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Mogadishu tonight : Heavy mortars keep the city awake..

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four days of needless and senseless fighting continues with mortars reported in the early evening. They are fighting on top of the poor who will be held responsable for this outrage?????


Madaafiic aad u culculus oo caawa si naxariis daro ah u socda

Somaliweyn - Muqdisho -Somalia -10/05/06


Dhawaqa Daryaanka madaafiicda loo yaqaano hobiyaha ayaa waxaa uu hareeyay guud ahaan magaalada Muqdisho, kaas oo ay is weydaarsanayaan dhinacyada isku haya deegaanka sii Siiye.


Dagaalkan ayaa caawa ka xog badan kii saakay, waxa uuna ku soo beegmayaa xili ay socdaan waan waan, waxaana aan si rasmi ah loo xaqiijin karin halka caawa ay kala joogaan, sababo la xiriiro wararka laga helayo goobaha dagaalada oo aad u yar,


hadaba dadka ku nool Muqdisho oo u badan dad aad u dan yar ayaa waxa uu dagaalkani ku yahay culeys, waxaana sii badanaya dhimashada iyo gumaadka lagu hayo shacabka.

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You are the bearer of bad tidings aren't you sxb? There is plenty of positive news around Muqdisho and indeed in the whole country. Why don't you for once post something on that rather then this shock-and-awe titled posts' of yours.


I am not being harsh on you and neither am I accusing you of hating the people of Muqdisho or other ludicris suggestions, but post something positive about Muqdisho for once. Infact I dare you to. icon_razz.gif

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Originally posted by HornAfrique:

You are the bearer of bad tidings aren't you sxb? There is plenty of positive news around Muqdisho and indeed in the whole country. Why don't you for once post something on that rather then this shock-and-awe titled posts' of yours.


I am not being harsh on you and neither am I accusing you of hating the people of Muqdisho or other ludicris suggestions, but post something positive about Muqdisho for once. Infact I dare you to.

Well hornafrique, I honestly ask you you what is the positive things about mogadishu? A city without a proper governance a city in ruin? We have probably heard this before, But its the only city in the world ruled by chaos, That tells you a lot if you think about it..

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Horn, every news agency and website is posting this renewd clashes. So it is the main priority and we must not ignore the fact that thousands are fleeing , i repeat our poor people are agin fleeing to no where , hundreds mostly innocents are injured and many dead. These young boys killing each other is a shame, these homes and districts being destroyed is a tragedy. Today it is the fifth consecutive day of clashes in an area not bigger than a football field. I am motivated only to highlight what is important and the struggle of the people of Mogadishu is.

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Wararkii ugu danbeeyay ee dagaalada maalinta Shanaad galay Muqdisho



Shariif Maxamed (Email:



Dadkii ugu badnaa oo Muqdisho ka qaxay, Isbitaalladda oo dhaawac la buux dhaafay iyo dadaalkii nabadda oo horumar gaari waayay


War degdeg ah:


Wararkii ugu danbeeyay ee naga soo gaara goobta dagaalka ayaa sheegaya in ciidamada Midowga Maxkamadaha ay xoogaa horumar ka gaareen dagaalka, kadib markii dagaal culus Duhurtii maanta ka dhacay degaanada dhabarka dambe ee Lafweyn iyo suuqa Arjantiin.


Weriye ka tirsan Goobjoog oo ku sugan degaankaasi ayaa soo xaqiijiyay in ciidamada Maxkamaddaha ay qabsadeen dhabarka danbe ee Hotelka Lafweyn ilaa Suuqii Arjantiin oo weli dagaalku kasoconayo.


Dagaalkii duhurnimadii Maanta ayaa ahaa kii ugu qaraaraa ee labada dhinac dhex mara 5-tii maalmood ee dagaalku socday, iyadoo ay labada dhinac ku soo biireen gurmadyo u yimid, si ay dagaalka ugala qeyb galaan.


Dagaalkii xalay ayaan soo kordhin wax aan ahayn qasaare shacab lagu laayay, halka dagaalkii qaraaraa ee maanta ka sokow qasaaraha uu geystay haddana aanu isbedel weyn soo kordhin.


Wixii soo kordha kala soco Goobjoog, Insha allaah



Warbixintii dagaalka ee xalay & Saaka


Dagaalka Degaanka SIISII ee degmooyinka Yaaqshiid iyo Kaaraan ku dhex maraya labada dhinac ee kala taabcsan Isbaheysiga Argagixiso ladirirka iyo Midowga Maxkamadaha ayaa maanta galay maalintii Shanaad iyadoo xalay uu dhacay dagaalkii ugu qaraaraa ee caasimadda ay ka kulanto oo habeen dhaca.



Xalay 8:00 fiidnimo ayay dagaal culus labada dhinac dhex maray, wuxuuna dagaalkaasi socday ilaa Waaberigii, wuxuuna dagaalka habeenkii socda dadka Muqdisho ku noqday arrin lala yaabo taasoo aan hore loo arki jirin, waxaana caadiyan dhici jirtay in marka Gabalku dhaco rasaastu iskeed u joogsato.


