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TFG bandits and their crimes against civilians.

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Ciidamada dowladda KMG ee Soomaaliya oo la sheegay in ay dhac u geystaan Gaadiidka BL-ka ee ka shaqeeya degmada Xamar Jajab iyo isgoyska KM4.


Posted: 7/8/2009 7:04:00 PM

Shabelle: MUQDISHO

Ciidamada dowladda KMG ee Soomaaliya ayaa lasheegay in ay dhaca u geystaan Gaadiidka BL-ka ee ka shaqeeya degmada Xamar Jajab iyo isgoyska KM4.



Qaarka mida ah dadka ku dhaqan degmada Xamar jajab ee gobolka Banaadir ayaa waxa ay ka cabanayaan dhibaatooyin dhanka amaanka ah oo ay ku hayaan Ciidamada dowladda KMG ee Soomaaliya ee ku sugan qeybo kamid ah degmadaasi.




Waxa ay sheegeen dadkani in ay kula dhaqaaqaan ciidamadani dhibaatooyin isugu jira dhaca ,baarasho iyo dhibaatooyin ay ku hayaan Gaadiidka rakaabka ah ee ka shaqeeya degmada Xamar Jajab.




Haweeneey ka mid ah dadka deegaanka oo Shaballe u waramasay ayaa waxa ay sheegtay in Ciidamada dowladda gaar ahaan kuwa ku sugan degmada Xamar Jajab, nawaaxiga Buundada Ansalooti ay halkaasi ku baartaan Gaadiidka rakaabka ah islamarkaana ay ka qaataan taleefonada gacanta lagu qaato iyo alaabaha kale oo ay dadka rayidka ah wataan taasi oo ay soo kor dhiyeen maalmihii ugu danbeeyay.




Dhanka kale Farxaan Casaanyo oo ah Afhayeen Ciidamada Milateriga dowladda KMG oo shabelle ay la xiriirtay islamarkaana ay wax ka weydiisay arrinta la xiriirta eedeynta loo soo jeediyay Ciidamada dowladda eek u aadana in ay dhac u geystaan dadka Shacabka ah ayaa beeniyay waxa uuna sheegay in arrintaasi aysan ka danbeynin Ciidamda dowladda balse ay baarayaan cida sida rasmiga ah uga danbeysa.




Ma ahan markii ugu horeysay oo ciidamda dowladda KMG ah ee Soomaaliya lagu eedeeyo in ay dhibaato kula dhaqaaqaan dadka rayidka ah ,waxaana inta badan dadka ku nool degmooyinka ay gacanta ku hayaan Ciidamada dowladu ay sheegaan in ay ka jiraan falal amaan daro inkastoo marwalba ay Saraakiisha Ciidamada dowladda KMG ay arimhaasi Gaashaanka u daruuraan.

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Lets be balanced and denounce all crimal acts by all factions.


Thus let us also denounce the looting of the houses and offices in Mogadishu by Alshabab-Xisbi Islam bandits.

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Hey'adda MSF oo albaabada isugu dhifatay xarunteedii W/Muqdisho, kadib bililaqo iyo boob loo geystay


Hey'adda MSF ee dhaqaatiirta caafimaadka aan xuduuda laheyn ayaa ka dhawaajisay in gebi ahaanba ay xirtay xarunteedii Waqooyiga Muqdisho kadib markii ay dagaalo ku soo caariyeen.


Sarkaal u hadlay Hey'addaas ayaa sheegay in xarunteeda caafimaad ay albaabada isugu dhifteen iyo saddex goobood oo caafimaad, waxaana taasi uu sabab uga dhigay dagaalada iyo duqeymaha halkaas ka dhaca oo howlihii Hey'adda ay saameyn ku yeelatay.


Habsami u socodka Hey'adda oo ahaa mid aan kala go' laheyn ayaa la sheegay inuu gaabis ku yimid kolkii dagaalada ku soo dhowaadeen Hey'adana noqotay mid xamili weysay dagaalada, waxaana sarkaalka u hadlay uusan ka hadlin bililaqo loo geystay Hey'adaas maalmo ka hor kadib dagaal ka dhacay aaga ay ku taal.


