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Britain withholds aid as Ethiopia hides famine victims

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Is this a victory, but soon you will hear that Britain will change its mind and continue funding the regime!



October 18, 2008, The Times: Britain is to withhold future aid commitments to Ethiopia over concerns that its Government is obstructing efforts to help millions at risk of famine in the drought-stricken Somali region in the east of the country.


Douglas Alexander, the Minister for International Development, flew to Ethiopia on Thursday with a proposal committing millions in funds to the vast African nation over several years.


After visiting the Somali region and hearing the testimony of aid organisations as well as evidence of attempts by the authorities to hide the scale of the crisis, Mr Alexander told the Ethiopian Prime Minister, Meles Zenawi, that he had reconsidered. “In light of our continued concerns, I said I was now not prepared to make a multi-annual commitment,” Mr Alexander said.



Britain is to withhold £130 million Pound a year, read more

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I just don't believe this shytt anymore ,,, i remember when the US said they suspended that freaking aid and later said they will give the ethiopian government billions so that they will improve the human rights ,,,,,,,

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Alas!they developed conscious,after how many years?..I hope it does continue to grow this "continued concern", nevertheless its time to increase the awareness,though a channel that now days control the thinking of the people in the west,its Media!.

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