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Somaliland's 2008 Budget Approved

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Hargeysa (QARANNEWS)- Mudanayaasha Golaha Wakiilada Somaliland ayaa cod aqlabiyad ah ku asnixiyay Miisaaniyad sanadeedka 2008 , ka dib markii Mudanayaasha Golaha Wakiiladu ay ka doodeen.


Fadhigan oo uu Gudoominayay Gudoomiyaha Golaha Wakiilada Somaliland Mudane C/raxmaan Cirro , waxa Madasha fadhiyay 57 Mudane , waxa ogolaaday 54 Mudane , Laba Mudane ayaa diiday , cid ka aamustay may jirin , Gudoomiyuhuna muu codayn.


Gudoomiyaha Golaha Wakiilada oo Mudanayaasha la hadlayay ayaa sheegay in Miisaaniyad sanadkeedka 2008 ay sidaasi dhaqan gashay.

Dhinaca kale , Mudanayaasha Golaha Wakiilada ayaa cod aqlabiyad ah sidoo kale ku ansixiyay Wasiirka Horumarinta Reer Miyiga Mudane Maxamed Hagar Dirir iyo Wasiirul dawlaha Waxbarashada oo Madaxweynaha JSL Mudane Daahir Rayaale Kaahin u soo gudbiyay in ay ansixiyaan.




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Maxaa budgetku inta uu le egyahay loo sheegi waayey? interesting to see how big the budget to run SL for a year really is.

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Here it is old boy^^^



Hargeisa(Qarannews)- The honourable members of the Somaliland House of Representatives have voted to approve the 2008 budget put before them by the Somaliland Ministry of Finance.



Sample Image




In today's session chaired by the Speaker of the House, Mudane Abdirahman Mohamed Abdillahi and attended by 57 members of the 82 seat house including the Speaker. 54 members voted to approve the budget whilst 2 members voted against the motion. The Speaker of the House did not cast a vote.


The 2008 Budget approved today by the Somaliland House of Representatives is the largest to date, estimated at 51 million dollars ($51,000,000) an increase of 27% from 2007.


In other business at today's session members of the House of Representatives also voted on two motions concerning the recent appointments of two new ministers, the Minister of Rural Development, Mudane Mohamed Hagar Dirir and the Minister of State for Education, Mudane Mohamed Garad Mohamed.


Both new appointments received approval from the members of the House.


Sample Image


The honourable members of the Somaliland House of Representative have as a result of this today's votes completed the sixth session of the House.


The 2008 budget has been welcomed by the all the government, regional and district workers along with the indepedent agencies and all of Somaliland instiutions of higher learning, who are expected to gain from the budget.




Source Qarannews

Last Updated ( May 29, 2008 at 07:59 PM )



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^^ Good, hope two third of that money to be wisely spent on the infrastructure & more jobs created than to be spent on themselves (the heavy duty boys out there)

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Hargeisa(Qarannews)- The honourable members of the Somaliland House of Representatives have voted to approve the 2008 budget put before them by the Somaliland Ministry of Finance.


In today's session chaired by the Speaker of the House, Mudane Abdirahman Mohamed Abdillahi and attended by 57 members of the 82 seat house including the Speaker. 54 members voted to approve the budget whilst 2 members voted against the motion. The Speaker of the House did not cast a vote.


The 2008 Budget approved today by the Somaliland House of Representatives is the largest to date, estimated at 51 million dollars ($51,000,000) an increase of 27% from 2007.


In other business at today's session members of the House of Representatives also voted on two motions concerning the recent appointments of two new ministers, the Minister of Rural Development, Mudane Mohamed Hagar Dirir and the Minister of State for Education, Mudane Mohamed Garad Mohamed.


Both new appointments received approval from the members of the House.


The honourable members of the Somaliland House of Representative have as a result of this today's votes completed the sixth session of the House.


The 2008 budget has been welcomed by the all the government, regional and district workers along with the indepedent agencies and all of Somaliland instiutions of higher learning, who are expected to gain from the budget.

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Don't know Duke since presidential office expenditures and personal income are not clearly separated by Somalis.


With little transparency and responsible leaders endowed with ethics instead of opportunist politicians, these 50 millions, alongside other proven mechanisms such as end users financing and reliable supplies of generic drugs, could have easily provided both basic education and primary healthcare for the majority (all the more better if some opted for the private sector).