Dadkii ku dhaqnaa Waqooyiga Muqdisho ayaa ka argagaxay dagaalada iyo saameynta madaafiicda, waxaana goobaha dadkaas ahaa mid ammaan ah oo aanu wax dagaal ah ka dhici jirin, hase yeeshee dhinacyada iska soo horjeeda ayaa dagaalkooda sii weynaaday.


Dadka ka qaxay dagaalada Muqdisho maalmihii la soo dhaafay ayaa lagu qiyaasay 200,000 oo qofood waxay gabaad ka dhigteen oo qaxooti ku yihiin jidka isku xira Muqdisho iyo Afgooye, waxaana halkaasi horay ugu sugnaa tiro kale oo barakacayaal oo haatan isku noqonaya Nus Malyuun oo qof oo ku hoos nool guryo baco ka samaysan oo ay u sii dheer tahay biyo la’aan, cunno la’aan, caafimaad la’aan, waxbarasho la’aan iyo hoy xumo.


Hoyga wararka Somaliyed m

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Boobka iyo Bililaqada loo geystay Hey'adihii sama falka W/Muqdisho oo isa soo taraya iyo Hey'adda CED oo ka mid noqotay


Iyadoo maalmo ka hor boob iyo bililaqo aan kala go' laheyn lagula kacay xarumo Hey'ado sama fal oo ku yaala Waqooyiga Muqdisho ayaa waxaa isa soo taraya boobka bareerka ee lagula kacay hey'adahaas ka qeyb qaadan jiray howlaha gar gaarka bani'aadanimada iyo sama falka dadka barakacayaasha ah.


Dagaalada ka soconaya Waqooyiga Muqdisho ayaa noqday kuwo ay dhibaato xoogan ku yeeshaan xarumaha Hey'adaha sama falka ee ka madax banaan dagaalada, iyagoona qeyb ka noqday tacadiyo iyo beegsi loo geystay habsami u socodkoodii sama fal.


Hey'adda CED oo ka mid ah Hey'adaha sama falka ee ka qeyb qaata gar gaarka dadka dhibaateysan ee heysata xaaladaha bani'aadanimo ayaa waxaa boob iyo bililaqo u geystay kooxaha mucaaradka kuwooda dagaalka kula jira Ciidamada Dowladda.


Kooxaha mucaaradka ee dagaalka isu kaashaday sida Xarakada Alshabaab iyo Xisbul Islaam ayaa la sheegay in maalmo ka hor ay galeen xoogagooda xarunta Hey'adda CED oo ku taal Degmada C/casiis kuwaasoo ka qaatay wixii agab ah ee ay ku howl galeysay Hey'adda.


Wararka qaar ayaa sheegaya in Hey'addan oo si weyn uga qeyb qaadan jiray dhaaminta biyaha ee dadka ku barakacay dagaalada iyo howlo kale ee sama fal ayaa waxaa si bareer ah laga qaatay xarunteeda Matooro, Computero iyo qalab kale oo Muhiim ah.


Dadka ka ag dhow xarunta Hey'adaas ayaa inoo sheegay in qaar ka mid ah shaqaalaha Hey'adda lagula dhaqaaqay jirdil aad u xoogan, waxaana afar ka mid ah shaqaalaha la sheegay in laga kaxeystay oo aan la ogeyn halka jaan iyo cirib la geeyay .


Ka sokow Hey'addaas waxaa sidoo kale boob iyo bililaqo lagula kacay Hey'adda ACF iyo Bisha Cas, kuwaasoo iyana laga qaatay wixii agab ee muhiimka ahaa ku howl galeysay Hey'adda, waxaana ugu badnaa alaabaha laga qaatay Electronic, Isgaarsiin, Matooro iyo qalab xafiiseed aad u fara badan.



Gawaari waa weyn oo xamuul ah ayaa la sheegay in alaabaha looga daad gureystay xarumaha hey'adaha, waxaana gaadiidka qaar ee kuwa dagaalka ahaa mid lagu daabulayay agabyada lagala baxay xafiisyadaas.


