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Maamulka Labaad ee Benaadir

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Maanta waxaa la dhaariye xubnaha maamul-goboleedka Benaadir oo ka kooban 64-ruux. Sida aad la wada socotaan, MG Benaadir waa kii labaad oo loo magacaabo gobolka caasimadda Soomaaliyeed ku taalo. Waxaa ka soo qeybgalay xaflada dhaarinta maamulka cusub shaqsiyo miisaan siyaasadeed iyo mid dhaqaaleba ku leh guud ahaan gobolka Benaadir, gaar ahaana caasimadda Muqdisho, oo ay ka dhex muuqdeen Cabdiqasim Salaad Booy , al-Xaaji Muuse Suudi Yalaxow, Ibrahim Xaabsade, Maxamed Qanyare Afrax, Cismaan Caato, Gen Morgan. Waxaa xusid mudan in goobta lagu dhaariye xubnahaas uu ka maqnaa Gudoomiyaha Baarlamaanka Federaalka, Md. Sharif Xasan, oo u ambabaxay caasimadda dalka Masar ee Qaahira.


Maxaa ku kasabay Qanyare, Yalaxow, Caato, Morgan iyo Cabdiqasim inay is agfadhiistaan? Dhowr sano ka kor ragaan horseedka u ah maamulka cusub waxay ka soo horjeedeen dowladii Carta lagu soo dhisay oo uu Md. Cabdiqasim Salaad Booy madax ka ahaa. Meyde cadaawadii u dhaxeyse C/qasim Salaad Booy iyo hogaamiye-kooxeedyada Muqdisho? Ayadoo maanta xafladaan Xamar ka socoto ayaa wali wax xal ah loo helin dagaalkii qaraaraa ee dhawaan ka socday degmada Boondheere. Md. Cali Mahdi oo Xamar jooga ayaa ka hadlay dagaalkii Boondheere oo ugu baaqay raga dagaalka wada inay joojiyaan dagaalka ay ku laynayaan ummada masaakiinta ah.


Maamulkaan cusub oo maanta la dhaariye muxuu kaga duwanyahay kii uu magacaabay RW Cali Geedi? Miyuu maamulkaan cusub ka awood badnaandoonaa kii hore? Miyuu awoodaa maamulkaan cusub inuu kala dhexgalo maleeshiyada isku dagaalaaya degmada Boondheere?

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It's definately a result of fear of the government which speeded up the process of the establishment of "Benadirland".


They would never have agreed in a millions time but thanks to the government and the hysteria of Caato, Yalaxow and Qanyare they finally agreed on something.


But will it work I wonder? After all it's not a genuine move but a move out of desperation and hysteria.


Caato said that the process should go on so that the people who wish us to stay in anarchy and "gunnimo" savageness may die of stomach pain.


But the real question is why does Caato want to switch the blame to the rest of the Somalis who appealed to the concisousness of the people of Benadir for so long to except the rule of law and to get out of their sevage existent.


Suddenly it's us who are against their development. In facts it's the contarary we wish the people of Benadir a happy and peaceful existence. We knew that if they would once get their act together than the whole of Somalia would eventaully become stable because right now the most unstable and backward region in Somalia in terms of regional administration, peace, law and order is Benadirland.


Please don't waste our time and make the capital a haven for all Somalis and a place of peace, order, transquility and love.


For once stop the barbaric killings, the illegal connections and business trades etc.


We will stand by your side as long as you remove the roadblocks and all other misseries that is going on in the capital. Stop it right now!


However I wonder what this move will bring around as their is already an administration that is in place hopefully it won't come to another fight and standoff like in the days of Aydiid and Ali Mahdi.



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it is really great news! to see Xamar Cadde finally having an administration.


Not will it work but ir will definitely have positive impact on peace and reconcilliation all over Somalia.

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Yoonis, There will be no fight like the one in Aidid and Ali Mahdi's era for a lot of reasons. Many in Muqdisho see the warlords for what they are and have matured, Secondly, what will the fight be based upon? Is the TFG a cause to die for and kill your neighbour? The Jowhar leadership tried to make this government look like one which favours one sub clan in Xamar in the hopes that this sub-clan could come to its rescue and bloody whoever opposes it, but it didn't work as the intended subclan's opinion is fractured and don't see a need for a war on anyone.


Whether the move is out of fear, or recognition that there must be a government, we hope it works for them. That is the bottom line. I see no acceptable reason on the part of the Jowhar group and their supporters to cry foul or meddle in Banadir's business. They are not in the Town, therefore, nothing gives them the right to govern it from afar or dictate its policies. The Jowhar faction has made itself irrelevant to Muqdisho and is not a representative government for all as it stands, consequently, any policies they make which are percieved contradictory to the interest of others will be opposed naturally or easily dimissed. To each his own interests ey noqotey.

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