The morale: wether 50 millions, 200 millions (in the case of tiny Djibouti) or even much more, government bureaucracy add little value for all of us, not mentioning TFG who managed to turn overnight the law, order and social services brought by the ICU into the world worst humanitarian crisis witnessing every imaginable atrocity, without even giving a glass of water to a child from the hundred millions of "aid", as judiciously noted by professor Samatar, and to the extent that international agencies are literally begging the warlords not to stop humanitarian aid at their checkpoints after "taxing" it prohibitively!

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Hargeysa, (Harowo) - Madaxweynaha Somaliland Md. Daahir Rayaale Kaahin ayaa maanta soo saaray Digreetada dhaqan galinta Miisaaniyadda 2008-da oo dhawaan Golaha Wakiiladu ansixiyay, isla markaana ay hore u ansixiyeen Golaha Wasiiraddu.


Digreetadda uu Madaxweynuhu ku amray dhaqan galinta miisaaniyadda oo lagu shaaciyay Warsaxafadeed uu soo Saaray Af-hayeenka Madaxtooyaddu ayaa waxa isaga oo faah faahsan uu u dhignaa sidan:


"Madaxweynaha Jamhuuriyada Somaliland Mudane Daahir Rayaale Kaahin , waxa uu soo saaray Digreeto Lagu dhaqan gelinayo Miisaaniyad sanadeedka 2008. Madaxweynuhu markii uu arkay ogolaanshaha Golaha Wasiirada ee Miisaaniyada 2008 , isla markaana uu helay Go’aankii Golaha Wakiilada ee Lambarkiisu ahaa 430 , taasi oo ay ku ansixiyeen Miisaaniyada 2008 ee Xukuumada Dhexe iyo Dekeda Berbera , waxa uu maanta soo saaray Digreeto Lambarkeedu yahay 344 oo lagu dhaqan gelinayo Miisaaniyada Sanadkan 2008 ee Jamhuuriyada Somaliland."


Digreetadda Madaxweynaha Somaliland Maanta soo saaray ee Dhaqan galinta Miisaaniyadda Qaranka ayaa noqonaysa kaalintii ugu danbaysay ee sharciyan miisaaniyadu marto, waxaana laga bilaabo marka uu Madaxweynuhu soo saaro digreetaddan ay miisaaniyaddu noqonaysaa mid dhaqan gasha.


Miisaaniyadda qaranka ee Sanadkan aynu ku jirno ayaa sidii aynu horaba u soo sheegnay ah Miisaaniyadii ugu balaadhnayd ugu badnayd ee Somaliland yeelato intii ay jirtay, waxana dad badani filayaan in ogolaanshaha Baarlamaanka ee Miisaaniyadda iyo dhaqan galinta Madaxweynaha ee dagdega ahii fududayso waxyaabo baddan oo u xanibnaa aduun la’aan, sidoo kale ayay tani sahli karaysa qabsoomidda doorashooyinka oo dakhliga ku baxaya ay dawladdu bixiso 25% inkasta oo ay ka badato sida uu Wasiirka maaliyaddu xusay, guntii iyo gaba gabadii waxa si fudud u dhamaatay Miisaaniyadii qaranka oo sanadihii u danbeeyay muran iyo ragaad badani ku yimiday.

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Comments on the Somaliland Budget 2008


The lower house of parliament approved the Somaliland budget 2008 On 29 May, but many wondered why the lower house of parliament made such a blunder? As they say the devil is in detail.



Before I look at the budget in detail, I must say a word or two about the definition of budget. Budget is a financial plan that articulates the objectives and goals of a government for a certain period of time usually a year; in other words, it is the government’s economic strategy for that period. But there are occasions when planning, instead of helpful, becomes harmful or sinful



Going forward, the picture is rosy. A government which more than half of its budget is devoted to security is a bad image. It is a government, which wants never to turn out to be a working nation.



Obstacles are as many as the challenges, the government failed to address, top of which Is improving the remuneration and social condition of workers, teachers, the backbone of whatever development this society can boast of, are peanuts, while MPs, ministers, Judges and bureaucrats gobble up disproportionate share of public expenditure without attendant results. The alleged 32581 employees is not what the people want or expect.



Sad to witness that 51.13 % was allocated security and Judiciary, 20.55 % Administration & Political fund, 12.58 social services and thirdly, 10.76% Economy and productivity and finally, development & projects which is far behind was allocated 4.98%



The recruitment of more than six thousand new employees has further complicated the already deprived services, what I want to shed the light is: while many of the Government Employees come to office at the end of every month only to collect the meager salary. It is worthless to increase the number but it can be much better to reduce the existing number, increase pay and divert part of this massive fund into development.



Education and health amounted to about 7% of the budget which is less than 4,000,000 dollar or 1.16 per individual.