Kooxaha mucaaradka ayaan ka hadlin falka ay kula kaceen xarumaha hey'adahaas sama fal, waxaana isa soo taraya eedeymaha loo jeedinayo oo ku aadan bililaqada iyo boobka ay u geystay hey'ado ka qeyb qaadan jira u gar gaarida shacabka soomaaliyed ee dhibaateysan.


Hoyga wararka Somaliyed m

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Gudoomiye Xigeynka D/Wadajir oo ilaalada Janaqow dhac ku ee deeyey

By Somalimirror on 8 Jul, 2009 10:35 AM in Main, Wararka


Gudoomiye ku Xigeynka Degmada Wadajir ee Gobolka Badaanir u Qaabilsan DKMG ah Xuseen Bootaan ayaa ku Eedeeyey Ciidamada Ilaalada u ah Wasiirka Cadaalada DKMG ah u Qaabisan Sh C/raxmaan Janaqow iyo Xubno kale in ay lacago Baad ah oo Sharci Daro ah isla markaana Xaddhaaf ah Xoog uga Qaadaan Dadka ku dhaqan Xaafada Buula Xuubey Degmada Wadajir ee Magaalada Muqdisho.




Xuseen Botaan oo u waramayey Idaacada Horn Afriik ee Magaalada Muqdisho ayaa Sheegay in Ciidamadan ay Dadka Handadaan isla markaana ay si qasab ah kaga qaadaan Lacago Badan oo aysan Awoodin Dadka Deekaanka .




Bootaan ayaa Sheegay in ay arintan ku soo war galiyeen Dadka Deegaanka waxa uuna intaa ku daray in uu soo indha indheeyey Cabashada Dadka uuna soo Xaqiijiyey Xadgudubka iyo Dhibaatada ay Ciidamadani ku hayaan Dadka ku nool Xaafada Buulo Xuubey.




Bootaan oo arinkaa kahadalayana waxa uu yiri: “Niman Ciidan ah oo kamid ah Istaafka Wasiirka Cadaalada iyo Istaafka Taliyaha Laanta Socdaalka ee ay Degmada Yiraahdeen adinkay idinla Shaqeynaayaan ayaa Howshaas wado… Miis Yaanyo saarantahay haduu yahay 20 kun Keen bey leeyihiin, haduu Qofku yiraa Mahaayana Waan ku Dileynaa hadii kale keen beey leeyihiin, aniga Shalaa leysoo wacay Kormeerbaan sameeyey kuli Qofwalba saas baa lagu sameeyey”.






Bootaan ayaa Sheegay in ay arinkan Waxka qaban doonaan isla markaana ay Xoog iyo Xeeladba uga Hortagi doonaan Howlahan, hadii ay faraha kala bixi waayaan Ciidamada Arinkan ku Howlan ayuu ugu Hanjabay in ay Faraha ula tagi doonaan iskana dhicin doonaan waxa uuna yiri: “Marka hore in wax loo Sheegaa leysku dayaa oo ay arintaa ay joojiyaan hadey Diidaane Nin Qaldan sida loo qabto Dagaal badan Makeeneyso” .




Mid kamid ah Dadka Deegaanka ayaa Sheegay in Ciidamadani ay si Qasab ah oo Qori Caaradii ah kaga qaadaan lacago aysan Awoodin oo gaaraya ugu yaraan 20, 000 Sh.S ah, Dadka lagacaha laga Qaado ayuu Sheegay in ay yihiin Haweenka Yaanyada Iibiya iy Dadka Cabitaanka qasa iyo kuwa Garab raratada ah iyo Qofwalba oo meel fadhiya ee aan heysan dhaqaalo sidaa u sii buuran.




Afhayenka Ciidaka Booliska DKMG ah Xasan Bariise ayaa isna Sheegy in aysan jirin Ciidan kooda ah oo ay u direen in ay halkaa Canshuur uga soo qaadaan DKMG ah isla markaana uusan war u heyn Cida qaadata lacagahaas Baada ah.



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We have al seen how the opposition forces are bringing criminals to court. Plenty of threads have been started here on SOL about that.


