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PM Geedi, Mogadishu Courts are not terrorists.....

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Ra'iisal wasaare Geeddi oo Markii ugu horeysay si cad shaaca uga qaaday in uusan taageersaneyn Isbaheysiga Ladagaalanka Argagixisada. (Wareysi Reuters)


Nairobi (AOL 19, Maarso 06) Ra'iisal wasaaraha xukuumadda Soomaaliya Cali Maxamed Geedi ayaa rajo ka muujiyay kalfadhiga Baaralmaalka uga socda magaalada Baydhaba, wuxuuna sheegay inay taasi caddeyn u tahay dhamaanshaha khilaafkii u dhaxeeyay dowladda Federaalka Soomaaliya.

“Aad ayaan ugu rajo fiican uga qabnaa in natiijooyin guul leh ka soo bixi doonaan kulanka Baarlamaanka†ayuu yiri Ra'iisal wasaaraha oo sheegay in la soo dhammeeyay is faham la'aantii iyo khilaafaadkii siyaasadeed ee ku dhex jiray Golayaasha dowladda Federaalka.


Prof. Cali Maxamed Geedi ayaa sheegay in joogitaanka Baarlamaanka ee magaalada Baydhaba ay xoojisay nabadii halkaas ka jirtay, isla markaana ay dhiirigelin u noqotay dib u heshiisiinta beelaha degaanka ee iska horjeeday iyo isku socodka dadka.


“Waa astaan nabadeed in la arko dadka Soomaaliyeed oo isaga gooshaya Baydhaba, Muqidsho iyo Gobollada kale†ayuu yiri Ra'iisal wasaare Geedi oo caddeeyay in xildhibaannada Baarlamaanka ay iminka dib u heshiiyeen ayna dhiseen dhibaat ola'aan 14 guddi, xukuumadiisuna ay degdeg u soo gudbin doonto baahiyaha kharasheed ee degdegta loogu baahan yahay sida dhinacyada Dhaqaalaha iyo amniga.


“Marna kama joogsanayo waxaanan diyaar u ahayn inaan nafteyda u huro dadkeyga iyo dalkeyga dartood†ayuu yiri Ra'iisal wasaare Geedi oo 54 jir ah, isla markaana aabe u ah afar caruur muddo laba jeer ahna isku day oo lala beegsaday kaga badbaaday magaalada Muqdisho.


“Qorshaheena ayay ka mid tahay inaan caasimadda marka hore diyaarino inta aanan halkaasi guurin†ayuu yiri Md. Geedi oo aan wax xilli ah u qaban arrintaasi, wuxuuse sheegay inaysan xukuumadiisu taageereynin Isbaheysi siyaasadeedka cusub ee muranka ka taagan yahay oo ay dhiseen hogaamiyeyaasha Muqdisho kuwooda ugu waaweyn, wuxuuna Geedi sheegay in 10-ka Milyan ee Soomaalida ah ay diidan yihiin argagixisenimada.


Ra'iisal wasaare xukuumadda Federaalka Soomaaliya Cali Maxamed Geedi ayaa ka hadlay aragtida uu ka qabo maxkamadaha islaamiga Muqdisho iyo Isbaheysiga argagixiso la dirirka ee Muqdisho ay ka dhiseen hoggaamiye kooxeedyo wasiiro ah iyo ganacsato.


“Maxkamadaha islaamiga loolama jeedo argagixiso†ayuu yiri Ra'iisal wasaare Geedi oo sii raaciyay: “Waxaan dareensanahay in argagixiso ajnabi ah ay ku dhumaaleysaneyso Soomaaliya, laakiin fursaddu hadda waa dhammaatay, dhaqanka Soomaalida ayaanba ogolaaneynin oo aqoon wax la yiraahdo argagixisoâ€.


Ra'iisal wasaare oo hore u sheegay inay jiri karaan kooxo argagixiso ah oo Soomaaliya joogta ayaa wareysigan uu wakaalada wararka Reuters siiyay ku sheegay inaysan suuragal ahayn marka dhaqanka Soomaalida la eego inay argagixiso sii joogto Soomaaliya.


Isha + Reuters + Allbanadir

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For once I have to agree with some politician's coments.There is no question that the courts are not as they put it "terrorists", because they have been the ones that have been holding the whole city of Moqdisho together of where millions of people reside . While the warlords have been terrorizing the city, the courts have managed to build and run Islamic sharica based schools(Moqdisho is ranked #1 when it comes to Quran memorization) , health clinics, other educational facilities. The Islamic courts have limited the crime and inIslamic activities such as watching porn movies in cinemas and so on.If you ask the residents of Moqdisho of what they think of the courts, they will tell you that the courts are their only source of hope that they have been relying them on since the civil have started, hence when warlords and courts scuffled earlier, the most of the ordinary people backed up the courts and called for jihad against the evil doers (warlords), The only people who think the courts are terrorists are the warlords and other criminals sent by the American/jewish intelligence to watch the courts closely, because they don't want any kind of Islamic based system any where in world.



Thanks for the thread Duke.

Assalamu Calaykum.

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Red Sea Caasse,


"Moqdisho is ranked #1 when it comes to Quran memorization"


What purpose has memorising the Quran served in creating peace?


Memorization, is not the key to the Quran, its UNDERSTANDING its teachings and absolute "devine" literature.

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Who cares world's perception about the somali islamic courts! we know their good records, restoring peace areas operated by them. So the truth is, that somali people know that the islamic courts are not "the terrorists". The real terrorsits in Somalia are people like Bashiir Raage, Yalaxoow, Qanyare, Maxamed Dheere, Caato (mastermind behind the scene). Aweys? Good question!




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