across my way, and I swear to Melees I will do it all over again.


My administration, my IGAD and all my allies do not accept in the least accountability before any one! My legitimacy to govern Somalia is approved and supported by the International community, Yemen, the United Nations, and especially by the Security Council.


My previous administration as President has left a positive legacy in my Homeland **********-Puntland even though it is under populated! You can ask General Adde Muse! Not the damned Jama Ali Jama who annoys me even today by his existence. But I chased him running, didn't I?


Today, it will not be expected ****** or others similarly rejecting what Prime Minister Melees Zenawi and I about to offer to Somalia. And after our victory becomes apparent, the extensive deals my cousin Siad Barre used as roadmap compels me today to exemplify as essential for my governance. We are not here to put wealth and effort in the service of peace, stability, prosperity and the happiness for the Somali people.


Our commitment to aggression and war is obviously legitimate and understandable. But my friend Meles-Zenawi said; "It is called salvation"! It is not a war, destruction or killing of thousands of innocent lives in Southern Somalia, it is about giving a land that owns no one to a people who wants more lands.” it happens all the time.


He considers himself obliged to us for doing this favour to the suffering my ****** people, and on numerous occasions displayed empathy towards our plight, even the Prime-Minister of Somalia Mr. Ali Ghedi, Colonel Mohamed Nur Hassan shaatigaduud and many members of the parliament agreed to that, even though they're accused being blindly cooperating with me. You should seen My parliament giving me a round of applause and clapping to my speeches. I love being a president more than anything else in the world! and every Somali knows that I will kill for that.


I hope this demonstrates, sincerity, respect, and agreed upon by all Somalis, I am also confident that the Islamists in Mogadishu will play an instrumental role in the establishment of federal government after laying down their weapons. We believe this approach based on truth and Justice will definitely bring a remedy to the Somalia problem.


The Islamists should go back to Galgaduud where they belong, or face tragic consequences! We know that we are geographically and spiritually not that far apart. Our cognizant in Somalia affairs also are almost matching but not quite the same, but because I am from a ****** sub-clan, I do things different than ****** or others, that's what makes me always the winner. Go back to study my history, see how I love wars! even though I never won a real one.


We will also extend our hands of friendship to all Digil and others, we are all inclined towards their own benefit, extending a helping hand to them, particularly those who have the farming skills to work in our future fields we are about to capture very soon.


Those in need who is been driven out unjustly from their inhabitants by the Islamists will be enlisted in a wide refugee camps, and their children will be given special care by General Adde Muse, my assistant who will be in charge and has the experience to do that kind of work.






The youth in the camps will be given jobs, the aging will be exterminated, the educated ones will not be returning to Somalia to cause further troubles, this is sincerely will benefit everyone, every truth-loving Somali, seeking justice, dignity, respect, good-life and perfection as Your late-father placed wisely prior the 16 years of unforgettable ****** destruction.





My conclusion,


This is a solemn promise from the President of Somalia, no one's old profession will be taken, and will remain available to each and everyone's choice! I say; 'let them go back unarmed to the red sands in Galgaduud. And then let us worry about politics, religion, telecommunication, education, banking, shipping-lines, airline-businesses, printing counterfeit monies, taking extortion money etc. and most of all, who shoots by who? or who runs the show?


I guarantee, You will never find a fairer President than I do. Trust me, my word is as valid as a written contract.


Anyway, whether you believe me or not this is what I always dreamt to do even though I have never said it openly, someone must be spying on me, my security level should be heightened and some extraordinary arrangement be made my guards to be more watchful, or better ask Meles-Zenawi to give me special guards that do not speak Somali language. I hate asking him everything, he is really unbeatable generous friend, even though I do not fully trust him and Ali Ghedi too, another ******-Tigre.


Nowadays even the Ashraaf also are becoming unpredictable! look, who would've thought Shariif will act this way? Isn't he ungrateful? Every time I wanted to reason with him, I had to pay him in Euros. He doesn't care about his people, he hears from the throat, not from the ears! I am glad that he is no longer bothering me, from now on; 'he is in Abdiqasim's court and the Islamist's problem.


By: Aw Umurow.

Baidoa Jinaay.



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How would this individual take it when the facts presented to our own Miskiin are presented to him concerning ownership of land extending over a hundred years ago?


These people must realize they are not in villages spinning whatever tales.

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