Now we see how the TFG bandits are robbing civilians in the few neighborhoods they still control.


The difference between the two sides is clear.


The opposition forces have a zero tolerance policy in place, whereas the TFG minister’s own guards are robbing civilians.

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Why dont the religious pretenders adress the massive looting they have been engaged in since they took over some neighbourhoods in Mogadishu city?


Stoning a 13-year old girl to death and maiming a 15-year old boy is a criminal act on itself.


You should denounce the crimes of Alshabab and co otherwise it is hypocritical to say the least.


Crime is a crime, whoever commits it should be denounced.


TFG crime=Alshabab crime: both should be denounced and opposed.

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Dhalin-yaro dib loo sii daayay & dhac Ciidanka Dowladu ka wadaan Buulo-xuubey.

By Somalimirror on 7 Jul, 2009 3:15 PM in Main, Wararka


Ciidamada DKMG ah ee ku sugan Xaafada Buulo-xuubey ee Degmada Wadajir ayaa Dadka Rayidka ah ee halkaa ku dhaqan kula dhaqaaqa falal Amni daro oo dhac qeyb ka yahey.




Ciidamada ayaa meheradaha kale duwan ee Ganacsiga ka qaado lagaco baad ah oo Dadka Rayidka ah ayna qaadi Karin, sida Wararka la helago sheegayaan waxa ay ciidamadu Dukaamada ka qaadaan lacag dhan 40,000 Sh/So oo joogto ah, sidoo kale xarumaha yar yar ee Ganacsiga ayay ka qaadaan 20,000 Sh/So.




Sidoo kale Ciidamada oo dhigtey Isbaarooyin ayay Gaadiidka Rayidka ah uga qaadaan lacago joogto ah oo ayna bixin Karin balse khasab ku ah.




Afhayeenka Ciidanka Bileyska DKMG ah C/laahi Bariise ayaa arintan beeniyay oo gaashanka u daruurey, waxa uuna sheegay inaaney jirin ciidamado Dowlada ka tirsan kuna sugan Buulo-xuubey oo lacago baad ah ka qaada Dadka & Gaadiidka Rayidka ah.




Dhanka kale C/laahi Bariise waxa uu sheegay inay dib u sii daayeen 9 dhalin yaro oo ciidamadoodu shaley ka soo qabteen Degmada Xamar jabab ka dib markii ay wax danbi ah ku waaayeen.




Waxa uu sidoo kale sheegay inay baaritaano ku sameeyeen kuna waayeen wax danbi ah sidaa daraadeed dib u sii daayeen.




Dadka rayidka ah ee ku dhaqan Xaafadaha Ciidamada DKMG ah ku sugan yihiin ayaa dhibaatooyin kale duwan oo Amni daro ciidamda kala kulma.

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Originally posted by me:

We have al seen how the opposition forces are bringing criminals to court. Plenty of
have been started here on SOL about that.


Now we see how the TFG bandits are robbing civilians in the few neighborhoods they still control.


The difference between the two sides is clear.


The opposition forces have a zero tolerance policy in place, whereas the TFG minister’s own guards are robbing civilians.

This is blatantly false. There are documented cases of Al Shabab and Hizb-ul-Islam thugs looting aid agencies throughout South Somalia and ransacking hospitals and taking away medicine meant for the suffering people injured by their wars. In Mogadishu, there are clear cases of wide-spread looting of abandoned homes and businesses by these anarchists. But of course, you would deny it because to you Al Shabab and their partners in anarchy are holy men who can’t do no evil

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There is a difference between procuring material for the war effort and robbing civilians and exhorting small businesses. I believe that you can see the difference between the two.


The opposition forces have procured idle machinery and material for the war effort. The opposition has not targeted civilians, but is using the material to help the civilians that are now in the areas under their control.


The TFG forces on the other hand are clearly exhorting small businesses and robbing civilians. The TFG forces are ill disciplined thugs. Their officers are engaged in get quick rich schemes. The rumor has it that these officers want to use the money they exhort from the civilians to flee the country.


The opposition is bundling the resources of the community for the war effort, while the TFG bandits are clearly engaged in criminal acts.


