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Washington Post; State Department dispatched a team of contractors to Somaliland

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Most of the Somaliland threads dont' come with a dicussion( those posted by pro SOmalilanders).......


In this case, Uncle Sam dispatched a team of contractors to Somaliland. What does that mean?That is supposed to be good development( as anything posted about Somaliland usually is).


Jenday Frazer visits Somaliland( again a great day in the history of man).


A politician asks a question about Somaliland in the house of commons( again a field day).



Moreover, anyone who articulates any slight criticim of SOmaliland is usually reminded of the chaos down south and how marvellous Somaliland is........( the land of milk of honey). Talk about blind support.......


Can anyone articulate any views as to what this rumour means for SOmaliland and furthermore what implications does a potential US base have on Somalia and the wider Horn of Africa? Does this mean recognition is on the way? What role will the T.F.G play in this! Why the sudden change in Somaliland policy, ie to essentially bargain a position to become the new tenants of the war on terror? Maybe Suldaanka and JB can give it a go? The impression I get is that: all is good and well, so long as recognition comes?

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Why/how do you class it as blind support? None of your mentioned events can be classed a 'blind' support. They may be seen as positive events and supporting them is not exactly going against any principals.


Can anyone articulate any views as to what this rumour means for SOmaliland and furthermore what implications does a potential US base have on Somalia and the wider Horn of Africa? Does this mean recognition is on the way? What role will the T.F.G play in this! Why the sudden change in Somaliland policy, ie to essentially bargain a position to become the new tenants of the war on terror? Maybe Suldaanka and JB can give it a go? The impression I get is that: all is good and well, so long as recognition comes?

If I had those answer I would share them and no I don't want an American base in SL.

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Well, having a US military base in Somaliland would be a double edge knife ,,,,


It can be useful for Somaliland in terms of the International politics and make sure the importance of the country. It will have its implications where the internationa terrorists and the Islamists can target Somaliland coz of hosting such bases where the US will use its war on terror.

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