Interestingly enough, Gurmadka Ciidanka has more budget than the entire Ministry of Health and Labor coupled with the Ministry of Agriculture.



Now, the 2008 budget that the cabinet have approved early May, which further, the parliament has endorsed unanimously on 29 May, amounted to 50,000,000 million dollar, about 26 % more than last year (2007) but who benefited from it. Overall, Almost all ministries and Government agencies have benefited from the estimated revenue increase except few places like, residence of president, vice president, higher Education



The military has received the uppermost increase 41.8 %, seconded by Police about 33.13 %, followed by the ministry of presidency, which received 30.39%.



Ministry of presidency was allocated to 3,050,706 dollar ironically, it is more than 14 combined ministries including: Justice, planning, commerce, water and minerals, Animal husbandry, post & telecommunication, religion, Tourism, Parliamentary Coordination, Family affairs, youth & Sport, Aviation & Air transport, Agriculture and Attorney General.



The finance minister, in his budget speech; did not make regret that many Somali Landers cannot access healthcare services; he did not raise red flag on the mismanagement of public funds. He did not mention how the continuing increases in oil prices, rising inflation, an expected drop in food production (because of low rainfall). As well as the skyrocketing rice prices will or will not, affect the budget.



Following, the election of the parliament there was a bitter relation between them and the cabinet but somehow the Government maneuvered to start a new chapter, and of course, since then a lot have changed, thanks to the softy speaking, career diplomat, shrewd finance minister who eventually made the economic committee of parliament more approachable. He used various techniques chief among them was delaying budget unnecessarily; tribal card and party line was also crucial.



But it is not a pointless, to remind the MPs the their term is nearing and soon they will face the people’s court. Beware tribal cards will not work; generational change is looming! On the horizon Unpaid retirement is imminent or inevitable It is high time the parliaments to revive the lost opportunity because there is still a window of opportunity.



The competency, maturity, sincerity, patriotism and integrity of the House of Representatives are highly questionable.



Anything I admired? Yes. The continuation of Aburiin project, the reconstruction of Egal airport, the rebuilding of Laasqoray Port and the recruitment of ten short-term consultants for the planning Ministry. These and many others were needed long time earlier than now but as they say: it is never too late!



The eight MDGs adopted by the UN in 2001 as the Marshal plan and prescription for the developing the world, are:



Eradicate extreme poverty and hunger



Achieve universal primary education



Promote gender equality and empower women



Reduce child mortality



Improve maternal health



Combat HIV/Aids, Malaria, and other diseases



Ensure environmental sustainability



Develop a global partnership for development



They were universally embraced as the framework for measuring development progress. Yes Africa is missing out on what is commonly viewed as the road to better world in 21st century but is it in the dictionary of our elected Government Branches? I left the answer to the readers.



All is not lost, yes we can achieve but, If only our leaders maintain the focus the focus on the road a head, never tiring, losing steam and concentration. What Somaliland needs is leaders whose prosperity and capacity, as well as willpower, are indivertible, uncompromising and unrelenting.



Yassin Abdillahi Ahmed

Hargeisa, Somaliland

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Clearly, if the Health and Agriculture sectors are almost entirely ignored while politicians and their clients get even more, this proves beyond doubt that this "democracy", instead of the promised Shariah, is mainly run for the benefit of a few apparatchiks to desperately try to attract Western "aid".


Just recently, a relative was briefing me on how alongside the record child and maternal mortality rates, the huge increase of private cars traffic led to skyrocketing accidents, exacerbated by the lack of basic planning (as if anyone could build anywhere, especially for those well-connected).


Struggling on his own and with "Somaliland" not considered as an humanitarian emergency, the Hargeysa Hospital regularly witness shortages of the basics (even elementary surgical kits are not regularly supplied unlike Moagadishu hospitals, let alone affordable generic drugs).


Yet, patients and emergencies continue to be evacuated there from all regions, especially the high density agricultural zone around Gabiley with its concentration of trade and passengers traffic, all the way to Wajaale frontier (with neither ambulance nor Intensive Care services, there is little to do anyway).


In such a dire situation, the most basic hygiene & nutrition propaganda, coupled with low-cost sanitation and clean water schemes, could have lead to dramatic improvements, just like in other similar parts of the globe where they brought a revolution extending to all the other sectors (Economy, Education through improved attendance rates etc)...

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The budget has gone up from approx $49m. Increase of $2m or so. No big deal.


One hopes mechanisms will start being put in place to monitor its expenditure. Fat chance I say.

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