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General Duke

8th March 2008: Mogadishu new PICS: Who is in control?

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Meeshii taaladii Halyeey Xaawo Taako ka taagnaan jirtay lagu dhajiye this octogenarian stooge's airbrushed cult-like almost caricature? I just can't believe this."


Lol, blasting pics of your self every where is a dictatorial tendency but i also think its a Somali tendency because i know no better democrat in Somalia then Yusuf, its all down hill after him. in But why does the one with the pic look smaller or is the pic that big?

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Who is in Control? Good question really.



How Clan Militia Aligned with Warlord A/Y, Qaybdiid and Dheere Move around town



Also, latest news depicts a different picture of the realities in muqdisho. One news among the many coming from that town isClan Militia Ejected from Bakara Market



The pics above are obviously taken in one block of Muqdisho where the clan militia of the warlords have influence. No surprise there.


And I notice how they want to mimic the last regime's red berets :D:D

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Originally posted by Naxar Nugaaleed:



Meeshii taaladii Halyeey Xaawo Taako ka taagnaan jirtay lagu dhajiye this octogenarian stooge's airbrushed cult-like almost caricature? I just can't believe this."


Lol, blasting pics of your self every where is a dictatorial tendency but i also think its a Somali tendency because i know no better democrat in Somalia then Yusuf, its all down hill after him. in But why does the one with the pic look smaller or is the pic that big?

NN, it's easier to just hit the quote button rather than cut-n-paste a sentence. Makes it clear to which previous poster you're refering to. It's on the top right of any post you want to quote and it looks like this: quotes.gif


Try it sometimes, brother.

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Originally posted by General Duke:


Too bad the secessionist can only watch as the tide turns and Mogadishu is brought under control.


Mogadishu, Baidoa, Bossado = much more than any secesionist day dream..

Duke you're dreaming as always.


1. Its the same seccessionist that is threatening to capture your heartland in Puntland.


2. Your boys are bleeding in Mogadishu, sacrificed for Tigrey's cause and Adeer's impossible little dream.


3. Kismaayo gacan kuma jirto.


PS: Reer adeerkey taluu maanta ubaahanyahay hadaad wax garan.

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Originally posted by General Duke:

I was raised by a single mother, and my first child is a girl, thus I am not talking as a politician but as a Somali man

Your a Qabiilist that is why certain 'women' are more important than other women, this is why your rotten conscience can utter the words 'second term' of carnage and destruction


It was the Islamic courts that restored public order through popular support without foreign mercenaries, it was them that re-vitalized the sea/airports and former government buildings you have done sh1t other then disgrace the Somali name even further with your former warlord partners and plundering wealth from donors that should be allocated to those who need it not Veternarian stooges


He got slapped, bisinka he got slapped by a Xabashi, President Aden Abdulle,Ali Sharmarkee and Siyaad Barre would have rampaged Ethiopia for such disrespect but what can you expect from a stooge?

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For Heaven's sake Dukeeeeey, use photoshop.


Waxaan inkaar wey dhaafte marka aad 2005 pictures inta kusoo post gareyneyso.


2008 aan joognaa, and that baraanbax did not take place in mogadhisu just just 1 day ago, it was 3 yrs yesterday in buddland, markaas aa dhahee, look what he has accomplished.


Did anyone pay attention to the qoraalka below one of the pictures?


He didn't accomplish jack shit, edit the words below the pictures, if you want this type propaganda to resemble closer to the truth.

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Originally posted by Nephthys:

quote:Originally posted by Naxar Nugaaleed:



Meeshii taaladii Halyeey Xaawo Taako ka taagnaan jirtay lagu dhajiye this octogenarian stooge's airbrushed cult-like almost caricature? I just can't believe this."


Lol, blasting pics of your self every where is a dictatorial tendency but i also think its a Somali tendency because i know no better democrat in Somalia then Yusuf, its all down hill after him. in But why does the one with the pic look smaller or is the pic that big?

NN, it's easier to just hit the quote button rather than cut-n-paste a sentence. Makes it clear to which previous poster you're refering to. It's on the top right of any post you want to quote and it looks like this:


Try it sometimes, brother.
is daji walaal, is daji. don't worry about the way i write but for future reference, if i want to quote part of what someone has written, they will have things that look like "" around them.

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The worse part of this is........ i do not find it nearly as impossible that I use to that the useless excuse of !@#$ so called president will be foisted upon us in 2009.


did any of you imagine Bush would be re-elected in 2004..... i didnt think it was possible...... prepare yourselves for a possible nightmare people.

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For Heaven's sake Dukeeeeey, use photoshop.


Waxaan inkaar wey dhaafte marka aad 2005 pictures inta kusoo post gareyneyso.


2008 aan joognaa, and that baraanbax did not take place in mogadhisu just just 1 day ago, it was 3 yrs yesterday in buddland, markaas aa dhahee, look what he has accomplished.


Did anyone pay attention to the qoraalka below one of the pictures?

Lazygirl. Yusuf only arrived in Mogadishu in 2007, thus how can there pictures of his face on Hawo Taako's old statue? :D

Back in 2005 there were no police on streets and no signs of government in Mogadishu.

think with your head dear and not your hormones ;)


Zaylici, dear or dear, the mother who raised me and the mother of my child hail from Hobyo and Ceel Buur and I am a clanist? :D


Deal with politics kid and stop with the assumptions.

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Field demonstration of TFG and the definition of its growing power.


Had U.S supported TFG genuinely, it would have made great strides, but as usual the U.S. goverment is seemingly acting in a way that is quite double standard.


I probably think that the infamous CIA is the de facto representation of the U.S.' foreign policy in Somalia. :D

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Camir, as usual gets to the core issue. Anyhow we need to play our game and let them catch up as they did when they supported the warlords, and wanted to cut deals with the clanish court fanatics.

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haha@Duke :D . It sux when you have to defend yourself about not being clanist, saying things like, “I married Hobyo and have a 1/2 Hobyo child.” Waxaan ka helay how your clanist self is using others that are of the clan you CLEARLY despise to justify your thinly-veiled hate-filled comments as being valid critiques. Toropo furbo aa tahay nooh.. :D .

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