Madaafiic aan xad lahayn ayaa xalay ku dhacay degaano badan oo ka tirsan Yaaqshiid, Kaaraan iyo Heliwaa, waxaana isla xalay qax degdeg ah bilaabay dadka shacabka ah, siiba kuwii markii hore is adkeynayay oo diidanaa inay qaxaan, waxaana Xalay ilaa maanta socday qax aad u fara badan oo lagu cidleeyay degaanada dagaalka iyo inta ku xeeran, dadkii ugu tirada badnaa ayaa ka qaxay goobaha dagaalada oo qaarkood afka saaray Gobollada Sh/Dhexe iyo Sh/hoose.


Qasaare aan hore loo arag ayay dadka u geysteen Madaafiicda waxaana dadka xalay ku dhintay dagaaladii la isku miray lagu sheegay inay gaarayaan 19 ruux, dhaawaacuna tiro la’aan marayo, Saaka mar kale ayay dagaaladu dib uga bilowdeen Degaanka SIISII, waxaana si goosgoos ah u socday dagaalada.


Dadaalkii laga waday si dagaalka loo joojiyo ayaa u muuqda inaysan guuleysan, inkastoo Midowga Maxkamadaha ay dhinacooda xabbad joojin ku dhawaaqeen, inkastoo ay socdaan dadaallada nabadeed waxaa hadda xaalada sii cakiray dagaalada ka sii daraya mar waliba.


Dadka ugu badan ee dagaalada ku waxyeeloobay ayaa ah Shacabka masaakiinta ah oo u qeybsamay dhimasho, dhaawac, iyo Barakac, iyagoo aan heysan wax hanti ah oo markii horeba ku noolaa nolol Sabool ah.


Isbitaaladda Muqdisho ayay buux dhaafiyeen dad dhaawac ah, waxaana saarmay culeyskii ugu weynaa ee ay muddooyinkan dambe arkaan, wasiir ku xigeenka caafimaadka Cusmaan Dufle ayaa maanta baaq ka soo arrintan, isagoo ugu baaqay dhaqaatiirta inay u gurmadaan labada Isbitaal ee culeyska saaran yahay oo kala ah: MADIINa & KEYSANEY oo si mutadawacnimo ah ugula qeyb galaan wax u qabashada dadka dhaawaca ah ee sida xad dhaafka ah loo geysnayo labadaas Isbitaal.


Dad ka badan 110 ayaa lagu qiyaasayaa inay ku dhinteen dagaalada Muqdisho iyadoo in ka badan 250 kale dhaawac yihiin, welina dagaalku waa socdaa...

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With choas comes oppurtunity. It is time we stand up and take on the so called Somali leadership. Any Somali that harbors any notion of Qabiil loyalty should see the sad events of Xamar as proof of these men pursiut of their own interests. They don't care about your Qabiil or country. Lets put the interest of our nation before of that Qabiil n Self.


It is sad to see that masses in rest of Somalia and abroad not voicing and demonstrating their disgust at this murder mayhem. Lets stop being indifferent to our people's plight and lets hold these people accountable for all their crimes.

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^^^ What can he do, but to continue his work. Its not just the President, the whole Somali people are just watching this massacre from a distance, because without the state power all one can do is just make commnets and writte articles..


Jaylani, this is the reason I advocate strongly for te TFG so in the future this type of incident does not happen. 14 years ago Aydeed fought Ali Mahdi, the infamous 4 months war for Mgadishu. We dd not get a national government and today we are all replaying that terrible period...

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Lol@what can he do...


How about releasing a simple statement?



We all know he wants the world to see how destructive these people in Mogadishu are. He’s probably smiling as usual. This is the very man who asked for more arms instead of creating strategy for healthy and open dialog as soon as he was appointed.

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^^^ Again you bring nothing to the tabe. Your bias has consumed even your reasoning. What can he do? He has made his position clear and made statements regarding this issue. His goevernment have released countless statements regarding this issue. If he gets involved in any way, it might make the situation even worse.


As for the guns, the government needs to equip its troops and even gain international support. You know that and I know that...

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Blah blah're not the only one close to Somali affairs.


Like I ask you before. Can a leopard change its spots?

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^^^It seems you are running out of ideas with which to try and attack. Thisthread is with regards to the news coming out of Mogadishu, why not share your views with us on this topic. What do you think of it all? Or are you here just to try shadow box with me.. :D

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Originally posted by HornAfrique:

You are the bearer of bad tidings aren't you sxb? There is plenty of positive news around Muqdisho and indeed in the whole country. Why don't you for once post something on that rather then this shock-and-awe titled posts' of yours.


I am not being harsh on you and neither am I accusing you of hating the people of Muqdisho or other ludicris suggestions, but post something positive about Muqdisho for once. Infact I dare you to.

i Agree with you sxb,, i think the guy is Sick wuu ku raaxeesana Dhibaatada mugdigsho ka Socota

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Farxan, another new name. Welcome to the politics section. As for the topic, should we ignore it. The worst battles in 12 years. Six days of stright fighting, Is it not news worthy?


If you care about the suffering of the people, those daying, those fleeing then take action against those raining mortars on their streets. I have documented and criticised the main players. Musa Sudi, Qaynyare, Bashir Raage, Inda Cade, Xasan Dahri, Sharif Ahmed. It is they and those who support them that should be brought down.


But alas the Somali cowardice, you are quick to blame clans, Ethiopia or compare warlords, but will never face the truth. Who is killing the people of Mohadishu and what will you do?

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