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Armchair Politician

Using American Conservative's own Lingo against them

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While coming from fundamentally different cultures and religions and histories, American Conservatives largely have the same goals as so called "non-Moderate" Muslims. Those being to preserve the traditional beliefs and practices of their religion and society in the face of rapid social change.


American Conservatives have developed, over the course of a hundred years or so, a long list of terminology designed to make it very difficult to attack them on any point, and their survival and even dominance in America, a place where they are often called the "American Taliban", is a testament to the power of words.


When speaking to a western audience:

References to Sharia should be referred to as "Family Values".

Isa should be quoted extensively, but always use his Christian name (Jesus). Anything from Isa will trump any argument with a Christian conservative.

In fact, always use terms westerners would be familiar with. Jesus, God, John the Baptist, etc. Most of the time they don't even know that most of the people mentioned in the Koran are in the Bible, but under different names. A lot of them don't even know that Islam and Christianity are quite similar in many ways.

Always refer to yourself as a Conservative, not even religious Conservative just Conservative. If in politics call yourself the Conservative Party. The justification for attacking Islam is that it is "Radical". Conservative is the exact opposite of Radical. For extra points, you can even bandy about terms like "Tory".


For instance: "We, the Conservative Party, decry this attempt by radical liberals to undermine our traditional family values"


An American Conservative will react like so: "We didn't mean to undermine your family values! I'm sorry!"


However if we translate to pre-use of lingo:

"We, the Islamic Scholars, decry this attempt by America to undermine holy Sharia law"


An American Conservative will react by saying how awful it is that these radical Islamists are standing in the way of progress.

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