I hope that you can see the difference between the two.

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LOOL war effort?


Thats looting of property from humanitarian organizations that help the same people that were displaced by Alshababs ''war effort''.




What about the countless homes in Mogadishu neighbourhoods that are used as hiding ground by Alshabab? There are countless families who were forced out of their houses when masked men came at their door and demanded all persons to leave within 24 hours and that the house would become a military hide-out.


A criminal act is a criminal act.


Was the extortion of small businesses and the remittances of countless Somalis ment for their family members in Somalia part of the ''war effort'' of Xisbi Islam?


http://www.somaliaon ebb.php?/topic/9/184 73


Dadka ka ag dhow xarunta Hey'adaas ayaa inoo sheegay in qaar ka mid ah shaqaalaha Hey'adda
lagula dhaqaaqay jirdil aad u xoogan
, waxaana
afar ka mid ah shaqaalaha la sheegay in laga kaxeystay oo aan la ogeyn halka jaan iyo cirib la geeyay .

They are not harming civilians huh? They are not only torturing people but even abducting them.



We should condemn all crimes regarless of the faction that committed it.

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As we can agree there is a war going on at the time and there are intense battles. The aid agencies are not capable of delivering aid to those that need it the most due to the circumstances.


The machinery and material are kept in stores, while the people are suffering. The opposition forces have procured these materials in order to help the civilians and the war effort.


It would have been better if the aid agencies could continue their work, however the circumstances do not permit them and because of that the opposition forces who are responsible for the civilians living in the areas under their control are forced to take drastic actions in order to safe lives.


Bundling the resources of the community for the war effort is one of those measures.


The TFG bandits on the other hand are in total disarray and they are attacking civilians and exhorting them for personal gain.


The TFG bandits are criminals operating under the licence of the Sharif Government.

They should be stopped from harming the civilian population.

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Originally posted by me:



There is a difference between procuring material for the war effort and robbing civilians and exhorting small businesses. I believe that you can see the difference between the two.


The opposition forces have procured idle machinery and material for the war effort. The opposition has not targeted civilians, but is using the material to help the civilians that are now in the areas under their control.


The TFG forces on the other hand are clearly exhorting small businesses and robbing civilians. The TFG forces are ill disciplined thugs. Their officers are engaged in get quick rich schemes. The rumor has it that these officers want to use the money they exhort from the civilians to flee the country.


The opposition is bundling the resources of the community for the war effort, while the TFG bandits are clearly engaged in criminal acts.


I hope that you can see the difference between the two.

For all the pretence of supposedly caring about the plight of the Somali people, this kind of shameful endorsement of Al Shabab’s blatant looting of aid meant for the suffering people comes as no surprise. Al Shabab’s history of adding to the pain and prolonging of the agonized people is well known.


Besides, who defines what constitutes as “looting” and “procuring materials for the war effort?” Your ignorance is really touching. Al Shabab has contributed more to the needless wars and conflicts in Somalia that a case can be made that their entire survival depends on the continuation of Somali mess, hence their perpetual threats to “bring down the tall buildings of Nairobi.”


The very idea that Al Shabab is “procuring materials for the war effort” is outrageous, but it is not surprising that you said it.

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As we can agree there is a war going on at the time and there are intense battles. The aid agencies are not capable of delivering aid to those that need it the most due to the circumstances.


The machinery and material are kept in stores, while the people are suffering. The opposition forces have procured these materials in order to help the civilians and the war effort.





With all respect, you are sounding more like Duke, seeing no evil whatsoever in the faction you support.


You should at least acknowledge the crimes instead of spinning it off.


Lets see your argument:


Northern Mogadishu (the scene of the massive looting) was peacefull, the NGO's were doing their work and assisting the 200.000 people that were displaced.


Then comes in Alshabab and invades peacefull neighbourhoods and after occupying those neighbourhoods resort to massive looting. Not to mention that another 100.000 people have been displaced by the new offensive of Alshabab.


You are right, that is indeed helping out the community and using the ''machinery and material'' to help out those that are displaced by Alshabab's new offensive.


We should honour them and give them the title of: ''Displacer and savior of the community''

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